# Nagios::Plugin::Getopt basic tests use strict; use Test::More tests => 76; BEGIN { use_ok('Nagios::Plugin::Getopt') }; my %PARAM = ( version => '0.01', url => 'http://www.openfusion.com.au/labs/nagios/', blurb => 'This plugin tests various stuff.', usage => "Usage: %s -H -w -c ", plugin => 'test_plugin', ); sub setup { # Instantiate object my $ng = Nagios::Plugin::Getopt->new(%PARAM); ok($ng, 'constructor ok'); # Add argument - short form - arg spec, help text, default, required? $ng->arg('warning|w=s' => qq(-w, --warning=INTEGER\n Exit with WARNING status if less than INTEGER foobars are free), 5); # Add argument - named version $ng->arg( spec => 'critical|c=s', help => qq(-c, --critical=INTEGER\n Exit with CRITICAL status if less than INTEGER foobars are free), required => 1, ); return $ng; } my $ng; # Simple usage (short and long args) @ARGV = qw(-w 3 --critical 10 --timeout=12 --verbose); $ng = setup; $ng->getopts; is($ng->warning, 3, 'warning set to 3'); is($ng->critical, 10, 'critical set to 10'); is($ng->timeout, 12, 'timeout set to 12'); # Check multiple verbose flags @ARGV = qw(-w 3 --critical 10 -v -v -v); $ng = setup; $ng->getopts; is ($ng->verbose, 3, "Verbose set to level 3"); @ARGV = qw(-w 3 --critical 10 --verbose --verbose --verbose); $ng = setup; $ng->getopts; is ($ng->verbose, 3, "Verbose set to level 3 (longhand)"); # Missing args @ARGV = qw(); $ng = setup; ok(! defined eval { $ng->getopts }, 'getopts died on missing args'); like($@, qr/Usage:/, 'usage message'); like($@, qr/Missing arg/, 'missing arguments'); is($ng->verbose, 0, 'verbose set to 0'); # Missing critical @ARGV = qw(-w0 -v); $ng = setup; ok(! defined eval { $ng->getopts }, 'getopts died on missing args'); like($@, qr/Usage:/, 'usage message'); like($@, qr/Missing argument: critical/, 'missing argument: critical'); unlike($@, qr/Missing argument: warning/, 'no missing argument: warning'); is($ng->warning, 0, 'warning set to 0'); is($ng->critical, undef, 'critical undef'); is($ng->timeout, 15, 'timeout set to default'); is($ng->verbose, 1, 'verbose set to true'); # Missing warning @ARGV = qw(--critical=27 --timeout 17 --verbose); $ng = setup; $ng->getopts; is($ng->warning, 5, 'warning 5 (default)'); is($ng->critical, 27, 'critical set to 27'); is($ng->timeout, 17, 'timeout set to 17'); is($ng->verbose, 1, 'verbose set to true'); # -? --usage @ARGV = ( '-?' ); $ng = setup; ok(! defined eval { $ng->getopts }, 'getopts died on usage'); like($@, qr/Usage:/, 'usage message'); unlike($@, qr/Missing arg/, 'no missing arguments'); @ARGV = ( '--usage' ); $ng = setup; ok(! defined eval { $ng->getopts }, 'getopts died on usage'); like($@, qr/Usage:/, 'usage message'); unlike($@, qr/Missing arg/, 'no missing arguments'); # -V --version @ARGV = ( '-V' ); $ng = setup; ok(! defined eval { $ng->getopts }, 'getopts died on version'); like($@, qr/^$PARAM{plugin}/, 'version info includes plugin name'); like($@, qr/$PARAM{version}/, 'version info includes version'); like($@, qr/$PARAM{url}/, 'version info includes url'); unlike($@, qr/Usage:/, 'no usage message'); unlike($@, qr/Missing arg/, 'no missing arguments'); @ARGV = ( '--version' ); $ng = setup; ok(! defined eval { $ng->getopts }, 'getopts died on version'); like($@, qr/^$PARAM{plugin}/, 'version info includes plugin name'); like($@, qr/$PARAM{version}/, 'version info includes version'); like($@, qr/$PARAM{url}/, 'version info includes url'); unlike($@, qr/Usage:/, 'no usage message'); unlike($@, qr/Missing arg/, 'no missing arguments'); # -h --help @ARGV = ( '-h' ); $ng = setup; ok(! defined eval { $ng->getopts }, 'getopts died on help'); like($@, qr/^$PARAM{plugin}/, 'help includes plugin name'); like($@, qr/$PARAM{version}/, 'help includes version'); like($@, qr/$PARAM{url}/, 'help includes url'); like($@, qr/General Public Licence/, 'help includes licence'); like($@, qr/$PARAM{blurb}/, 'help includes blurb'); like($@, qr/Usage:/, 'help includes usage message'); like($@, qr/--version/, 'help includes default options 1'); like($@, qr/--verbose/, 'help includes default options 2'); like($@, qr/--warning/, 'help includes custom option 1'); like($@, qr/--critical/, 'help includes custom option 2'); unlike($@, qr/Missing arg/, 'no missing arguments'); @ARGV = ( '--help' ); $ng = setup; ok(! defined eval { $ng->getopts }, 'getopts died on help'); like($@, qr/^$PARAM{plugin}/, 'help includes plugin name'); like($@, qr/$PARAM{version}/, 'help includes version'); like($@, qr/$PARAM{url}/, 'help includes url'); like($@, qr/General Public Licence/, 'help includes licence'); like($@, qr/$PARAM{blurb}/, 'help includes blurb'); like($@, qr/Usage:/, 'help includes usage message'); like($@, qr/--version/, 'help includes default options 1'); like($@, qr/--verbose/, 'help includes default options 2'); like($@, qr/--warning/, 'help includes custom option 1'); like($@, qr/--critical/, 'help includes custom option 2'); unlike($@, qr/Missing arg/, 'no missing arguments');