path: root/
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
13 daysRemove tinderbox related stuffLorenz Kästle1-2/+1
2023-10-31Remove translation directory from main Makefile.amRincewindsHat1-1/+1
2018-12-04tests: enable plugins-root testsSven Nierlein1-0/+1
2014-11-02Remove LEGAL fileHolger Weiss1-1/+1
2014-10-15Removing the spec file, as it's brokenJan Wagner1-1/+1
2014-01-19Project rename initial commit.Monitoring Plugins Development Team1-2/+2
2013-09-28Add tools/generate-change-logHolger Weiss1-1/+8
2013-09-20Remove the BUGS fileHolger Weiss1-1/+1
2013-09-02Remove "contrib" pluginsHolger Weiss1-1/+1
2012-04-06Updated to support compiling and building RPM on AIX.Eric Stanley1-8/+1
2012-01-20Added pst3 to Solaris package.Eric Stanley1-0/+1
2011-12-16Commit files which were inadvertently omitted from the previous commit.Eric Stanley1-0/+1
2008-11-29Add Libtap as a bundled library (does not change any behaviour without --enab...Thomas Guyot-Sionnest1-1/+1
2008-11-28Revert inclusion of libtap into nagiospluginsThomas Guyot-Sionnest1-7/+2
2008-11-26Disable dynamic versionning for releases, and allow generating version out of...Thomas Guyot-Sionnest1-1/+1
2008-11-23Removing CVS/SVN tags and replacing with git-based versioningThomas Guyot-Sionnest1-2/+3
2008-11-05Fixed libtap dependency issue. Warning: will install tap into lib directoriesTon Voon1-1/+1
2008-08-21Remove .svn files in distributionTon Voon1-1/+1
2008-07-08Removed libtap configuration for the moment, as tinderbox buildsTon Voon1-1/+1
2008-06-30Have to list tap_dir manually to get into make distTon Voon1-1/+3
2008-06-26Adding libtap into distribution to help run C based testsTon Voon1-2/+5
2007-12-12Run tinderbox builds in a test debug mode using "make test-debug"Ton Voon1-5/+5
2007-09-17Include directories and files required for perl modulesTon Voon1-0/+1
2007-09-13Adding in optional Nagios::Plugin perl module (andTon Voon1-3/+4
2007-01-25Update references to NEWS instead of CHANGES. Fix compile of libtapTon Voon1-1/+1
2007-01-24Sync with gnulib - lots of extraneous code removed in preference to GNU codeTon Voon1-2/+2
2006-12-06Remove CVS files from distributionTon Voon1-0/+1
2006-07-13Move new util_* functions to lib/Ton Voon1-0/+1
2006-05-18Synchronise with coreutils 2.95. Gettext now synced with coreutils,Ton Voon1-1/+1
2005-11-03Adding new tinderbox build scriptTon Voon1-1/+2
2005-09-21Separation of root setuid plugins into plugins-root/Ton Voon1-1/+4
2005-09-12ECHILD error at waitpid on Red Hat systems (Peter Pramberger andTon Voon1-1/+2
2005-07-25[1185704] New Testing Infrastructure.Peter Bray1-1/+1
2005-02-04BUGS file addition to releaseTon Voon1-1/+2
2005-01-20The AUTHORS file now used for the plugin team, with as theTon Voon1-2/+2
2004-12-15Support for coreutils lib. Configure tests via m4 scripts from coreutilsTon Voon1-2/+2
2004-03-02make specfile into a template which can generate a generic spec plus specs su...Karl DeBisschop1-2/+6
2003-12-18Add CHANGES file to distributionTon Voon1-1/+1
2003-09-04change so make-dist works in subdirsKarl DeBisschop1-4/+8
2003-09-01Report duplicates in AUTHORS fileTon Voon1-1/+1
2003-08-31Updated AUTHORS to include all contributors listed in comments in code andTon Voon1-1/+4
2003-07-26checkins for internationalizationKarl DeBisschop1-4/+8
2003-05-14Remove dependency on gnu makeTon Voon1-7/+5
2003-03-24Better stripping of prefix for Solaris package install needs to removeJeremy T. Bouse1-1/+2
2003-03-24Minor changes to build for Solaris packagesJeremy T. Bouse1-4/+5
2003-03-23Solaris package build systemJeremy T. Bouse1-23/+9
2003-03-19subst.* was replaced by dist-hookKarl DeBisschop1-2/+1
2003-03-11Removed acconfig.h from EXTRA_DISTJeremy T. Bouse1-2/+2
2003-03-08Use Makefile's variables (to support a shortcut in sfsnapshot)Ton Voon1-2/+2
2003-02-22provide target for nagios-plugins.specKarl DeBisschop1-0/+3