<div dir="ltr">Dear Sir, <br> Actually i'm trying these days the nagios and it's
doing just fine for me but i'm facing a problem regarding to using check
radius . as i don't know where i can pass the macros variable like
hostname ,username and this type of stuff . I have configured my cfg
file with check command check_radius!'my radius
server'!'username'!password adn iam getting Auth failed error at nagios .
When running the command itself from the command line i got auth ok by
passing the parameters explicitly it works for me and gives auth ok . So
I need your help of how can i pass this parameters to the check command
to make this works, <br>
<br>Thanks in advance <br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Mostafa Altantawy <br>Network Security Engineer <br>Vodafone Egypt<br>