dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script. AC_REVISION ($Revision$) AC_PREREQ(2.50) AC_INIT(Helper.pm) VER=1.3.99 REL=1 AC_SUBST(VER) AC_SUBST(REL) PACKAGE_VERSION="${VER}" AC_SUBST(PACKAGE_VERSION) PACKAGE_RELEASE="${REL}" AC_SUBST(PACKAGE_RELEASE) AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(nagios-plugins,${PACKAGE_VERSION}) AM_CONFIG_HEADER(plugins/config.h) AC_CANONICAL_HOST AC_PREFIX_DEFAULT(/usr/local/nagios) dnl Figure out how to invoke "install" and what install options to use. AC_PROG_INSTALL AC_SUBST(INSTALL) AC_PROG_CC AC_PROG_CPP AC_PROG_GCC_TRADITIONAL AC_PROG_RANLIB AC_AIX AC_MINIX AC_PROG_MAKE_SET AC_PROG_AWK saved_srcdir=$srcdir srcdir=$srcdir/lib test -f $srcdir/getloadavg.c \ || AC_MSG_ERROR([getloadavg.c is not in $srcdir]) AC_FUNC_GETLOADAVG srcdir=$saved_srcdir ifdef([AC_FUNC_STRTOD],[AC_FUNC_STRTOD],[AM_FUNC_STRTOD]) dnl AM_WITH_REGEX PLUGIN_TEST=`echo $srcdir/plugins/t/*.t|sed -e 's,\.*/plugins/,,g'` AC_SUBST(PLUGIN_TEST)dnl SCRIPT_TEST=`echo $srcdir/plugins-scripts/t/*.t|sed -e 's,\.*/plugins-scripts/,,g'` AC_SUBST(SCRIPT_TEST)dnl WARRANTY="The nagios plugins come with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You may redistribute\ncopies of the plugins under the terms of the GNU General Public License.\nFor more information about these matters, see the file named COPYING.\n" AC_SUBST(WARRANTY) SUPPORT="Send email to nagios-users@lists.sourceforge.net if you have questions\nregarding use of this software. To submit patches or suggest improvements,\nsend email to nagiosplug-devel@lists.sourceforge.net.\nPlease include version information with all correspondence (when possible,\nuse output from the --version option of the plugin itself).\n" AC_SUBST(SUPPORT) dnl CGIURL has changed for Nagios with 1.0 beta AC_ARG_WITH(cgiurl, ACX_HELP_STRING([--with-cgiurl=DIR], [sets URL for cgi programs]), with_cgiurl=$withval, with_cgiurl=/nagios/cgi-bin) CGIURL="$with_cgiurl" AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(CGIURL,"$CGIURL",[URL of CGI programs]) AC_ARG_WITH(nagios_user, ACX_HELP_STRING([--with-nagios-user=USER], [set user name to run nagios]), with_nagios_user=$withval, with_nagios_user=nagios) AC_ARG_WITH(nagios_group, ACX_HELP_STRING([--with-nagios-group=GROUP], [set group name to run nagios]), with_nagios_group=$withval, with_nagios_group=nagios) AC_SUBST(with_nagios_user) AC_SUBST(with_nagios_group) INSTALL_OPTS="-o $with_nagios_user -g $with_nagios_group" AC_SUBST(INSTALL_OPTS) AC_ARG_WITH(trusted_path, ACX_HELP_STRING([--with-trusted-path=PATH], [sets trusted path for executables called by scripts (default=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin)]), with_trusted_path=$withval, with_trusted_path=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin) AC_SUBST(with_trusted_path) EXTRAS= dnl PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/etc:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:$PATH LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -L." ac_cv_uname_m=`uname -m` ac_cv_uname_s=`uname -s` ac_cv_uname_r=`uname -r` ac_cv_uname_v=`uname -v` PKG_ARCH=`uname -p` REV_DATESTAMP=`date '+%Y.%m.%d.%H.%M'` REV_TIMESTAMP=`date '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S'` AC_SUBST(PKG_ARCH) AC_SUBST(REV_DATESTAMP) AC_SUBST(REV_TIMESTAMP) dnl Checks for programs. AC_PATH_PROG(PYTHON,python) AC_PATH_PROG(PERL,perl) AC_PATH_PROG(SH,sh) AC_PATH_PROG(HOSTNAME,hostname) AC_PATH_PROG(BASENAME,basename) dnl dnl Check for miscellaneous stuff dnl case $host_vender-$host_os in sun*) AC_DEFINE(__EXTENSIONS__,1,[Sun's netdb.h needs this for getaddrinfo]) ;; osf*) AC_DEFINE(_OSF_SOURCE,1,[OSF needs this for getaddrinfo]) ;; esac dnl dnl Checks for libraries. dnl AC_CHECK_LIB(dce,main,SOCKETLIBS="$SOCKETLIBS -ldce") AC_CHECK_LIB(nsl,main,SOCKETLIBS="$SOCKETLIBS -lnsl") AC_CHECK_LIB(socket,socket,SOCKETLIBS="$SOCKETLIBS -lsocket") AC_CHECK_LIB(resolv,main,SOCKETLIBS="$SOCKETLIBS -lresolv") AC_SUBST(SOCKETLIBS) dnl Check for PostgreSQL libraries _SAVEDLIBS="$LIBS" _SAVEDCPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" AC_ARG_WITH(pgsql, ACX_HELP_STRING([--with-pgsql=DIR], [sets path to pgsql installation]), PGSQL=$withval,) AC_CHECK_LIB(crypt,main) if test "$ac_cv_lib_crypt_main" = "yes"; then if test -n "$PGSQL"; then LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -L$PGSQL/lib" CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I$PGSQL/include" fi AC_CHECK_LIB(pq,PQsetdbLogin,,,-lcrypt) if test "$ac_cv_lib_pq_PQsetdbLogin" = "yes"; then AC_CHECK_HEADERS(pgsql/libpq-fe.h) AC_CHECK_HEADERS(postgresql/libpq-fe.h) AC_CHECK_HEADERS(libpq-fe.h) if [[ -n "$PGSQL" -a "$ac_cv_header_libpq_fe_h" = "yes" ]]; then PGLIBS="-L$PGSQL/lib -lpq -lcrypt" PGINCLUDE="-I$PGSQL/include" elif test "$ac_cv_header_pgsql_libpq_fe_h" = "yes"; then PGLIBS="-lpq -lcrypt" PGINCLUDE="-I/usr/include/pgsql" elif test "$ac_cv_header_postgresql_libpq_fe_h" = "yes"; then PGLIBS="-L$PGSQL/lib -lpq -lcrypt" PGINCLUDE="-I/usr/include/postgresql" elif test "$ac_cv_header_libpq_fe_h" = "yes"; then PGLIBS="-L$PGSQL/lib -lpq -lcrypt" PGINCLUDE="-I$PGSQL/include" fi if test -z "$PGINCLUDE"; then AC_MSG_WARN([Skipping PostgreSQL plugin (check_pgsql)]) AC_MSG_WARN([install PostgreSQL headers to compile this plugin (see REQUIREMENTS).]) else AC_SUBST(PGLIBS) AC_SUBST(PGINCLUDE) EXTRAS="$EXTRAS check_pgsql" fi else AC_MSG_WARN([Skipping PostgreSQL plugin (check_pgsql)]) AC_MSG_WARN([LIBS="$LIBS" CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS"]) AC_MSG_WARN([install PostgreSQL libs to compile this plugin (see REQUIREMENTS).]) fi else AC_MSG_WARN([Skipping PostgreSQL plugin (check_pgsql)]) AC_MSG_WARN([install lib crypt and PostgreSQL libs to compile this plugin (see REQUIREMENTS).]) fi LIBS="$_SAVEDLIBS" CPPFLAGS="$_SAVEDCPPFLAGS" dnl Check for radius libraries _SAVEDLIBS="$LIBS" AC_CHECK_LIB(radiusclient,rc_read_config) if