[Nagiosplug-help] (no subject)

Valerio.FABRIZIO at sungard.com Valerio.FABRIZIO at sungard.com
Fri Feb 12 08:41:48 CET 2010

I have a nagios monitoring on about 1700 services and 75 servers. I'm
tuning the timeouts in order to eliminate "service check timed out"
messages, but meanwhile I keep getting "CHECK_NRPE: Received 0 bytes
from daemon. Check the remote server logs for error messages" messages.
This is not due to real problems on client's side, because the messages
appear randomly, and the checks hit by this message usually work fine.
Could anybody out there help me on understanding what should I
check/modify in my configuration? 
I'm using Nagios 3.2.0, and monitoring Solaris and Linux servers, but
the messages appear in the 90% of the cases on Solaris machines.

Thank you for your help! 

Valerio Fabrizio * Technical Specialist * SunGard * Global Trading *
GLESIA Srl - via Degli Amedei, 15 20123 Milano, Italy


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