#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use IO::Socket; use Getopt::Long; $|=1; my ( $host, $username, $password, $verbose, $help, $command, $mode, $ipaddr, $respaddr, $sendto, $msg, $recvfrom, $version, $response, $message, $line, $sock, $port, $reply, $warning, $critical, %warnval, %critval, %channels, $runmode, $key, $s, ); my $stop = 0; my $mgr_port = 5038; my $iax_port = 4569; my $exitcode = 0; my $cause = ""; my $iax_answer = 0; my $iax_maxlen = 1024; my $iax_timeout = 5; my $iax_src_call = "8000"; #8000 most siginificant bit is IAX packet type full ... required for a poke etc... my $iax_dst_call = "0000"; my $iax_timestamp = "00000000"; my $iax_outbound_seq = "00"; my $iax_inbound_seq = "00"; my $iax_type = "06"; #IAX_Control sub ok { $s = shift; $s =~ s/[\r\n]//g; print "OK: $s\n"; exit(0); } sub warning { $s = shift; $s =~ s/[\r\n]//g; print "WARNING: $s\n"; exit(1); } sub error { $s = shift; $s =~ s/[\r\n]//g; print "ERROR: $s\n"; exit(2); } sub unknown { $s = shift; $s =~ s/[\r\n]//g; print "UNKNOWN: $s\n"; exit(3); } sub syntax { $s = shift; unless ($s =~ m/Help:/) { $s = "Error: (".$s.")" or $s = 'Unknown'; } print "$s\n" unless ($help); print "Syntax: $0 -m mgr -h <host> -u <username> -p <password> [-cwv]\n"; print "Syntax: $0 -m iax -h <host> [-v]\n"; print "* --host -h Host\n"; print "* --mode -m Mode - eithr 'mgr' or 'iax'\n"; print " --username -u Username\n"; print " --password -p Password\n"; print " --port -P n Port (if not using $mgr_port for manager or $iax_port for IAX)\n"; print " --warning xxx=n Return warning if > n channels of type xxx.\n"; print " --critical xxx=n Return critical if > n channels of type xxx.\n"; print " --verbose -v Verbose\n"; print " --help -h This help\n"; exit(3); } Getopt::Long::Configure('bundling'); GetOptions ("p=s" => \$password, "password=s" => \$password, "u=s" => \$username, "username=s" => \$username, "h=s" => \$host, "host=s" => \$host, "P=i" => \$port, "port=i" => \$port, "H" => \$help, "help" => \$help, "v" => \$verbose, "verbose" => \$verbose, "m=s" => \$mode, "mode=s" => \$mode, "critical=s" => \$critical, "warning=s" => \$warning); syntax("Help:") if ($help); syntax("Missing host") unless (defined($host)); syntax("Missing mode") unless (defined($mode)); if ($mode =~ /^iax$/i) { print "Running in IAX mode\n" if ($verbose); $runmode = 1; } elsif ($mode =~ /^mgr$/i) { print "Running in Manager mode\n" if ($verbose); $runmode = 2; } else { syntax("Unknown mode $mode") } ############################################################################## if ($runmode == 2) { $port = $mgr_port; syntax("Missing username") unless (defined($username)); syntax("Missing password") unless (defined($password)); if (defined($warning)) { foreach $s (split(/,/, $warning)) { syntax("Warning value given, $s, is invalid") unless ($s =~ /^(\w+)=(\d+)$/); $warnval{$1} = $2; print "Clear to give WARNING after $2 connections on $1\n" if ($verbose); } } if (defined($critical)) { foreach $s (split(/,/, $critical)) { syntax("Critical value given, $s, is invalid") unless ($s =~ /^(\w+)=(\d+)$/); $critval{$1} = $2; print "Clear to give CRITICAL after $2 connections on $1\n" if ($verbose); } } print "Connecting to $host:$port\n" if ($verbose); unless ($sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr => $host, PeerPort => $port, Proto => 'tcp')) { print("Could not connect to asterisk server ".$host.":".$port."\n"); exit(2); } print "Connected to $host:$port\n" if ($verbose); $version = <$sock>; print $version if ($verbose); print $sock "Action: Login\r\nUsername: $username\r\nSecret: $password\r\nEvents: off\r\n\r\n"; print "Action: Login\r\nUsername: $username\r\nSecret: $password\r\n\r\n" if ($verbose); $response = <$sock>; $message = <$sock>; $s = <$sock>; print $response.$message if ($verbose); print $s if ($verbose); exit(1) unless ($response =~ m/^Response:\s+(.*)$/i); exit(1) unless ($1 =~ m/Success/i); print $sock "Action: Status\r\n\r\n"; print "Action: Status\r\n\r\n" if ($verbose); $response = <$sock>; $message = <$sock>; print $response.$message if ($verbose); &unknown("Unknown answer $response (wanted Response: something)") unless ($response =~ m/^Response:\s+(.*)$/i); &unknown("$response didn't say Success") unless ($1 =~ m/Success/i); &unknown("Unknown answer $response (wanted Message: something)") unless ($message =~ m/^Message:\s+(.*)$/i); &unknown("didn't understand message $message") unless ($1 =~ m/Channel status will follow/i); $stop=0; while (($stop == 0) && ($line = <$sock>)) { print "$line" if ($verbose); if ($line =~ m/Channel:\s+(\w+)\//) { $channels{$1}++; print "Found $1 channel\n" if ($verbose); } if ($line =~ m/Event:\s*StatusComplete/i) { $stop++; } } # Log out print $sock "Action: Logoff\r\n\r\n"; undef($s); foreach $key (keys %channels) { $s .= " " . $key . " (" . $channels{$key} . ")"; } foreach $key (keys %critval) { print "key = $key\n" if ($verbose); if (defined($channels{$key}) && ($channels{$key} > $critval{$key})) { $exitcode = 2; $cause .= $channels{$key} . " $key channels detected. "; } } if ($exitcode < 2) { foreach $key (keys %warnval) { print "key = $key\n" if ($verbose); if (defined($channels{$key}) && ($channels{$key} > $warnval{$key})) { $exitcode = 1; $cause .= $channels{$key} . " $key channels detected. "; } } } if ($exitcode == 0) { print "OK "; } elsif ($exitcode == 1) { print "WARNING "; } elsif ($exitcode == 2) { print "CRITICAL "; } elsif ($exitcode > 2) { print "UNKNOWN "; } if (defined($s)) { $cause .= " Channels:$s"; } else { $cause .= " (idle)"; } print $cause; print "\n" if ($verbose); exit($exitcode); } elsif ($runmode == 1) { $port = $iax_port; socket(PING, PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, getprotobyname("udp")); $msg = pack "H24", $iax_src_call . $iax_dst_call . $iax_timestamp . $iax_outbound_seq . $iax_inbound_seq . $iax_type . $iax_type; $ipaddr = inet_aton($host); $sendto = sockaddr_in($port,$ipaddr); send(PING, $msg, 0, $sendto) == length($msg) or die "cannot send to $host : $port : $!\n"; eval { local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die("alarm time out"); }; alarm $iax_timeout; while (1) { $recvfrom = recv(PING, $msg, $iax_maxlen, 0) or die "recv: $!"; ($port, $ipaddr) = sockaddr_in($recvfrom); $respaddr = inet_ntoa($ipaddr); $iax_answer++; # print "Response from $respaddr : $port\n"; } }; if ($iax_answer) { if ($iax_answer == 1) { $reply = "reply"; } else { $reply = "replies"; } &ok("Got $iax_answer $reply"); } else { &error("Got no reply"); } }