test "$ac_cv_lib_radiusclient_rc_read_config" = "yes"; then EXTRAS="$EXTRAS check_radius" RADIUSLIBS="-lradiusclient" AC_SUBST(RADIUSLIBS) else AC_MSG_WARN([Skipping radius plugin]) AC_MSG_WARN([install radius libs to compile this plugin (see REQUIREMENTS).]) fi LIBS="$_SAVEDLIBS" dnl Check for LDAP libraries _SAVEDLIBS="$LIBS" AC_CHECK_LIB(ldap,main,,,-llber) if test "$ac_cv_lib_ldap_main" = "yes"; then LDAPLIBS="-lldap -llber"\ LDAPINCLUDE="-I/usr/include/ldap" AC_SUBST(LDAPLIBS) AC_SUBST(LDAPINCLUDE) AC_CHECK_FUNCS(ldap_set_option) EXTRAS="$EXTRAS check_ldap" else AC_MSG_WARN([Skipping LDAP plugin]) AC_MSG_WARN([install LDAP libs to compile this plugin (see REQUIREMENTS).]) fi LIBS="$_SAVEDLIBS" dnl Check for mysql libraries _SAVEDLIBS="$LIBS" _SAVEDCPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" AC_ARG_WITH(mysql, ACX_HELP_STRING([--with-mysql=DIR], [sets path to mysql installation (assumes lib/mysql and include subdirs]), MYSQL=$withval,) if test -n "$MYSQL"; then MYSQLLIBDIR=$MYSQL/lib/mysql CPPFLAGS="-I$MYSQL/include" AC_CHECK_LIB(mysqlclient,mysql_init,MYSQLLIBS="-lmysqlclient -lz" check_mysql_LDFLAGS="-L$MYSQLLIBDIR ",,-L$MYSQLLIBDIR -lz) AC_CHECK_LIB(mysqlclient,mysql_close,MYSQLLIBS="-lmysqlclient") elif test -f /usr/lib/libmysqlclient.so; then AC_CHECK_LIB(mysqlclient,mysql_init,MYSQLLIBS="-lmysqlclient -lz",,-lz) AC_CHECK_LIB(mysqlclient,mysql_close,MYSQLLIBS="-lmysqlclient") elif test -f /usr/lib/libmysqlclient.a; then AC_CHECK_LIB(mysqlclient,mysql_init,MYSQLLIBS="-lmysqlclient -lz",,-lz) AC_CHECK_LIB(mysqlclient,mysql_close,MYSQLLIBS="-lmysqlclient") elif test -f /usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.so; then AC_CHECK_LIB(mysqlclient,mysql_init,MYSQLLIBS="-lmysqlclient -lz" check_mysql_LDFLAGS="-L/usr/lib/mysql",,-L/usr/lib/mysql -lz) AC_CHECK_LIB(mysqlclient,mysql_close,MYSQLLIBS="-lmysqlclient" check_mysql_LDFLAGS="-L/usr/lib/mysql",,-L/usr/lib/mysql) elif test -f /usr/lib/mysql/libmysqlclient.a; then AC_CHECK_LIB(mysqlclient,mysql_init,MYSQLLIBS="-lmysqlclient -lz" check_mysql_LDFLAGS="-L/usr/lib/mysql",,-L/usr/lib/mysql -lz) AC_CHECK_LIB(mysqlclient,mysql_close,MYSQLLIBS="-lmysqlclient" check_mysql_LDFLAGS="-L/usr/lib/mysql",,-L/usr/lib/mysql) fi if test "$ac_cv_lib_mysqlclient_mysql_init" = "yes" -o "$ac_cv_lib_mysqlclient_mysql_close" = "yes"; then AC_CHECK_HEADERS(mysql/mysql.h mysql/errmsg.h, MYSQLINCLUDE="-I$MYSQL/include" ) if test "$ac_cv_header_mysql_mysql_h" = "yes" -a "$ac_cv_header_mysql_errmsg_h" = "yes"; then EXTRAS="$EXTRAS check_mysql" AC_SUBST(MYSQLINCLUDE) AC_SUBST(MYSQLLIBS) AC_SUBST(check_mysql_LDFLAGS) else AC_MSG_WARN([Skipping mysql plugin]) AC_MSG_WARN([install mysql client headers to compile this plugin (see REQUIREMENTS).]) fi else AC_MSG_WARN([Skipping mysql plugin]) AC_MSG_WARN([install mysql client libs to compile this plugin (see REQUIREMENTS).]) fi CPPFLAGS="$_SAVEDCPPFLAGS" LIBS="$_SAVEDLIBS" dnl Check for OpenSSL location AC_PATH_PROG(OPENSSL,openssl) if test "$OPENSSL" = "/usr/bin/openssl"; then OPENSSL=/usr elif test "$OPENSSL" = "/usr/sbin/openssl"; then OPENSSL=/usr elif test "$OPENSSL" = "/opt/bin/openssl"; then OPENSSL=/opt elif test "$OPENSSL" = "/opt/openssl/bin/openssl"; then OPENSSL=/opt/openssl elif test "$OPENSSL" = "/usr/slocal/bin/openssl"; then OPENSSL=/usr/slocal elif test "$OPENSSL" = "/usr/local/bin/openssl"; then OPENSSL=/usr/local elif test "$OPENSSL" = "/usr/local/ssl/bin/openssl"; then OPENSSL=/usr/local/ssl fi AC_ARG_WITH(openssl, ACX_HELP_STRING([--with-openssl=DIR], [sets path to openssl installation]), OPENSSL=$withval,) AC_CHECK_HEADERS(unistd.h) dnl Check for AF_INET6 support - unistd.h required for Darwin AC_CACHE_CHECK([for IPv6 support], with_ipv6, [ AC_TRY_COMPILE([#ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include <unistd.h> #endif #include <netinet/in.h> #include <sys/socket.h>], [struct sockaddr_in6 sin6; void *p; sin6.sin6_family = AF_INET6; sin6.sin6_port = 587; p = &sin6.sin6_addr;], [with_ipv6=yes], [with_ipv6=no]) ]) if test x"$with_ipv6" != xno ; then AC_DEFINE(USE_IPV6,1,[Enable IPv6 support]) fi dnl ######################################################################### dnl Check if Posix getaddrinfo() is available. It is also possible to use dnl the version from the lwres library distributed with BIND. dnl ######################################################################### AC_ARG_ENABLE([emulate-getaddrinfo], ACX_HELP_STRING([--enable-emulate-getaddrinfo], [enable getaddrinfo emulation (default=no)]), , enable_emulate_getaddrinfo=no) AC_ARG_WITH(lwres, ACX_HELP_STRING([--with-lwres=DIR], [use lwres library for getaddrinfo (default=no)]), , with_lwres=no) dnl ## enable force to test getaddrinfo.c if test x$enable_emulate_getaddrinfo = xforce ; then enable_emulate_getaddrinfo=yes have_getaddrinfo=no else have_getaddrinfo=no if test x$with_lwres != xno ; then if test "$with_lwres" != yes ; then CPPFLAGS="-I${with_lwres}/include $CPPFLAGS" LDFLAGS="-L${with_lwres}/lib $LDFLAGS" fi AC_CHECK_HEADERS(lwres/netdb.h, , [AC_MSG_ERROR([cannot find <lwres/netdb.h>])]) AC_CHECK_LIB(lwres, lwres_getaddrinfo, , [AC_MSG_ERROR([cannot find the lwres library])], -lnsl -lpthread) have_getaddrinfo=yes fi if test x$have_getaddrinfo != xyes ; then AC_SEARCH_LIBS(getaddrinfo, socket resolv bind nsl c_r cr, have_getaddrinfo=yes) fi dnl # Special nonsense for systems that actually have getaddrinfo but dnl # redefine the name to something else, e.g. OSF if test x$have_getaddrinfo != xyes ; then AC_MSG_CHECKING(if getaddrinfo is redefined in netdb.h) AC_TRY_LINK([ # include <netdb.h> ], [ struct addrinfo hints, *res; int err; err = getaddrinfo ("host", "service", &hints, &res); ], [ have_getaddrinfo=yes AC_MSG_RESULT(yes) ], [AC_MSG_RESULT(no)]) fi fi if test x$have_getaddrinfo != xno ; then if test x$enable_emulate_getaddrinfo != xno ; then AC_MSG_ERROR([getaddrinfo found but emulate-getaddrinfo was enabled]) fi AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GETADDRINFO, 1, [Does system provide RFC 2553/Posix getaddrinfo?]) else if test x$enable_emulate_getaddrinfo != xyes ; then dnl AC_MSG_ERROR([getaddrinfo not found: try --with-lwres or --enable-emulate-getaddrinfo]) enable_emulate_getaddrinfo=yes AC_MSG_WARN([enabling getaddrinfo emulation]) fi EXTRA_NETOBJS="$EXTRA_NETOBJS getaddrinfo.o" fi if test x"$enable_emulate_getaddrinfo" != xno ; then have_resolver=no dnl Try for getipnodebyname AC_SEARCH_LIBS(getipnodebyname, resolv bind nsl c_r cr, have_resolver=yes) if test x"$have_resolver" != xno ; then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GETIPNODEBYNAME, 1, [Set when getipnodebyname is available]) fi dnl Try for gethostbyname_r if test x"$have_resolver" = xno ; then AC_SEARCH_LIBS(gethostbyname_r, resolv bind nsl c_r cr, [have_resolver=yes ACX_WHICH_GETHOSTBYNAME_R]) fi dnl Try for gethostbyname if test x"$have_resolver" = xno ; then if test x"$enable_pthreads" != xno ; then AC_MSG_WARN([using threads but cannot find gethostbyname_r or getipnodebyname]) fi AC_SEARCH_LIBS(gethostbyname, resolv bind nsl, , [AC_MSG_ERROR([cannot find gethostbyname])]) fi EXTRA_NETOBJS="$EXTRA_NETOBJS gethostbyname.o" fi AC_CHECK_HEADERS(krb5.h,FOUNDINCLUDE=yes,FOUNDINCLUDE=no) if test "$FOUNDINCLUDE" = "no"; then _SAVEDCPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" CPPFLAGS="$_SAVEDCPPFLAGS -I/usr/kerberos/include" unset ac_cv_header_krb5_h AC_CHECK_HEADERS(krb5.h, KRB5INCLUDE="-I/usr/kerberos/include" FOUNDINCLUDE=yes, FOUNDINCLUDE=no) fi AC_SUBST(KRBINCLUDE) if test "$FOUNDINCLUDE" = "no"; then CPPFLAGS="$_SAVEDCPPFLAGS" fi dnl Check for OpenSSL header files unset FOUNDINCLUDE _SAVEDCPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS" CPPFLAGS="$CPPFLAGS -I$OPENSSL/include" AC_CHECK_HEADERS(openssl/ssl.h openssl/x509.h openssl/rsa.h openssl/pem.h openssl/crypto.h openssl/err.h, SSLINCLUDE="-I$OPENSSL/include" FOUNDINCLUDE=yes, FOUNDINCLUDE=no) if test "$FOUNDINCLUDE" = "no"; then AC_CHECK_HEADERS(ssl.h x509.h rsa.h pem.h crypto.h err.h, SSLINCLUDE="-I$OPENSSL/include" FOUNDINCLUDE=yes, FOUNDINCLUDE=no) fi AC_SUBST(SSLINCLUDE) if test "$FOUNDINCLUDE" = "no"; then CPPFLAGS="$_SAVEDCPPFLAGS" fi dnl Check for crypto lib _SAVEDLIBS="$LIBS" AC_CHECK_LIB(crypto,CRYPTO_lock,,,-L$OPENSSL/lib) if test "$ac_cv_lib_crypto_CRYPTO_lock" = "yes"; then dnl Check for SSL lib AC_CHECK_LIB(ssl,main,LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -L$OPENSSL/lib" SSLLIBS="-lssl -lcrypto",AC_CHECK_LIB(ssl,main,LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -L$OPENSSL/lib" SSLLIBS="-lssl -lcrypto"),-L$OPENSSL/lib -lcrypto) fi LIBS="$_SAVEDLIBS" dnl test headers and libs to decide whether check_http should use SSL if test "$ac_cv_lib_crypto_CRYPTO_lock" = "yes"; then if test "$ac_cv_lib_ssl_main" = "yes"; then if test "$FOUNDINCLUDE" = "yes"; then AC_SUBST(SSLLIBS) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_SSL,1,[Define if SSL libraries are found]) fi fi fi CPPFLAGS="$_SAVEDCPPFLAGS" dnl dnl Checks for header files. dnl AC_HEADER_STDC AC_HEADER_TIME AC_HEADER_SYS_WAIT AC_CHECK_HEADERS(signal.h strings.h string.h syslog.h uio.h errno.h regex.h sys/types.h sys/time.h sys/socket.h sys/loadavg.h) AC_CHECK_HEADERS(stdarg.h sys/unistd.h ctype.h stdlib.h) AC_CHECK_HEADERS(limits.h sys/param.h sys/mount.h sys/vfs.h sys/fs/s5param.h sys/filsys.h fcntl.h sys/statfs.h sys/dustat.h sys/statvfs.h) # Define HAVE_INTTYPES_H if <inttypes.h> exists, # doesn't clash with <sys/types.h>, and declares uintmax_t. AC_CACHE_CHECK([for inttypes.h], jm_ac_cv_header_inttypes_h, [AC_TRY_COMPILE( [#include <sys/types.h> #include <inttypes.h>], [uintmax_t i = (uintmax_t) -1;], jm_ac_cv_header_inttypes_h=yes, jm_ac_cv_header_inttypes_h=no)]) if test $jm_ac_cv_header_inttypes_h = yes; then AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(HAVE_INTTYPES_H, 1, [Define if <inttypes.h> exists, doesn't clash with <sys/types.h>, and declares uintmax_t. ]) fi # Check for SunOS statfs brokenness wrt partitions 2GB and larger. # If <sys/vfs.h> exists and struct statfs has a member named f_spare, # enable the work-around code in fsusage.c. AC_MSG_CHECKING([for statfs that truncates block counts]) AC_CACHE_VAL(fu_cv_sys_truncating_statfs, [AC_TRY_COMPILE([ #if !defined(sun) && !defined(__sun) choke -- this is a workaround for a Sun-specific problem #endif #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/vfs.h>], [struct statfs t; long c = *(t.f_spare);], fu_cv_sys_truncating_statfs=yes AC_MSG_RESULT(yes), fu_cv_sys_truncating_statfs=no AC_MSG_RESULT(no), )]) if test $fu_cv_sys_truncating_statfs = yes; then AC_DEFINE(STATFS_TRUNCATES_BLOCK_COUNTS, 1, [ Define if the block counts reported by statfs may be truncated to 2GB and the correct values may be stored in the f_spare array. (SunOS 4.1.2, 4.1.3, and 4.1.3_U1 are reported to have this problem. SunOS 4.1.1 seems not to be affected.)]) fi dnl Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics. AC_C_CONST AC_STRUCT_TM AC_TYPE_PID_T AC_TYPE_SIZE_T AC_TYPE_SIGNAL AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(int,cross) AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(long,cross) AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(short,cross) AC_CACHE_CHECK([for long long],ac_cv_have_longlong,[ AC_TRY_RUN([#include <stdio.h> main() { long long x = 1000000; x *= x; exit(((x/1000000) == 1000000)? 