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<pre wrap="">Hello list,
(This message was originally posted to nagiosplug-help, but I did not
receive any replies ...)
We're currently experiencing some problems with our Cisco Content switch
that is causing numerous service checks relying on check_http to fail,
with '(Return code of 141 is out of bounds)'. Running the check by hand:
/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_http -H SITE.colorado.edu -p 443 -w 10
-s 20 -t 30 -u "<i class="moz-txt-slash"><span class="moz-txt-tag">/</span>URL<span
class="moz-txt-tag">/</span></i>" -s "<title>title</title>" -S; echo $?
CRITICAL - Cannot make SSL connection
So, the plugin is correctly stating that it had trouble initiating an
SSL connection, but the return code is out of bounds. After looking
through both sslutils.c and check_http.c I've somewhat zeroed in on the
problem. The function call:
np_net_ssl_init_with_hostname(sd, (use_sni ? host_name : NULL));
Correctly returns an error code of 2 back to check_http on about line
810, however the return code of this function call never seems to be
checked. The plugin finally bombs out at line 879 when it tries to send
the constructed buffer using my_send(). This is when the return code of
141 is generated.
I reproduced this condition using the latest nagios-plugins available,
Any help is appreciated!
Eric Schoeller
University of Colorado, Boulder
Information Technology Services</pre>