#!/usr/local/bin/perl # # usage: # check_flexlm.pl license_file # # Check available flexlm license managers. # Use lmstat to check the status of the license server # described by the license file given as argument. # Check and interpret the output of lmstat # and create returncodes and output. # # Contrary to the nagios concept, this script takes # a file, not a hostname as an argument and returns # the status of hosts and services described in that # file. Use these hosts.cfg entries as an example # #host[anchor]=any host will do;some.address.com;;check-host-alive;3;120;24x7;1;1;1; #service[anchor]=yodel;24x7;3;5;5;unix-admin;60;24x7;1;1;1;;check_flexlm!/opt/lic/licfiles/yodel_lic #service[anchor]=yeehaw;24x7;3;5;5;unix-admin;60;24x7;1;1;1;;check_flexlm!/opt/lic/licfiles/yeehaw_lic #command[check_flexlm]=/some/path/libexec/check_flexlm.pl $ARG1$ # # Notes: # - you need the lmstat utility which comes with flexlm. # - set the correct path in the variable $lmstat. # # initial version: 9-10-99 Ernst-Dieter Martin edmt@infineon.com # current status: looks like working # # Copyright Notice: Do as you please, credit me, but don't blame me # # Just in case of problems, let's not hang Nagios $SIG{'ALRM'} = sub { print "No Answer from Client\n"; exit 2; }; alarm(20); $lmstat = "/opt/lic/sw/cadadm/default/bin/lmstat"; $licfile = shift; #print "$licfile \n"; open CMD,"$lmstat -c $licfile |"; $serverup = 0; while ( <CMD> ) { if ( /^License server status: [0-9]*@([-0-9a-zA-Z_]*),[0-9]*@([-0-9a-zA-Z_]*),[0-9]*@([-0-9a-zA-Z_]*)/ ) { $ls1 = $1; $ls2 = $2; $ls3 = $3; $lf1 = $lf2 = $lf3 = 0; $servers = 3; } elsif ( /^License server status: [0-9]*@([-0-9a-zA-Z_]*)/ ) { $ls1 = $1; $ls2 = $ls3 = ""; $lf1 = $lf2 = $lf3 = 0; $servers = 1; } elsif ( / *$ls1: license server UP/ ) { print "$ls1 UP, "; $lf1 = 1 } elsif ( / *$ls2: license server UP/ ) { print "$ls2 UP, "; $lf2 = 1 } elsif ( / *$ls3: license server UP/ ) { print "$ls3 UP, "; $lf3 = 1 } elsif ( / *([^:]*: UP .*)/ ) { print " license server for $1\n"; $serverup = 1; } } if ( $serverup == 0 ) { print " license server not running\n"; exit 2; } exit 0 if ( $servers == $lf1 + $lf2 + $lf3 ); exit 1 if ( $servers == 3 && $lf1 + $lf2 + $lf3 == 2 ); exit 2;