This file documents the major additions and syntax changes between releases.

	Setuid plugins (check_dhcp, check_icmp) separated into plugins-root/. Run make install as root to install
	SSL plugins work with gnutls as well as OpenSSL
	check_mysql_query added to run arbitrary SQL commands, with threshold checking
	libtool now required for development systems
	Notice: check_udp (compiled from check_udp.c) will be deprecated in the next release. 
	  check_udp2 should be used instead and will be renamed to check_udp

	Fix for Redhat ES4 for check_dns and check_dig

	IPv6 support in check_ping, check_by_ssh, check_http, check_ldap, check_smtp, check_tcp
	Internationalisation support
	Performance data added to most plugins
	check_disk now using GNU coreutils code
	New plugins - check_dhcp, check_icmp
	contrib/check_citrix has been replaced by contrib/check_ica* (requires in libexec)
	check_http --min changed to --pagesize, added max so min:max in check
	check_vsz and check_rss deprecated - functionality moved into check_procs
	check_swap % thresholds changed to measure amount free, instead of amount used
	check_disk syntax changes for -p, -m/-M, defaults to MB instead of kB
	check_procs -C expects no path for the command name