#! /bin/sh

#  Print Queue Checker
#  The print queue checker simply looks for an occurance of a 
#  DOWN queue.  A note of warning, if you use remote queues in
#  AIX to redirect print jobs from the AIX queue to an NT print
#  server that print through DLC rather than IP, it will be very
#  s - l - o - w. But it will work.
#    Author: TheRocker
#    Email:  therocker@pawprints.2y.net


#  This script will also work on AIX 4.2.1 BUT you have to change
#  the following line.  AIX 4.2.1 does not support the -W option
#  with lpstat.  For AIX 4.2.1 just remove the -W option and it should
#  work just fine.

`rsh $1 -l root lpstat -W | grep -e "DOWN" | tr -s ' ' | cut -d' ' -f1,3  > /tmp/qtmp.hndl 2> /tmp/q_err`

if [ -s $TMPFILE ]

#  If you've seen the other AIX scripts I wrote you may
#  notice that I use this bit of code a lot.  Well it 
#  works and appears to be all purpose.

     LINES=`wc -l /tmp/qtmp.hndl | cut -c8`
     LINESCTL=`wc -l /tmp/qtmp.hndl | cut -c8`

     echo "Print Queue DOWN --> \c" 
     while [ $LINESCTL != 0 ]

       cat $TMPFILE | tail -$LINESCTL > $TMPTOO
       cat $TMPTOO > $TMPFILE
       LINESCTL=$(( $LINESCTL -1 ))
       LINES=$(( $LINES -1 ))
       DATA=`head -1 /tmp/qtmp.hndl`
       echo "( $DATA ) \c"

     echo "\n"

    rm -f $TMPFILE
    rm -f $TMPTOO
     exit 2

    echo "Print Queues Running... OK"
    exit 0