[Nagiosplug-help] Nsclient Perfmon Physcial Disk failed

ESantelices at ibill.com ESantelices at ibill.com
Thu Feb 27 19:38:07 CET 2003

I am using Nagios 1.0 with NSCLient 1.0.71, all the built-in checks work
just fine.  I'm trying to get some Perfmon info on PhysicalDisk and I get a
value of 0.00, I have loaded Perfmon and watched the object and it rarely
sits at 0.00.

Here is the syntax I am using.  ./check_nt -H 10.xxx.xxx.xxx -p 1248 -v
COUNTER -l "\\PhysicalDisk(_Total)\\% Disk Time","Disk Time: %.2f" -w 80 -c

I verified that I was able to do perfmon check buy trying the 3 samples in
the NSClient docs.  Can anyone see what I may be doing wrong or offer some

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