Hello,<br><br>can someone help me?<br><br>Im using nagious plugins for cacti to monitor vmware esxi (VPS server) <br><br>the
issue is that when I try to get net info(vm_net) for Virtuam Machine
located on this VPS host server, I get only (net_receive=0.00KB;;
net_send=0.00KB;;) - the command is example "perl
/var/www/cacti/scripts/<a href="http://check_esx3.pl/" target="_blank">check_esx3.pl</a> -H "VPS host IP" -N "VIrtual Machine Name" -u User -p password -l NET"<br>
<br>but as I guess(after investigated) this issue happens when there is
network trafic(for Virtual Machine) in bits(small/less traffic) and if
there is the traffice in KB,MB so then there is no any issue(the script
is worknig fine and gives me a result example "net_receive=122.12KB;;
<br>that is why I would like if it is possible to change/replace the
default measure for networ activity from uom="kB"(kbyte) with uom="kb"
or uom="b", is it possible?<br><br>Ive tried to change this value in ..../Nagios/Plugin.pm and ...../Nagios/Plugin/<div id=":zi" class="ii gt">Performance.pm files but without any success..<br>
<br>pleaes let me know if it is possible somehow to set default traffic
measure in bits and not bytes... otherwise I do not get any network
info when there is activity in bits(low network activity) and not in
bytes/kB/MB (hight network activity)<br>
<br>thank you in advance.. </div>