use strict; use Test::More tests => 49; BEGIN { use_ok('Nagios::Plugin::Performance') }; diag "\nusing Nagios::Plugin::Performance revision ". $Nagios::Plugin::Performance::VERSION . "\n" if $ENV{TEST_VERBOSE}; use Nagios::Plugin::Functions; Nagios::Plugin::Functions::_fake_exit(1); my @p = Nagios::Plugin::Performance->parse_perfstring("/=382MB;15264;15269;; /var=218MB;9443;9448"); cmp_ok( $p[0]->label, 'eq', "/", "label okay"); cmp_ok( $p[0]->rrdlabel, 'eq', "root", "rrd label okay"); cmp_ok( $p[0]->value, '==', 382, "value okay"); cmp_ok( $p[0]->uom, 'eq', "MB", "uom okay"); cmp_ok( $p[0]->threshold->warning->end, "==", 15264, "warn okay"); cmp_ok( $p[0]->threshold->critical->end, "==", 15269, "crit okay"); ok( ! defined $p[0]->min, "min okay"); ok( ! defined $p[0]->max, "max okay"); cmp_ok( $p[1]->label, 'eq', "/var", "label okay"); cmp_ok( $p[1]->rrdlabel, 'eq', "var", "rrd label okay"); cmp_ok( $p[1]->value, '==', 218, "value okay"); cmp_ok( $p[1]->uom, 'eq', "MB", "uom okay"); cmp_ok( $p[1]->threshold->warning->end, "==", 9443, "warn okay"); cmp_ok( $p[1]->threshold->critical->end, "==", 9448, "crit okay"); @p = Nagios::Plugin::Performance->parse_perfstring("rubbish"); ok( ! @p, "Errors correctly"); ok( ! Nagios::Plugin::Performance->parse_perfstring(""), "Errors on empty string"); @p = Nagios::Plugin::Performance->parse_perfstring( "time=0.001229s;0.000000;0.000000;0.000000;10.000000"); cmp_ok( $p[0]->label, "eq", "time", "label okay"); cmp_ok( $p[0]->value, "==", 0.001229, "value okay"); cmp_ok( $p[0]->uom, "eq", "s", "uom okay"); ok( $p[0]->threshold->warning->is_set, "warn okay"); ok( $p[0]->threshold->critical->is_set, "crit okay"); @p = Nagios::Plugin::Performance->parse_perfstring( "load1=0.000;5.000;9.000;0; load5=0.000;5.000;9.000;0; load15=0.000;5.000;9.000;0;"); cmp_ok( $p[0]->label, "eq", "load1", "label okay"); cmp_ok( $p[0]->value, "eq", "0", "value okay with 0 as string"); cmp_ok( $p[0]->uom, "eq", "", "uom empty"); cmp_ok( $p[0]->threshold->warning, "eq", "5", "warn okay"); cmp_ok( $p[0]->threshold->critical, "eq", "9", "crit okay"); cmp_ok( $p[1]->label, "eq", "load5", "label okay"); cmp_ok( $p[2]->label, "eq", "load15", "label okay"); @p = Nagios::Plugin::Performance->parse_perfstring( "users=4;20;50;0" ); cmp_ok( $p[0]->label, "eq", "users", "label okay"); cmp_ok( $p[0]->value, "==", 4, "value okay"); cmp_ok( $p[0]->uom, "eq", "", "uom empty"); cmp_ok( $p[0]->threshold->warning, 'eq', "20", "warn okay"); cmp_ok( $p[0]->threshold->critical, 'eq', "50", "crit okay"); @p = Nagios::Plugin::Performance->parse_perfstring( "users=4;20;50;0\n" ); ok( @p, "parse correctly with linefeed at end (nagiosgraph)"); @p = Nagios::Plugin::Performance->parse_perfstring( "time=0.215300s;5.000000;10.000000;0.000000 size=426B;;;0" ); cmp_ok( $p[0]->label, "eq", "time", "label okay"); cmp_ok( $p[0]->value, "eq", "0.2153", "value okay"); cmp_ok( $p[0]->uom, "eq", "s", "uom okay"); cmp_ok( $p[0]->threshold->warning, 'eq', "5", "warn okay"); cmp_ok( $p[0]->threshold->critical, 'eq', "10", "crit okay"); cmp_ok( $p[1]->label, "eq", "size", "label okay"); cmp_ok( $p[1]->value, "==", 426, "value okay"); cmp_ok( $p[1]->uom, "eq", "B", "uom okay"); ok( ! $p[1]->threshold->warning->is_set, "warn okay"); ok( ! $p[1]->threshold->critical->is_set, "crit okay"); # Edge cases @p = Nagios::Plugin::Performance->parse_perfstring("/home/a-m=0;0;0 shared-folder:big=20 12345678901234567890=20"); cmp_ok( $p[0]->rrdlabel, "eq", "home_a_m", "changing / to _"); ok( $p[0]->threshold->warning->is_set, "Warning range has been set"); cmp_ok( $p[1]->rrdlabel, "eq", "shared_folder_big", "replacing bad characters"); cmp_ok( $p[2]->rrdlabel, "eq", "1234567890123456789", "shortening rrd label"); # add_perfdata tests in t/Nagios-Plugin-01.t