[Nagiosplug-help] Problem with NRPE_NT

Michael Wirtgen lists at miwi-dv.com
Tue Dec 30 15:47:01 CET 2003


there are still some issues with the SSL code, please try upgrading to 
0.7c and let me know if the problem still occurs....


patrick lecuyer wrote:

>We recently updated our NRPE_NT version to 0.7bSSLUPD and we've been
>experiencing several troubles...  One has been present since before the
>update: Once in a while (like once in a few days) I receive a "Could Not
>Complete SSL Handshake" message.  This message both apear in the Nagios
>logs and on the client win2000 server Event Log...  I did some tests and
>ssl_error returns a value of 5, SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL...  We tried updating
>the OpenSSl version on the server too (which was way outdated) and it
>didn't seem to help...  Has anyone experienced this problem before and has
>any clue as to what I could do to fix it?  For now, we have to manually
>restart the NRPE_NT services on the client machines each time it
>Also, since we've updated, we get the following error message in the Event
>Logs of the Win2000 clients:  Error: Exception in handle_connection:
>Everytime this message appear in the event log, I have a Received 0 byte
>from client entry in the nagios log and the service fails...  Has anyone
>has any idea what might be happening?  Are those two problems related?
>- Patrick Lecuyer
>patrick.lecuyer at hec.ca
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