# tests for toplevel access to Threshold and GetOpts stuff # $Id$ use strict; #use Test::More 'no_plan'; use Test::More tests=>26; use Test::Exception; BEGIN { use_ok('Nagios::Plugin') }; use Nagios::Plugin::Functions; Nagios::Plugin::Functions::_fake_exit(1); lives_ok sub { my $broke = Nagios::Plugin->new(); }, "constructor DOESN'T die without usage"; my $p = Nagios::Plugin->new(); dies_ok sub { $p->add_arg('warning', 'warning') }, "add_arg() dies if you haven't instantiated with usage"; dies_ok sub { $p->getopts }, "getopts() dies if you haven't instantiated with usage"; $p = Nagios::Plugin->new( usage => "dummy usage statement" ); # option accessors work can_ok $p, 'opts'; isa_ok $p->opts, 'Nagios::Plugin::Getopt', "Getopt object is defined"; $p->add_arg('warning|w=s', "warning"); $p->add_arg('critical|c=s', "critical"); @ARGV = qw(-w 5 -c 10); $p->getopts; is $p->opts->warning, "5", "warning opt is accessible"; is $p->opts->critical, "10", "critical opt is accessible"; can_ok $p, 'perfdata'; #isa_ok $p->perfdata, 'Nagios::Plugin::Performance', "perfdata object is defined"; can_ok $p, 'threshold'; #isa_ok $p->threshold, 'Nagios::Plugin::Threshold', "threshold object is defined"; dies_ok sub { $p->check_threshold() }, "check_threshold dies if called with no args"; # thresholds set implicitly is $p->check_threshold(2), OK, "check_threshold OK when called implicitly"; is $p->check_threshold(6), WARNING, "check_threshold WARNING"; is $p->check_threshold(11), CRITICAL, "check_threshold CRITICAL"; is $p->check_threshold(check=>11), CRITICAL, "check_threshold CRITICAL with hash param"; # thresholds set explicitly is $p->check_threshold( check => 2, warning => 50, critical => 100 ), OK, "check_threshold explicit OK"; is $p->check_threshold( check => 66, warning => 50, critical => 100 ), WARNING, "check_threshold explicit WARNING"; is $p->check_threshold( check => -1, warning => 5, critical => '0:5', ), CRITICAL, "check_threshold explicit CRITICAL"; # what happens if you forget to define warning or critical thresholds? $p = undef; $p = Nagios::Plugin->new(); is $p->check_threshold(2), UNKNOWN, "everything is now UNKNOWN"; is $p->check_threshold(-200), UNKNOWN, "everything is now UNKNOWN"; is $p->check_threshold(134098.3124), UNKNOWN, "everything is now UNKNOWN"; is $p->check_threshold("foo bar baz"), UNKNOWN, "everything is now UNKNOWN"; # how about when you define just one? $p->set_thresholds(warning => "10:25"); is $p->check_threshold(2), WARNING, "check_threshold works (WARNING) after explicit set_thresholds"; is $p->check_threshold(-200), WARNING, "and again"; is $p->check_threshold(25.5), WARNING, "and again"; is $p->check_threshold(11), OK, "now OK";