[OT] How to unsubsribe (was: Help with nagios plugins in suse linux)

Holger Weiß holger at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Fri Nov 8 11:03:04 CET 2013

* Eric Plougastel <Eric-Plougastel at sab2i.com> [2013-11-08 08:09]:
> STOP SPAM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You received the email(s) you're responding to because you subscribed to
the Nagios Plugins "help" mailing list.  They are not spam.  If you'd
like to unsubscribe from this list, you can do so here:


If you have trouble with unsubscribing, or if you have any other
questions, please contact:

	help-owner at nagios-plugins.org

Either way, please *don't* post any responses to this email to the list.

Thanks, Holger

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