#!/usr/bin/perl # # (c)2000 Benjamin Schmid, blueshift@gmx.net (emergency use only ;-) # Copyleft by GNU GPL # # # check_email_loop Nagios Plugin # # This script sends a mail with a specific id in the subject via # an given smtp-server to a given email-adress. When the script # is run again, it checks for this Email (with its unique id) on # a given pop3 account and send another mail. # # # Example: check_email_loop.pl -poph=mypop -popu=user -pa=password # -smtph=mailer -from=returnadress@yoursite.com # -to=remaileradress@friend.com -pendc=2 -lostc=0 # # This example will send eacht time this check is executed a new # mail to remaileradress@friend.com using the SMTP-Host mailer. # Then it looks for any back-forwarded mails in the POP3 host # mypop. In this Configuration CRITICAL state will be reached if # more than 2 Mails are pending (meaning that they did not came # back till now) or if a mails got lost (meaning a mail, that was # send later came back prior to another mail). # # Michael Markstaller, mm@elabnet.de various changes/additions # MM 021003: fixed some unquoted strings # MM 021116: fixed/added pendwarn/lostwarn # MM 030515: added deleting of orphaned check-emails # changed to use "top" instead of get to minimize traffic (required changing match-string from "Subject: Email-ping [" to "Email-Ping [" use Net::POP3; use Net::SMTP; use strict; use Getopt::Long; &Getopt::Long::config('auto_abbrev'); # ---------------------------------------- my $TIMEOUT = 120; my %ERRORS = ('UNKNOWN' , '-1', 'OK' , '0', 'WARNING', '1', 'CRITICAL', '2'); my $state = "UNKNOWN"; my ($sender,$receiver, $pophost, $popuser, $poppasswd, $smtphost,$keeporphaned); my ($poptimeout,$smtptimeout,$pinginterval,$maxmsg)=(60,60,5,50); my ($lostwarn, $lostcrit,$pendwarn, $pendcrit,$debug); # Internal Vars my ($pop,$msgcount,@msglines,$statinfo,@messageids,$newestid); my (%other_smtp_opts); my ($matchcount,$statfile) = (0,"check_email_loop.stat"); # Subs declaration sub usage; sub messagematchs; sub nsexit; # Just in case of problems, let's not hang Nagios $SIG{'ALRM'} = sub { print ("ERROR: $0 Time-Out $TIMEOUT s \n"); exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}; }; alarm($TIMEOUT); # Evaluate Command Line Parameters my $status = GetOptions( "from=s",\$sender, "to=s",\$receiver, "debug", \$debug, "pophost=s",\$pophost, "popuser=s",\$popuser, "passwd=s",\$poppasswd, "poptimeout=i",\$poptimeout, "smtphost=s",\$smtphost, "smtptimeout=i",\$smtptimeout, "statfile=s",\$statfile, "interval=i",\$pinginterval, "lostwarn=i",\$lostwarn, "lostcrit=i",\$lostcrit, "pendwarn=i",\$pendwarn, "pendcrit=i",\$pendcrit, "maxmsg=i",\$maxmsg, "keeporphaned=s",\$keeporphaned, ); usage() if ($status == 0 || ! ($pophost && $popuser && $poppasswd && $smtphost && $receiver && $sender )); # Try to read the ids of the last send emails out of statfile if (open STATF, "$statfile") { @messageids = <STATF>; chomp @messageids; close STATF; } # Try to open statfile for writing if (!open STATF, ">$statfile") { nsexit("Failed to open mail-ID database $statfile for writing",'CRITICAL'); } # Ok - check if it's time to release another mail # ... # creating new serial id my $serial = time(); $serial = "ID#" . $serial . "#$$"; # sending new ping email %other_smtp_opts={}; if ( $debug == 1 ) { $other_smtp_opts{'Debug'} = 1; } my $smtp = Net::SMTP->new($smtphost,Timeout=>$smtptimeout, %other_smtp_opts) || nsexit("SMTP connect timeout ($smtptimeout s)",'CRITICAL'); ($smtp->mail($sender) && $smtp->to($receiver) && $smtp->data() && $smtp->datasend("To: $receiver\nSubject: E-Mail Ping [$serial]\n\n". "This is a automatically sended E-Mail.\n". "It ist not intended for human reader.\n\n". "Serial No: $serial\n") && $smtp->dataend() && $smtp->quit ) || nsexit("Error delivering message",'CRITICAL'); # no the interessting part: let's if they are receiving ;-) $pop = Net::POP3->new( $pophost, Timeout=>$poptimeout) || nsexit("POP3 connect timeout (>$poptimeout s, host: $pophost)",'CRITICAL'); $msgcount=$pop->login($popuser,$poppasswd); $statinfo="$msgcount mails on POP3"; nsexit("POP3 login failed (user:$popuser)",'CRITICAL') if (!defined($msgcount)); # Check if more than maxmsg mails in pop3-box nsexit(">$maxmsg Mails ($msgcount Mails on POP3); Please delete !",'WARNING') if ($msgcount > $maxmsg); # Count messages, that we are looking 4: while ($msgcount > 0) { @msglines = @{$pop->top($msgcount,1)}; for (my $i=0; $i < scalar @messageids; $i++) { if (messagematchsid(\@msglines,$messageids[$i])) { $matchcount++; # newest received mail than the others, ok remeber id. $newestid = $messageids[$i] if ($messageids[$i] > $newestid || !defined $newestid); $pop->delete($msgcount); # remove E-Mail from POP3 server splice @messageids, $i, 1;# remove id from List last; # stop looking in list } } # Delete orphaned Email-ping