From tiago.smendes at Wed May 22 16:01:09 2024 From: tiago.smendes at (Tiago S. Mendes) Date: Wed, 22 May 2024 14:01:09 +0000 Subject: Help regarding LDAPs Message-ID: <> Hello, Been using your amazing software to monitor services, and it has been working wonderfully. But we had to activate the LDAP signing and the check_ldap stopped working. I've been searching on the subject and found we need to use LDAP with starttls or ssl, unfortunately I'm having trouble configuring it. I've generated a csr on the linux, signed it on my CA on windows, and moved it to /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/ and /etc/ssl/certs/ and run update-ca-certificates. But I'm still getting errors (this is a lab environment): [A computer screen with white text Description automatically generated] My active directory is on windows and I'm using the monitoring-plugin on ubuntu. I've also tried a lot of other options, but can't make it work. Regards, Tiago Mendes. Esta mensagem ? destinada exclusivamente aos seus destinat?rios originais e pode conter informa??o reservada, confidencial ou protegida nos termos da lei vigente. Esta mensagem n?o pode ser copiada e o seu conte?do n?o pode ser partilhado fora do ?mbito a que diz respeito. Se recebeu esta mensagem por engano por favor informe o remetente e apague-a. No caso de recolha de dados pessoais, estes ser?o tratados conforme legisla??o em vigor e poder?o ser transmitidos a terceiros de acordo com o servi?o requerido. O nosso Sistema de Seguran?a da Informa??o n?o pode assegurar que a integridade desta mensagem foi mantida, nem que a comunica??o est? livre de v?rus ou de interfer?ncias. This message is confidential and intended only to the original recipients and may contain privileged information protected by applicable legal rules. You can not copy this message or disclose its contents outside the intended scope. If you Have received it by mistake, please notify the sender and delete it. In the case of collection of personal data, these will be treated according to the legislation in force and may be transmitted to third parties according to the required service. Our Information Security System can not ensure that the integrity of this message has been maintained, neither that this communication is virus or interference free. Este mensaje est? destinado exclusivamente a sus destinatarios originales y puede contener informaci?n reservada, confidencial o protegida seg?n la legislaci?n vigente. Este mensaje no puede ser copiado y su contenido no puede ser compartido fuera del ?mbito al que se refiere. Si ha recibido este mensaje por error, por favor informe al remitente y b?rrelo. En el caso de obtenci?n de datos personales, ?stos ser?n tratados conforme a la legislaci?n vigente y podr?n ser transmitidos a terceros de acuerdo al servicio requerido. Nuestro Sistema de Seguridad de la Informaci?n no puede asegurar que la integridad de este mensaje se haya mantenido, ni que la comunicaci?n est? libre de virus o de interferencias. [img-exp] -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: image001.png Type: image/png Size: 170256 bytes Desc: image001.png URL: