#!/usr/bin/perl -w #================================================================ # # This perl script will accept an argument and simply pass it # to ping. It works by sending 2 ping to the specified host # and evaluating on the average delta time of those 2 pings. # # Author: SpEnTBoY # Email: lonny@abyss.za.org # April 5,2000 # #================================================================ #============================ # State predefined stuff and # requirements #============================ require 5.004; use POSIX; use strict; sub usage; my $ipaddr = $ARGV[0]; my $TIMEOUT = 15; my %ERRORS = ('UNKNOWN' , '-1', 'OK' , '0', 'WARNING', '1', 'CRITICAL', '2'); my $remote = shift || &usage(%ERRORS); my $warning = shift || 750; my $critical = shift || 1000; my $state = "OK"; my $answer = undef; my $offset = undef; my $line = undef; #============================================================ # If theres no response we can exit the bloody thing cleanly # last thing I want to do is hang an AIX system ;-) #============================================================ $SIG{'ALRM'} = sub { print ("ERROR: No response from PING! (alarm)\n"); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}; }; alarm($TIMEOUT); #================================================ # Pass stddn from $ARGV to the command and parse # the info we need (namely the value for "max" #================================================ open(PING,"/usr/sbin/ping -c 2 '$ipaddr' >&1|"); while (<PING>) { $line = $_; if (/round-trip min\/avg\/max = (.+)\/(.+)\/(.+) ms/) { $offset = $3; last; } } #================================================== # Do some error checking on the output of the file # and implement values for <crit> and <warn> # deffinitions if they were specified by the user # or sub in the predefined ones #================================================== if (defined $offset) { if (abs($offset) > $warning) { if (abs($offset) > $critical) { $state = "CRITICAL"; $answer = ": Ping Time $offset MS greater than +/- $critical MS\n"; } else { $state = "WARNING"; $answer = ": Ping Time $offset MS greater than +/- $warning MS\n"; } } else { $state = "OK"; $answer = ": Ping Time $offset MS\n"; } } else { $state = "UNKNOWN"; $answer = ": $line\n"; } print ("$state$answer"); exit $ERRORS{$state}; sub usage { print "\n"; print "#=========================================\n"; print "Check_Ping 0.02 script by Lonny Selinger\n"; print "Made with AIX in mind ;-)\n"; print "#=========================================\n"; print "\n"; print "#================================================\n"; print " I'm going to need a few more arguments from you\n"; print "#================================================\n"; print "\n"; print "#================================================\n"; print "Usage: check_ping <host> [<warn> [<crit>]\n"; print "#================================================\n"; print "\n"; print "<warn> = Ping in MS at which a warning message will be generated.\n Defaults to 750.\n"; print "<crit> = Ping in MS at which a critical message will be generated.\n Defaults to 1000.\n\n"; exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}; }