0: 1); }], ac_cv_have_longlong=yes,ac_cv_have_longlong=no,ac_cv_have_longlong=cross)]) if test x"$ac_cv_have_longlong" = x"yes"; then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_LONGLONG,1,[Define if system has long long type]) fi # # Check if the compiler supports the LL prefix on long long integers. # AIX needs this. AC_CACHE_CHECK([for LL suffix on long long integers],ac_cv_compiler_supports_ll, [ AC_TRY_COMPILE([#include <stdio.h>],[long long i = 0x8000000000LL], ac_cv_compiler_supports_ll=yes,ac_cv_compiler_supports_ll=no)]) if test x"$ac_cv_compiler_supports_ll" = x"yes"; then AC_DEFINE(COMPILER_SUPPORTS_LL,1,[Define if compiler support long long]) fi AC_CACHE_CHECK([for __va_copy],ac_cv_HAVE_VA_COPY,[ AC_TRY_LINK([#include <stdarg.h> va_list ap1,ap2;], [__va_copy(ap1,ap2);], ac_cv_HAVE_VA_COPY=yes,ac_cv_HAVE_VA_COPY=no)]) if test x"$ac_cv_HAVE_VA_COPY" = x"yes"; then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_VA_COPY,1,[Define if system has va_copy]) fi AC_CHECK_FUNCS(vsnprintf snprintf asprintf vasprintf) AC_CACHE_CHECK([for C99 vsnprintf],ac_cv_HAVE_C99_VSNPRINTF,[ AC_TRY_RUN([ #include <sys/types.h> #include <stdarg.h> void foo(const char *format, ...) { va_list ap; int len; char buf[5]; va_start(ap, format); len = vsnprintf(buf, 0, format, ap); va_end(ap); if (len != 5) exit(1); va_start(ap, format); len = vsnprintf(0, 0, format, ap); va_end(ap); if (len != 5) exit(1); if (snprintf(buf, 3, "hello") != 5 || strcmp(buf, "he") != 0) exit(1); exit(0); } main() { foo("hello"); } ], ac_cv_HAVE_C99_VSNPRINTF=yes,ac_cv_HAVE_C99_VSNPRINTF=no,ac_cv_HAVE_C99_VSNPRINTF=cross)]) if test x"$ac_cv_HAVE_C99_VSNPRINTF" = x"yes"; then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_C99_VSNPRINTF,1,[Define if system has C99 compatible vsnprintf]) fi AC_TRY_COMPILE([#include <sys/time.h>], [struct timeval *tv; struct timezone *tz;], AC_DEFINE(HAVE_STRUCT_TIMEVAL,1,[Define if we have a timeval structure]) AC_TRY_COMPILE([#include <sys/time.h>], [struct timeval *tv; struct timezone *tz; gettimeofday(tv, tz);], AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY,1,[Define if gettimeofday is found]), AC_DEFINE(NEED_GETTIMEOFDAY,1,[Define if gettimeofday is needed]))) dnl Checks for library functions. AC_CHECK_FUNCS(memmove select socket strdup strstr strtod strtol strtoul) AC_MSG_CHECKING(return type of socket size) AC_TRY_COMPILE([#include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h>], [int a = send(1, (const void *) buffer, (size_t *) 0, (int *) 0);], ac_cv_socket_size_type=["size_t"] AC_MSG_RESULT(size_t), ac_cv_socket_size_type=["int"] AC_MSG_RESULT(int)) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(SOCKET_SIZE_TYPE, $ac_cv_socket_size_type , [Define type of socket size]) if test -f "/proc/loadavg" then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_PROC_LOADAVG,1,[Define if /proc/loadavg or similar exists]) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PROC_LOADAVG,"/proc/loadavg",[Location of /proc/loadavg]) fi dnl #### Process table test AC_PATH_PROG(PATH_TO_PS,ps) AC_MSG_CHECKING(for ps syntax) dnl For OpenBSD 3.2 & 3.3. Must come before ps -weo dnl STAT UCOMM VSZ RSS USER PPID COMMAND if ps -axwo 'stat comm vsz rss user uid ppid args' 2>/dev/null | \ egrep -i ["^ *STAT +UCOMM +VSZ +RSS +USER +UID +PPID +COMMAND"] > /dev/null then ac_cv_ps_varlist="[procstat,&procuid,&procppid,&procvsz,&procrss,&procpcpu,procprog,&pos]" ac_cv_ps_command="$PATH_TO_PS -axwo 'stat uid ppid vsz rss pcpu comm args'" ac_cv_ps_format="%s %d %d %d %d %f %s %n" EXTRAS="$EXTRAS check_nagios" AC_MSG_RESULT([$ac_cv_ps_command]) dnl STAT UCOMM VSZ RSS USER UID PPID COMMAND elif ps -weo 'stat comm vsz rss user uid ppid args' 2>/dev/null | \ egrep -i ["^ *S[TAUES]* +[UCOMDNA]+ +[VSIZE]+ +R[S]+ +U[SER]+ +U[ID]+ +P[PID]+ +[RGSCOMDNA]+"] >/dev/null then ac_cv_ps_varlist="[procstat,&procuid,&procppid,&procvsz,&procrss,&procpcpu,procprog,&pos]" ac_cv_ps_command="$PATH_TO_PS -weo 'stat uid ppid vsz rss pcpu comm args'" ac_cv_ps_format="%s %d %d %d %d %f %s %n" EXTRAS="$EXTRAS check_nagios" AC_MSG_RESULT([$ac_cv_ps_command]) dnl FreeBSD elif ps waxco 'state command vsz rss uid user ppid' 2>/dev/null | \ egrep -i ["^STAT +COMMAND +VSZ +RSS +UID +USER +PPID"] >/dev/null then ac_cv_ps_varlist="[procstat,&procuid,&procppid,&procvsz,&procrss,&procpcpu,procprog,&pos]" ac_cv_ps_command="$PATH_TO_PS waxco 'state uid ppid vsz rss pcpu command command'" ac_cv_ps_format="%s %d %d %d %d %f %s %n" EXTRAS="$EXTRAS check_nagios" AC_MSG_RESULT([$ac_cv_ps_command]) dnl BSD-like mode in RH 6.1 elif ps waxno 'state comm vsz rss uid user ppid args' 2>/dev/null | \ egrep -i ["^S +COMMAND +VSZ +RSS +UID +USER +PPID +[RGSCOMDNA]+"] >/dev/null then ac_cv_ps_varlist="[procstat,&procuid,&procppid,&procvsz,&procrss,&procpcpu,procprog,&pos]" ac_cv_ps_command="$PATH_TO_PS waxno 'state uid ppid vsz rss pcpu comm args'" ac_cv_ps_format="%s %d %d %d %d %f %s %n" EXTRAS="$EXTRAS check_nagios" AC_MSG_RESULT([$ac_cv_ps_command]) dnl SunOS 4.1.3: dnl F UID PID PPID CP PRI NI SZ RSS WCHAN STAT TT TIME COMMAND elif ps -laxnwww 2>/dev/null | \ egrep -i ["^ *F(LAGS)? +UID +PID +PPID +CP +PRI +NI +(SZ)|(VSZ)|(SIZE) +RSS +WCHAN +STAT? +TTY? +TIME +COMMAND"] >/dev/null then ac_cv_ps_varlist="[&procuid,&procppid,&procvsz,&procrss,procstat,&pos,procprog]" ac_cv_ps_command="$PATH_TO_PS -laxnwww" ac_cv_ps_format="%*s %d %*s %d %*s %*s %*s %d %d %*s %s %*s %*s %n%s" EXTRAS="$EXTRAS check_nagios" AC_MSG_RESULT([$ac_cv_ps_command]) dnl Debian Linux / procps v1.2.9: dnl FLAGS UID PID PPID PRI NI SIZE RSS WCHAN STA TTY TIME COMMAND dnl 100 0 1 0 0 0 776 76 c0131c8c S ffff 0:11 init [2] dnl elif ps laxnwww 2>/dev/null | \ egrep -i ["^ *F(LAGS)? +UID +PID +PPID +PRI +NI +(VSZ)|(SIZE) +RSS +WCHAN +STAT? TTY +TIME +COMMAND"] >/dev/null then ac_cv_ps_varlist="[&procuid,&procppid,procstat,&procvsz,&procrss,&pos,procprog]" ac_cv_ps_command="$PATH_TO_PS laxnwww" ac_cv_ps_format="%*s %d %*s %d %*s %*s %d %d %*s %s %*s %*s %n%s" EXTRAS="$EXTRAS check_nagios" AC_MSG_RESULT([$ac_cv_ps_command]) dnl OpenBSD (needs to come early because -exo appears to work, but does not give all procs) elif ps -axo 'stat comm vsz rss user uid ppid args' 2>/dev/null | \ egrep -i ["^ *S[TAUES]* +[UCOMDNA]+ +[VSIZE]+ +R[S]+ +U[SER]+ +U[ID]+ +P[PID]+ +[RGSCOMDNA]+"] >/dev/null then ac_cv_ps_varlist="[procstat,&procuid,&procppid,&procvsz,&procrss,&procpcpu,procprog,&pos]" ac_cv_ps_command="$PATH_TO_PS -axo 'stat uid ppid vsz rss pcpu comm args'" ac_cv_ps_format="%s %d %d %d %d %f %s %n" EXTRAS="$EXTRAS check_nagios" AC_MSG_RESULT([$ac_cv_ps_command]) dnl AIX 4.3.3 - needs verification. This works for Tru64 - needs %*[ +] in PS_FORMAT elif ps -ao 'stat comm vsz rss user uid ppid args' 2>/dev/null | \ egrep -i ["^ *S[TAUES]* +[UCOMDNA]+ +[VSIZE]+ +R[S]+ +U[SER]+ +U[ID]+ +P[PID]+ +[RGSCOMDNA]+"] >/dev/null then ac_cv_ps_varlist="[procstat,&procuid,&procppid,&procvsz,&procrss,&procpcpu,procprog,&pos]" ac_cv_ps_command="$PATH_TO_PS -ao 'stat uid ppid vsz rss pcpu comm args'" ac_cv_ps_format="[["%s%*[ +] %d %d %d %d %f %s %n"]]" EXTRAS="$EXTRAS check_nagios" AC_MSG_RESULT([$ac_cv_ps_command]) elif ps -eo 's comm vsz rss user uid ppid args' 2>/dev/null | \ egrep -i ["^S[TAUES]* +C[OMDNA]+ +[VSIZE]+ +U[SER]+ +U[ID]+ +P[PID]+ +[RGSCOMDNA]+"] >/dev/null then ac_cv_ps_varlist="[procstat,&procuid,&procppid,&procvsz,&procrss,&procpcpu,procprog,&pos]" ac_cv_ps_command="$PATH_TO_PS -eo 's uid ppid vsz rss pcpu comm args'" ac_cv_ps_format="%s %d %d %d %d %f %s %n" EXTRAS="$EXTRAS check_nagios" AC_MSG_RESULT([$ac_cv_ps_command]) elif ps -Ao 's comm vsz rss uid user ppid args' 2>/dev/null | \ egrep -i ["^S[TAUES]* +C[OMDNA]+ +V[SIZE]+ +RSS +UID +USER +PPID +[RGSCOMDNA]+"] >/dev/null then ac_cv_ps_varlist="[procstat,&procuid,&procppid,&procvsz,&procrss,&procpcpu,procprog,&pos]" ac_cv_ps_command="$PATH_TO_PS -Ao 's uid ppid vsz rss pcpu comm args'" ac_cv_ps_format="%s %d %d %d %d %f %s %n" EXTRAS="$EXTRAS check_nagios" AC_MSG_RESULT([$ac_cv_ps_command]) elif ps -Ao 'status comm vsz rss uid user ppid args' 2>/dev/null | \ egrep -i ["^S[TAUES]* +C[OMDNA]+ +V[SIZE]+ +RSS +UID +USER +PPID +[RGSCOMDNA]+"] >/dev/null then ac_cv_ps_varlist="[procstat,&procuid,&procppid,&procvsz,&procrss,&procpcpu,procprog,&pos]" ac_cv_ps_command="$PATH_TO_PS -Ao 'status uid ppid vsz rss pcpu comm args'" ac_cv_ps_format="%s %d %d %d %d %f %s %n" EXTRAS="$EXTRAS check_nagios" AC_MSG_RESULT([$ac_cv_ps_command]) elif ps -Ao 'state comm vsz rss uid user ppid args' 2>/dev/null | \ egrep -i ["^S[TAUES]* +C[OMDNA]+ +V[SIZE]+ +RSS +UID +USER +PPID +[RGSCOMDNA]+"] >/dev/null then ac_cv_ps_varlist="[procstat,&procuid,&procppid,&procvsz,&procrss,&procpcpu,procprog,&pos]" ac_cv_ps_command="$PATH_TO_PS -Ao 'state uid ppid vsz rss pcpu comm args'" ac_cv_ps_format="%s %d %d %d %d %f %s %n" EXTRAS="$EXTRAS check_nagios" AC_MSG_RESULT([$ac_cv_ps_command]) dnl wonder who takes state instead of stat elif ps -ao 'state command vsz rss user ppid args' 2>/dev/null | \ egrep -i ["^S[TAUES]* +C[OMDNA]+ +V[SIZE]+ +RSS +UID +USER +PPID +[RGSCOMDNA]+"] >/dev/null then ac_cv_ps_varlist="[procstat,&procuid,&procppid,&procvsz,&procrss,&procpcpu,procprog,&pos]" ac_cv_ps_command="$PATH_TO_PS -ao 'state uid ppid vsz rss pcpu command args'" ac_cv_ps_format="%s %d %d %d %d %f %s %n" EXTRAS="$EXTRAS check_nagios" AC_MSG_RESULT([$ac_cv_ps_command]) dnl IRIX 53 elif ps -el 2>/dev/null | \ egrep -i ["^ *F +S +UID +PID +PPID +C +PRI +NI +P +SZ +RSS +WCHAN +TTY +TIME +[RGSCOMDNA]+"] >/dev/null then ac_cv_ps_varlist="[procstat,&procuid,&procppid,&procvsz,&procrss,&pos,procprog]" ac_cv_ps_command="$PATH_TO_PS -el" ac_cv_ps_format="%*s %s %d %*s %d %*s %*s %*s %*s %d %d %*s %*s %*s %n%s" AC_MSG_RESULT([$ac_cv_ps_command]) dnl IRIX 63 elif ps -el 2>/dev/null | \ egrep -i ["^ *F +S +UID +PID +PPID +C +PRI +NI +P +ADDR +SZ +RSS +WCHAN +TTY +TIME +[RGSCOMDNA]+"] >/dev/null then ac_cv_ps_varlist="[procstat,&procuid,&procppid,&pos,procprog]" ac_cv_ps_command="$PATH_TO_PS -el" ac_cv_ps_format="%*s %s %d %*s %d %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %n%s" AC_MSG_RESULT([$ac_cv_ps_command]) dnl AIX 4.1: dnl F S UID PID PPID C PRI NI ADDR SZ RSS WCHAN TTY TIME CMD dnl 303 A 0 0 0 120 16 -- 1c07 20 24 - 0:45 swapper elif ps -el 2>/dev/null | \ egrep -i ["^ *F +S +UID +PID +PPID +C +PRI +NI +ADDR +SZ +WCHAN +TTY +TIME +[RGSCOMDNA]+"] >/dev/null then ac_cv_ps_varlist="[procstat,&procuid,&procppid,&pos,procprog]" ac_cv_ps_command="$PATH_TO_PS -el" ac_cv_ps_format="%*s %s %d %*s %d %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %n%s" AC_MSG_RESULT([$ac_cv_ps_command]) dnl AIX? elif ps glaxen 2>/dev/null | \ egrep -i ["^ *F +UID +PID +PPID +PRI +NI +VSZ +RSS +WCHAN +STAT +TTY +TIME +COMMAND"] >/dev/null then ac_cv_ps_varlist="[&procuid,&procppid,&procvsz,&procrss,procstat,&pos,procprog]" ac_cv_ps_command="$PATH_TO_PS glaxen" ac_cv_ps_format="%*s %d %*s %d %*s %*s %d %d %*s %s %*s %*s %n%s" AC_MSG_RESULT([$ac_cv_ps_command]) dnl MacOSX / Darwin dnl TODO: MacOSX has commands with spaces which will cause problems to PS_FORMAT dnl Some truncation will happen in UCOMM column dnl STAT VSZ RSS UID PPID %CPU UCOMM COMMAND dnl Ss 52756 22496 501 1 6.9 Window Manager /System/Library/CoreServices/WindowServer -daemon elif ps wwaxo 'state vsz rss uid ppid pcpu ucomm command' 2>/dev/null | \ egrep -i ["^STAT +VSZ +RSS +UID +PPID +%CPU +UCOMM +COMMAND"] >/dev/null then ac_cv_ps_command="$PATH_TO_PS wwaxo 'state vsz rss uid ppid pcpu ucomm command'" ac_cv_ps_varlist="[procstat,&procvsz,&procrss,&procuid,&procppid,&procpcpu,procprog,&pos]" ac_cv_ps_format="%s %d %d %d %d %f %s %n" EXTRAS="$EXTRAS check_nagios" AC_MSG_RESULT([$ac_cv_ps_command]) dnl UnixWare elif ps -Al 2>/dev/null | \ egrep -i ["^ *F +S +UID +PID +PPID +CLS +PRI +NI +C +ADDR +SZ +WCHAN +TTY +TIME +COMD"] >/dev/null then ac_cv_ps_varlist="[procstat,&procuid,&procppid,&pos,procprog]" ac_cv_ps_command="$PATH_TO_PS -Al" ac_cv_ps_format="%*s %s %d %*s %d %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %n%s" #if ps -Ao 'vsz comm' 2>/dev/null | \ # egrep -i ["^ *VSZ +COMMAND"] >/dev/null #then # ac_cv_vsz_command="$PATH_TO_PS -Ao 'vsz