msg my @msgsubject = grep /^Subject/, @msglines; chomp @msgsubject; # Scan Subject if email is an Email-Ping. In fact we match and delete also successfully retrieved messages here again. if (!defined $keeporphaned && $msgsubject[0] =~ /E-Mail Ping \[/) { $pop->delete($msgcount); # remove E-Mail from POP3 server } $msgcount--; } $pop->quit(); # necessary for pop3 deletion! # traverse through the message list and mark the lost mails # that mean mails that are older than the last received mail. if (defined $newestid) { $newestid =~ /\#(\d+)\#/; $newestid = $1; for (my $i=0; $i < scalar @messageids; $i++) { $messageids[$i] =~ /\#(\d+)\#/; my $akid = $1; if ($akid < $newestid) { $messageids[$i] =~ s/^ID/LI/; # mark lost } } } # Write list to id-Database foreach my $id (@messageids) { print STATF "$id\n"; } print STATF "$serial\n"; # remember send mail of this session close STATF; # ok - count lost and pending mails; my @tmp = grep /^ID/, @messageids; my $pendingm = scalar @tmp; @tmp = grep /^LI/, @messageids; my $lostm = scalar @tmp; # Evaluate the Warnin/Crit-Levels if (defined $pendwarn && $pendingm > $pendwarn) { $state = 'WARNING'; } if (defined $lostwarn && $lostm > $lostwarn) { $state = 'WARNING'; } if (defined $pendcrit && $pendingm > $pendcrit) { $state = 'CRITICAL'; } if (defined $lostcrit && $lostm > $lostcrit) { $state = 'CRITICAL'; } if ((defined $pendwarn || defined $pendcrit || defined $lostwarn || defined $lostcrit) && ($state eq 'UNKNOWN')) {$state='OK';} # Append Status info $statinfo = $statinfo . ", $matchcount mail(s) came back,". " $pendingm pending, $lostm lost."; # Exit in a Nagios-compliant way nsexit($statinfo); # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub usage { print "check_email_loop 1.1 Nagios Plugin - Real check of a E-Mail system\n"; print "=" x 75,"\nERROR: Missing or wrong arguments!\n","=" x 75,"\n"; print "This script sends a mail with a specific id in the subject via an given\n"; print "smtp-server to a given email-adress. When the script is run again, it checks\n"; print "for this Email (with its unique id) on a given pop3 account and sends \n"; print "another mail.\n"; print "\nThe following options are available:\n"; print " -from=text email adress of send (for mail returnr on errors)\n"; print " -to=text email adress to which the mails should send to\n"; print " -pophost=text IP or name of the POP3-host to be checked\n"; print " -popuser=text Username of the POP3-account\n"; print " -passwd=text Password for the POP3-user\n"; print " -poptimeout=num Timeout in seconds for the POP3-server\n"; print " -smtphost=text IP oder name of the SMTP host\n"; print " -smtptimeout=num Timeout in seconds for the SMTP-server\n"; print " -statfile=text File to save ids of messages ($statfile)\n"; print " -interval=num Time (in minutes) that must pass by before sending\n"; print " another Ping-mail (gibe a new try);\n"; print " -lostwarn=num WARNING-state if more than num lost emails\n"; print " -lostcrit=num CRITICAL \n"; print " -pendwarn=num WARNING-state if more than num pending emails\n"; print " -pendcrit=num CRITICAL \n"; print " -maxmsg=num WARNING if more than num emails on POP3 (default 50)\n"; print " -keeporphaned Set this to NOT delete orphaned E-Mail Ping msg from POP3\n"; print " -debug send SMTP tranaction info to stderr\n\n"; print " Options may abbreviated!\n"; print " LOST mails are mails, being sent before the last mail arrived back.\n"; print " PENDING mails are those, which are not. (supposed to be on the way)\n"; print "\nExample: \n"; print " $0 -poph=host -pa=pw -popu=popts -smtph=host -from=root\@me.com\n "; print " -to=remailer\@testxy.com -lostc=0 -pendc=2\n"; print "\nCopyleft 19.10.2000, Benjamin Schmid / 2003 Michael Markstaller, mm\@elabnet.de\n"; print "This script comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY\n"; print "This programm is licensed under the terms of the "; print "GNU General Public License\n\n"; exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"}; } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- sub nsexit { my ($msg,$code) = @_; $code=$state if (!defined $code); print "$code: $msg\n" if (defined $msg); exit $ERRORS{$code}; } # --------------------------------------------------------------------- sub messagematchsid { my ($mailref,$id) = (@_); my (@tmp); my $match = 0; # ID $id =~ s/^LI/ID/; # evtl. remove lost mail mark @tmp = grep /E-Mail Ping \[/, @$mailref; chomp @tmp; if (($tmp[0] =~ /$id/)) { $match = 1; } # Sender: # @tmp = grep /^From:\s+/, @$mailref; # if (@tmp && $sender ne "") # { $match = $match && ($tmp[0]=~/$sender/); } # Receiver: # @tmp = grep /^To: /, @$mailref; # if (@tmp && $receiver ne "") # { $match = $match && ($tmp[0]=~/$receiver/); } return $match; } # ---------------------------------------------------------------------