Howdy,<br><br>I've poked, prodded, changed, googled, tweaked, and looked pretty much everywhere to find a solution to my problem .. and have only become more confused. With luck, the below will make some sense.<br><br>Downloaded, compiled, and have Nagios running. Also setup NRPE and have a number of remote checks returning. Looks great. So, at the request of management, I've gone on to install nagiosgraph .. and no matter how I try, I can't make the icon display to show nagiosgraph.
<br><br>Now, I've checked that the graphs are working, and if I put in the URL myself, I can see the graphs ... so I know it's working, which is a big step forward ... but cannot for the life of me figure out why the icon (or indeed the HTML for it) isn't being shown.
<br><br>Some entries from my configs ..<br><br>cgi.conf<br> xedtemplate_config_file=/apps/nagios/etc/serviceextinfo.cfg<br><br>serviceextinfo.cfg<br> define serviceextinfo{<br> service_description System Load<br>
host_name ADL0805,ADL0806,ADL0807,ADL0808,ADL0809,<br> notes_url /nagiosgraph/show.cgi?host=$HOSTNAME$&service=$SERVICEDESC$&geom=800x600<br> icon_image trends.gif<br> icon_image_alt Graph
<br> }<br><br>Anyone got any ideas on what I'm missing here? I'm stumped, and nagiosgraph isn't as well documented as nagios, so I've hit a brick wall there.<br><br>Regards,<br><br>Mark<br>