Greetings,<br><br>I have a SNMP code I'm monitoring -- it's the Dell ArrayManager Battery Check<br>-- and I have the following codes:<br><br>1: ready<br>2: failed<br>6: degraded<br>7: reconditioning<br>
9: high<br>10: low<br>12: charging<br>21: missing<br>36: learning<br><br>1 is, obviously an OK state.<br>2 and 21 and, potentially, 6 are CRITICAL states.<br>Everything else is WARNING, as far as we're concerned. Some
<br>of them may be OK states.<br><br>However, check_snmp doesn't allow for individual values to<br>register as critical or warning or, in fact, OK. -r almost<br>addresses this, but is very Sith-like in its approach (if you're
<br>not with us then you're against us), since it overrides any warning<br>checks and marks any non-matches as critical. Commas have been<br>instantiated as list value separators, so it would break the API<br>to use them. It would be VERY nice to be able to specify multiple
<br>-w or -c parameters and have them apply to the same OID (I'm only<br>requesting one OID at a time, typically).<br><br># "Easy way": Mark all non-OK as CRITICAL, but not what I need:<br> snmp_check -o oid -H host -c 1
<br># Attempt to circumvent ranges, but now marks "learning" (code 36)<br># as CRITICAL (I'm actually unsure of what this will do).<br> snmp_check -o oid -H host -w 36:7 -c 7:20 <br># kind of misses the boat because all non-matches are deemed CRITICAL with
<br># no way to specify warning values (-w gets effectively overridden by the<br># -r value):<br> snmp_check -o oid -H host -r '1|7|9|10|12|36'<br><br>Any suggestions as to how to accomplish this -- or the incorporation of
<br>an improvement -- would be greatly appreciated.<br><br>Currently, I have this check as a dependent service on a previous check --<br>the ArrayManager Global Status (-w 3 -c 1:4), so it never even gets run<br>unless the dependency fails.
<br>-- <br><center>--*greywolf;<br><br>/* relayer @t gmail d0t com */<br>/* ^ spam decoy ^ */