# Monitoring::Plugin::Getopt --extra-opts tests use strict; use File::Spec; use File::Basename; use IO::File; use Test::More qw(no_plan); BEGIN { use_ok('Monitoring::Plugin::Getopt') }; # Needed to get evals to work in testing Monitoring::Plugin::Functions::_use_die(1); my $tdir = 'npg03'; if (! -d $tdir) { my $ttdir = File::Spec->catdir('t', $tdir); die "missing '$tdir' directory\n" unless -d $ttdir; $tdir = $ttdir; } # Load expected files my %EXPECTED = (); for my $efile (glob File::Spec->catfile($tdir, 'expected', '*')) { my $fh = IO::File->new($efile, 'r') or die "Cannot open input file '$efile': $!"; if (my $cmd = $fh->getline()) { # First line only! chomp $cmd; $cmd =~ s/^\s+//; $cmd =~ s/\s+$//; $EXPECTED{ basename($efile) } = $cmd; } } # Override MONITORING_CONFIG_PATH to use our test plugins.ini file $ENV{MONITORING_CONFIG_PATH} = "/random/bogus/path:$tdir"; my %PARAM = ( version => '0.01', blurb => 'This plugin tests various stuff.', usage => "Usage: %s -H <host> -w <warning_threshold> -c <critical threshold>", ); sub ng_setup { my $arg = shift; # Instantiate object my $ng = Monitoring::Plugin::Getopt->new(%PARAM); if (ref $arg eq 'ARRAY' && @$arg) { $ng->arg(%$_) foreach @$arg; } return $ng; } # Setup our Monitoring::Plugin::Getopt object my $ng; my $arg = [ { spec => 'S', help => '-S' }, { spec => 'H=s', help => '-H' }, { spec => 'p=s@', help => '-p' }, { spec => 'path=s@', help => '--path' }, { spec => 'username|u=s', help => '--username' }, { spec => 'password=s', help => '--password' }, { spec => 'critical=s', help => '--critical' }, { spec => 'warning=s', help => '--warning' }, { spec => 'expect=s', help => '--expect' }, { spec => 'units=s', help => '--units' }, ]; #my %SKIP = map { $_ => 1 } qw(05_singlechar1 07_singlechar3); #my %SKIP = map { $_ => 1 } qw(06_singlechar2); my %SKIP = (); # Process all test cases in $tdir/input my $glob = $ARGV[0] || '*'; for my $infile (glob File::Spec->catfile($tdir, 'input', $glob)) { $ng = ng_setup($arg); my $fh = IO::File->new($infile, 'r') or die "Cannot open input file '$infile': $!"; $infile = basename($infile); if (my $cmd = $fh->getline()) { # First line only! $cmd =~ s/^\s+//; my ($plugin, @args) = split /\s+/, $cmd; # Fake out the plugin name $ng->{_attr}->{plugin} = $plugin; # Parse the options SKIP: { skip "Skipping ..." if $SKIP{$infile}; @ARGV = @args; eval { $ng->getopts }; if ($@) { chomp $@; ok($infile =~ m/_(dies?|catch)$/, "$infile ($@)"); my $expect = $EXPECTED{$infile}; # windows expects backslashes fixes rt.cpan #100708 $expect =~ s#/#\\#gmx if $^O =~ m/^MSWin/; is($@, $expect, $infile) if ($infile =~ m/_catch$/); } else { is($plugin . ' ' . $ng->_cmdline, $EXPECTED{$infile}, $infile); } } } }