comm'" # ac_cv_vsz_format="%*s %d" #fi AC_MSG_RESULT([$ac_cv_ps_command]) else AC_MSG_WARN([unable to find usable ps syntax]) fi AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PS_VARLIST,$ac_cv_ps_varlist, [Variable list for sscanf of 'ps' output]) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PS_COMMAND,"$ac_cv_ps_command", [Verbatim command to execute for ps in check_procs]) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PS_FORMAT,"$ac_cv_ps_format", [Format string for scanning ps output in check_procs]) AC_PATH_PROG(PATH_TO_DF,df) AC_PATH_PROG(PATH_TO_BDF,bdf) AC_ARG_WITH(df_command, ACX_HELP_STRING([--with-df-command=SYNTAX], [sets syntax for df]), with_df_command=$withval,) AC_MSG_CHECKING(for df syntax) if test -n "$with_df_command" then AC_MSG_RESULT([$with_df_command]) elif df -Pk 2>/dev/null | egrep -i ["^(/dev/|[a-zA-Z]:)[a-z0-9/\\]+ +[0-9]+ +[0-9]+ +[0-9]+ +[0-9]+% +/[a-z0-9/\\]*"] >/dev/null then with_df_command="$PATH_TO_DF -Pk" AC_MSG_RESULT([$with_df_command]) elif df -k 2>/dev/null | egrep -i ["^/dev/[a-z0-9/]+ +[0-9]+ +[0-9]+ +[0-9]+ +[0-9]+% +/[a-z0-9/]*"] >/dev/null then with_df_command="$PATH_TO_DF -k" AC_MSG_RESULT([$with_df_command]) elif df 2>/dev/null | egrep -i ["^/dev/[a-z0-9/]+ +[0-9]+ +[0-9]+ +[0-9]+ +[0-9]+% +/[a-z0-9/]*"] >/dev/null then with_df_command="$PATH_TO_DF" AC_MSG_RESULT([$with_df_command]) elif bdf 2>/dev/null | egrep -i ["^/dev/[a-z0-9/]+ +[0-9]+ +[0-9]+ +[0-9]+ +[0-9]+% +/[a-z0-9/]*"] >/dev/null then with_df_command="$PATH_TO_BDF" AC_MSG_RESULT([$with_df_command]) else AC_MSG_WARN([unable to find usable df syntax]) fi AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(DF_COMMAND,"$with_df_command",[path and args for df command]) dnl jm_AFS jm_LIST_MOUNTED_FILESYSTEMS([list_mounted_fs=yes], [list_mounted_fs=no]) jm_FSTYPENAME jm_FILE_SYSTEM_USAGE([space=yes], [space=no]) AC_PATH_PROG(PATH_TO_PING,ping) AC_PATH_PROG(PATH_TO_PING6,ping6) AC_ARG_WITH(ping_command, ACX_HELP_STRING([--with-ping-command=SYNTAX], [sets syntax for ICMP ping]), with_ping_command=$withval,) AC_MSG_CHECKING(for ICMP ping syntax) ac_cv_ping_packets_first=no if test -n "$with_ping_command" then AC_MSG_RESULT([(command-line) $with_ping_command]) if test -n "$ac_cv_ping_packets_first" then ac_cv_ping_packets_first=yes fi elif [[ "z$ac_cv_uname_s" = "zUnixWare" ]] && \ $PATH_TO_PING -n -s 56 1 2>/dev/null | \ egrep -i "^round-trip|^rtt" >/dev/null then with_ping_command="$PATH_TO_PING -n -U -c %d %s" ac_cv_ping_packets_first=yes AC_MSG_RESULT([$with_ping_command]) elif $PATH_TO_PING -n -U -c 1 2>/dev/null | \ egrep -i "^round-trip|^rtt" >/dev/null then with_ping_command="$PATH_TO_PING -n -U -c %d %s" ac_cv_ping_packets_first=yes AC_MSG_RESULT([$with_ping_command]) elif $PATH_TO_PING -n -c 1 2>/dev/null | \ egrep -i "^round-trip|^rtt" >/dev/null then with_ping_command="$PATH_TO_PING -n -c %d %s" ac_cv_ping_packets_first=yes AC_MSG_RESULT([$with_ping_command]) elif $PATH_TO_PING -n -c 1 2>/dev/null | \ egrep -i "^round-trip|^rtt" >/dev/null then with_ping_command="$PATH_TO_PING -n %s -c %d" AC_MSG_RESULT([$with_ping_command]) elif $PATH_TO_PING -n 1 2>/dev/null | \ egrep -i "^round-trip|^rtt" >/dev/null then with_ping_command="$PATH_TO_PING %s -n %d" AC_MSG_RESULT([$with_ping_command]) elif $PATH_TO_PING -n -s 56 1 2>/dev/null | \ egrep -i "^round-trip|^rtt" >/dev/null then with_ping_command="$PATH_TO_PING -n -s %s 56 %d" AC_MSG_RESULT([$with_ping_command]) elif $PATH_TO_PING -n -h -s 56 -c 1 2>/dev/null | \ egrep -i "^round-trip|^rtt" >/dev/null then with_ping_command="$PATH_TO_PING -n -h %s -s 56 -c %d" AC_MSG_RESULT([$with_ping_command]) elif $PATH_TO_PING -n -s 56 -c 1 2>/dev/null | \ egrep -i "^round-trip|^rtt" >/dev/null then with_ping_command="$PATH_TO_PING -n -s 56 -c %d %s" ac_cv_ping_packets_first=yes AC_MSG_RESULT([$with_ping_command]) elif $PATH_TO_PING -n -c 1 2>/dev/null | \ egrep -i "^round-trip|^rtt" >/dev/null then with_ping_command="$PATH_TO_PING -n -c %d %s" ac_cv_ping_packets_first=yes AC_MSG_RESULT([$with_ping_command]) else AC_MSG_WARN([unable to find usable ping syntax]) fi AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PING_COMMAND,"$with_ping_command", [path and args for ICMP ping command]) if test "x$ac_cv_ping_packets_first" != "xno" then AC_DEFINE(PING_PACKETS_FIRST,1, [Define if packet count must precede host]) fi AC_ARG_WITH(ping6_command, ACX_HELP_STRING([--with-ping6-command=SYNTAX], [sets syntax for ICMPv6 ping]), with_ping6_command=$withval,) if test x"$with_ipv6" != xno ; then AC_MSG_CHECKING(for ICMPv6 ping syntax) ac_cv_ping6_packets_first=no if test -n "$with_ping6_command" then AC_MSG_RESULT([(command-line) $with_ping6_command]) if test -n "$ac_cv_ping6_packets_first" then ac_cv_ping6_packets_first=yes fi elif test "x$PATH_TO_PING6" != "x"; then if [[ "z$ac_cv_uname_s" = "zUnixWare" ]] && \ $PATH_TO_PING6 -n -s ::1 56 1 2>/dev/null | \ egrep -i "^round-trip|^rtt" >/dev/null then with_ping6_command="$PATH_TO_PING6 -n -U -c %d %s" ac_cv_ping6_packets_first=yes AC_MSG_RESULT([$with_ping6_command]) elif $PATH_TO_PING6 -n -U -c 1 ::1 2>/dev/null | \ egrep -i "^round-trip|^rtt" >/dev/null then with_ping6_command="$PATH_TO_PING6 -n -U -c %d %s" ac_cv_ping6_packets_first=yes AC_MSG_RESULT([$with_ping6_command]) elif $PATH_TO_PING6 -n -c 1 ::1 2>/dev/null | \ egrep -i "^round-trip|^rtt" >/dev/null then with_ping6_command="$PATH_TO_PING6 -n -c %d %s" ac_cv_ping6_packets_first=yes AC_MSG_RESULT([$with_ping6_command]) elif $PATH_TO_PING6 -n ::1 -c 1 2>/dev/null | \ egrep -i "^round-trip|^rtt" >/dev/null then with_ping6_command="$PATH_TO_PING6 -n %s -c %d" AC_MSG_RESULT([$with_ping6_command]) elif $PATH_TO_PING6 ::1 -n 1 2>/dev/null | \ egrep -i "^round-trip|^rtt" >/dev/null then with_ping6_command="$PATH_TO_PING6 %s -n %d" AC_MSG_RESULT([$with_ping6_command]) elif $PATH_TO_PING6 -n -s ::1 56 1 2>/dev/null | \ egrep -i "^round-trip|^rtt" >/dev/null then with_ping6_command="$PATH_TO_PING6 -n -s %s 56 %d" AC_MSG_RESULT([$with_ping6_command]) elif $PATH_TO_PING6 -n -h ::1 -s 56 -c 1 2>/dev/null | \ egrep -i "^round-trip|^rtt" >/dev/null then with_ping6_command="$PATH_TO_PING6 -n -h %s -s 56 -c %d" AC_MSG_RESULT([$with_ping6_command]) elif $PATH_TO_PING6 -n -s 56 -c 1 ::1 2>/dev/null | \ egrep -i "^round-trip|^rtt" >/dev/null then with_ping6_command="$PATH_TO_PING6 -n -s 56 -c %d %s" ac_cv_ping6_packets_first=yes AC_MSG_RESULT([$with_ping_command]) elif $PATH_TO_PING6 -n -c 1 ::1 2>/dev/null | \ egrep -i "^round-trip|^rtt" >/dev/null then with_ping6_command="$PATH_TO_PING6 -n -c %d %s" ac_cv_ping6_packets_first=yes AC_MSG_RESULT([$with_ping6_command]) fi elif test "x$PATH_TO_PING" != "x"; then if [[ "z$ac_cv_uname_s" = "zUnixWare" ]] && \ $PATH_TO_PING -A inet6 -n -s ::1 56 1 2>/dev/null | \ egrep -i "^round-trip|^rtt" >/dev/null then with_ping6_command="$PATH_TO_PING -A inet6 -n -U -c %d %s" ac_cv_ping6_packets_first=yes AC_MSG_RESULT([$with_ping6_command]) elif $PATH_TO_PING -A inet6 -n -U -c 1 ::1 2>/dev/null | \ egrep -i "^round-trip|^rtt" >/dev/null then with_ping6_command="$PATH_TO_PING -A inet6 -n -U -c %d %s" ac_cv_ping6_packets_first=yes AC_MSG_RESULT([$with_ping6_command]) elif $PATH_TO_PING -A inet6 -n -c 1 ::1 2>/dev/null | \ egrep -i "^round-trip|^rtt" >/dev/null then with_ping6_command="$PATH_TO_PING -A inet6 -n -c %d %s" ac_cv_ping6_packets_first=yes AC_MSG_RESULT([$with_ping6_command]) elif $PATH_TO_PING -A inet6 -n ::1 -c 1 2>/dev/null | \ egrep -i "^round-trip|^rtt" >/dev/null then with_ping6_command="$PATH_TO_PING -A inet6 -n %s -c %d" AC_MSG_RESULT([$with_ping6_command]) elif $PATH_TO_PING -A inet6 ::1 -n 1 2>/dev/null | \ egrep -i "^round-trip|^rtt" >/dev/null then with_ping6_command="$PATH_TO_PING -A inet6 %s -n %d" AC_MSG_RESULT([$with_ping6_command]) elif $PATH_TO_PING -A inet6 -n -s ::1 56 1 2>/dev/null | \ egrep -i "^round-trip|^rtt" >/dev/null then with_ping6_command="$PATH_TO_PING -A inet6 -n -s %s 56 %d" AC_MSG_RESULT([$with_ping6_command]) elif $PATH_TO_PING -A inet6 -n -h ::1 -s 56 -c 1 2>/dev/null | \ egrep -i "^round-trip|^rtt" >/dev/null then with_ping6_command="$PATH_TO_PING -A inet6 -n -h %s -s 56 -c %d" AC_MSG_RESULT([$with_ping6_command]) elif $PATH_TO_PING -A inet6 -n -s 56 -c 1 ::1 2>/dev/null | \ egrep -i "^round-trip|^rtt" >/dev/null then with_ping6_command="$PATH_TO_PING -A inet6 -n -s 56 -c %d %s" ac_cv_ping6_packets_first=yes AC_MSG_RESULT([$with_ping_command]) elif $PATH_TO_PING -A inet6 -n -c 1 ::1 2>/dev/null | \ egrep -i "^round-trip|^rtt" >/dev/null then with_ping6_command="$PATH_TO_PING -A inet6 -n -c %d %s" ac_cv_ping6_packets_first=yes AC_MSG_RESULT([$with_ping6_command]) fi fi if test "x$with_ping6_command" != "x"; then AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PING6_COMMAND,"$with_ping6_command", [path and args for ICMPv6 ping command]) else AC_MSG_RESULT([none]) fi if test "x$ac_cv_ping6_packets_first" != "xno"; then AC_DEFINE(PING6_PACKETS_FIRST,1, [Define if packet count must precede host]) fi fi AC_PATH_PROG(PATH_TO_NSLOOKUP,nslookup) AC_MSG_CHECKING(for nslookup syntax) if test -n "$PATH_TO_NSLOOKUP" then if $PATH_TO_NSLOOKUP -sil 2>&1 | grep ["Invalid option: sil"] >/dev/null then ac_cv_nslookup_command="$PATH_TO_NSLOOKUP" AC_MSG_RESULT([$ac_cv_nslookup_command]) else ac_cv_nslookup_command="$PATH_TO_NSLOOKUP -sil" AC_MSG_RESULT([$ac_cv_nslookup_command]) fi EXTRAS="$EXTRAS check_dns" else AC_MSG_WARN([nslookup command not found]) fi AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(NSLOOKUP_COMMAND,"$ac_cv_nslookup_command", [path and args for nslookup]) AC_PATH_PROG(PATH_TO_HOST,host) if test -n "$ac_cv_path_PATH_TO_HOST" then EXTRAS="$EXTRAS check_dns" fi AC_PATH_PROG(PATH_TO_UPTIME,uptime) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PATH_TO_UPTIME,"$PATH_TO_UPTIME",[path to uptime binary]) AC_PATH_PROG(PATH_TO_RPCINFO,rpcinfo) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PATH_TO_RPCINFO,"$PATH_TO_RPCINFO",[path to rpcinfo binary]) AC_PATH_PROG(PATH_TO_NTPDATE,ntpdate) AC_PATH_PROGS(PATH_TO_NTPDC,ntpdc xntpdc) AC_PATH_PROGS(PATH_TO_NTPQ,ntpq) if (test -x "$PATH_TO_NTPDATE" || test -x "$PATH_TO_NTPQ") then AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PATH_TO_NTPQ,"$PATH_TO_NTPQ",[path to ntpq binary]) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PATH_TO_NTPDATE,"$PATH_TO_NTPDATE",[path to ntpdate binary]) else AC_MSG_WARN([Install NTP programs (http://www.ntp.org) if you want to monitor time synchronization]) fi AC_PATH_PROG(PATH_TO_LMSTAT,lmstat) if test -x "$PATH_TO_LMSTAT" then AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PATH_TO_LMSTAT,"$PATH_TO_LMSTAT",[path to lmstat]) else AC_MSG_WARN([Get lmstat from Globetrotter Software to monitor flexlm licenses]) fi AC_PATH_PROG(PATH_TO_SMBCLIENT,smbclient) if test -x "$PATH_TO_SMBCLIENT" then AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PATH_TO_SMBCLIENT,"$PATH_TO_SMBCLIENT",[path to smbclient binary]) else AC_MSG_WARN([Get smbclient from Samba.org to monitor SMB shares]) fi AC_PATH_PROG(PATH_TO_WHO,who) if [$PATH_TO_WHO -q 2>/dev/null | egrep -i "^# users=[0-9]+$" >/dev/null] then ac_cv_path_to_who="$PATH_TO_WHO -q" else ac_cv_path_to_who="$PATH_TO_WHO" fi AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(WHO_COMMAND,"$ac_cv_path_to_who", [path and arguments for invoking 'who']) AC_PATH_PROG(PATH_TO_SNMPGET,snmpget) if test -x "$PATH_TO_SNMPGET" then AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PATH_TO_SNMPGET,"$PATH_TO_SNMPGET",[path to snmpget binary]) EXTRAS="$EXTRAS check_hpjd check_snmp" else AC_MSG_WARN([Get snmpget from http://net-snmp.sourceforge.net to make check_hpjd and check_snmp plugins]) fi AC_PATH_PROG(PATH_TO_SNMPGETNEXT,snmpgetnext) if test -x "$PATH_TO_SNMPGETNEXT" then AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PATH_TO_SNMPGETNEXT,"$PATH_TO_SNMPGETNEXT",[path to snmpgetnext binary]) fi if ( $PERL -M"Net::SNMP 3.6" -e 'exit' 2>/dev/null ) then AC_MSG_CHECKING(for Net::SNMP perl module) AC_MSG_RESULT([found]) else AC_MSG_WARN([Tried $PERL - install Net::SNMP perl module if you want to use the perl snmp plugins]) fi AC_PATH_PROG(PATH_TO_QUAKESTAT,quakestat) AC_PATH_PROG(PATH_TO_QSTAT,qstat) if test -x "$PATH_TO_QUAKESTAT" then ac_cv_path_to_qstat="$PATH_TO_QUAKESTAT" EXTRAS="$EXTRAS check_game" elif test -x "$PATH_TO_QSTAT" then ac_cv_path_to_qstat="$PATH_TO_QSTAT" EXTRAS="$EXTRAS check_game" else AC_MSG_WARN([Get qstat from http://www.activesw.com/people/steve/qstat.html in order to make check_game plugin]) fi if test $ac_cv_path_to_qstat then AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PATH_TO_QSTAT,"$ac_cv_path_to_qstat", [path to qstat/quakestat]) fi AC_PATH_PROG(PATH_TO_FPING,fping) if test -x "$PATH_TO_FPING" then AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PATH_TO_FPING,"$PATH_TO_FPING",[path to fping]) EXTRAS="$EXTRAS check_fping" else AC_MSG_WARN([Get fping from http://www.fping.com in order to make check_fping plugin]) fi AC_PATH_PROG(PATH_TO_SSH,ssh) if test -x "$PATH_TO_SSH" then AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(SSH_COMMAND,"$PATH_TO_SSH",[path to ssh binary]) EXTRAS="$EXTRAS check_by_ssh" else AC_MSG_WARN([Get ssh in order to make check_by_ssh plugin]) fi AC_PATH_PROG(PATH_TO_MAILQ,mailq) if test -x "$PATH_TO_MAILQ" then AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PATH_TO_MAILQ,"$PATH_TO_MAILQ",[path to mailq]) else AC_MSG_WARN([Could not find mailq or eqivalent]) fi AC_PATH_PROG(PATH_TO_QMAIL_QSTAT,qmail-qstat) if test -x "$PATH_TO_QMAIL_QSTAT" then AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PATH_TO_MAILQ,"$PATH_TO_QMAIL_QSTAT",[path to qmail-qstat]) else AC_MSG_WARN([Could not find qmail-qstat or eqivalent]) fi dnl SWAP info required is amount allocated/available and amount free dnl The plugin works through all the swap devices and adds up the total swap dnl available. dnl dunno why this does not work below - use hack (kbd) dnl fine on linux, broken on solaris dnl if /bin/test -e "/proc/meminfo" AC_PATH_PROG(PATH_TO_SWAP,swap) AC_PATH_PROG(PATH_TO_SWAPINFO,swapinfo) AC_MSG_CHECKING(for how to check memory) if [cat /proc/meminfo > /dev/null 2>&1] then AC_MSG_RESULT([found /proc/meminfo]) AC_DEFINE(HAVE_PROC_MEMINFO,1,[Define if we have /proc/meminfo]) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PROC_MEMINFO,"/proc/meminfo",[path to /proc/meminfo if name changes]) EXTRAS="$EXTRAS check_swap" elif [$PATH_TO_SWAP -l 2>&1 >/dev/null] then ac_cv_have_swap=yes ac_cv_swap_command="$PATH_TO_SWAP -l" if [$PATH_TO_SWAP -l 2>/dev/null | \ egrep -i "^lswap +path +pri +swaplo +blocks +free +maxswap" \ >/dev/null] then ac_cv_swap_format=[" %*d %*s %*d,%*d %*d %*d %d %d"] ac_cv_swap_conv=2048 AC_MSG_RESULT([using IRIX format swap]) elif [$PATH_TO_SWAP -l 2>/dev/null | egrep -i "^swapfile +dev +swaplo +blocks +free" >/dev/null] then ac_cv_swap_format=["%*s %*[0-9,-] %*d %d %d"] ac_cv_swap_conv=2048 AC_MSG_RESULT([using Solaris format swap]) elif [$PATH_TO_SWAP -l 2>/dev/null | egrep -i "^path +dev +swaplo +blocks +free" >/dev/null] then ac_cv_swap_format=["%*s %*[0-9,-] %*d %d %d"] ac_cv_swap_conv=2048 AC_MSG_RESULT([using Unixware format swap]) fi EXTRAS="$EXTRAS check_swap" elif [$PATH_TO_SWAPINFO -k 2>&1 | egrep -i "^Device" >/dev/null] then ac_cv_have_swap=yes ac_cv_swap_command="$PATH_TO_SWAPINFO -k" if [$PATH_TO_SWAPINFO -k 2>/dev/null | egrep -i "^Device +1K-blocks +Used +Avail" >/dev/null] then ac_cv_swap_format=["%*s %d %*d %d"] ac_cv_swap_conv=1024 AC_MSG_RESULT([using FreeBSD format swapinfo]) fi EXTRAS="$EXTRAS check_swap" elif [$PATH_TO_SWAPINFO -dfM 2>/dev/null | egrep -i "^TYPE +AVAIL +USED +FREE" >/dev/null] then ac_cv_have_swap=yes ac_cv_swap_command="$PATH_TO_SWAPINFO -dfM", ac_cv_swap_format=["%*s %d %*d %d"] ac_cv_swap_conv=1024 AC_MSG_RESULT([using HP-UX format swapinfo]) fi if test "x$ac_cv_have_swap" != "x" then AC_DEFINE(HAVE_SWAP,1,[Define if swap/swapinfo command is found]) fi if test "x$ac_cv_swap_command" != "x" then AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(SWAP_COMMAND,"$ac_cv_swap_command", [Path to swap/swapinfo binary, with any args]) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(SWAP_FORMAT,"$ac_cv_swap_format", [Format string for parsing swap output]) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(SWAP_CONVERSION,$ac_cv_swap_conv, [Conversion factor to MB]) fi AC_PATH_PROG(PATH_TO_DIG,dig) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PATH_TO_DIG,"$PATH_TO_DIG",[Path to dig command, if present]) if test -n "$PATH_TO_DIG"; then EXTRAS="$EXTRAS check_dig" fi if test -f plugins/check_nt.c ; then EXTRAS="$EXTRAS check_nt" elif test -f ../plugins/check_nt.c ; then EXTRAS="$EXTRAS check_nt" fi AC_MSG_CHECKING(for va_list) AC_TRY_COMPILE([#ifdef __STDC__ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdarg.h> #else #include <sys/types.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <varargs.h> #endif], [va_list args;], [AC_MSG_RESULT(yes)], [NEED_VA_LIST=-DNEED_VA_LIST AC_SUBST(NEED_VA_LIST) AC_MSG_RESULT(no)]) AC_SUBST(EXTRAS) AC_SUBST(EXTRA_NETOBJS) AC_SUBST(DEPLIBS) AC_DEFINE_UNQUOTED(PACKAGE_VERSION,"${VERSION}",[package version]) AC_OUTPUT(Makefile lib/Makefile plugins/Makefile plugins-scripts/Makefile plugins-scripts/subst plugins-scripts/utils.pm plugins-scripts/utils.sh command.cfg test.pl pkg/solaris/pkginfo) ACX_FEATURE([with],[cgiurl]) ACX_FEATURE([with],[nagios-user]) ACX_FEATURE([with],[nagios-group]) ACX_FEATURE([with],[trusted-path]) ACX_FEATURE([with],[df-command]) ACX_FEATURE([with],[ping-command]) ACX_FEATURE([with],[ping6-command]) ACX_FEATURE([with],[lwres]) ACX_FEATURE([with],[ipv6]) ACX_FEATURE([enable],[emulate-getaddrinfo])