/****************************************************************************************** * * CHECK_IPXPING.C * * Program: IPX ping plugin for Nagios * License: GPL * Copyright (c) 1999 Ethan Galstad (nagios@nagios.org) * * Last Modified: 09-24-1999 * * Command line: CHECK_IPXPING <dest_network> <dest_address> <wrtt> <crtt> * * Description: * * This plugin will use the /usr/bin/ipxping command to ping the specified host using the * IPX protocol. Note: Linux users must have IPX support compiled into the kernerl and * must have IPX configured correctly in order for this plugin to work. * If the round trip time value is above the <wrtt> level, a STATE_WARNING is * returned. If it exceeds the <crtt> level, a STATE_CRITICAL is returned. * * * * IMPORTANT!! * * This plugin will only work with the ipxping command that has been ported to Linux. * The version for Sun takes different command line arguments and differs in its output. * *****************************************************************************************/ #include "config.h" #include "common.h" #include "netutils.h" #include "popen.h" /* this should be moved out to the configure script! */ #define IPXPING_COMMAND "/tmp/ipxping/ipxping" /* these should be moved to the common header file */ #define MAX_IPXNET_ADDRESS_LENGTH 12 #define MAX_IPXHOST_ADDRESS_LENGTH 18 int socket_timeout=DEFAULT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT; char dest_network[MAX_IPXNET_ADDRESS_LENGTH]; char dest_address[MAX_IPXHOST_ADDRESS_LENGTH]; int wrtt; int crtt; int process_arguments(int,char **); FILE * spopen(const char *); int spclose(FILE *); int main(int argc, char **argv){ char command_line[MAX_INPUT_BUFFER]; int rtt; int bytes_returned; int result=STATE_OK; FILE *fp; char input_buffer[MAX_INPUT_BUFFER]; char *substr; int current_line; if(process_arguments(argc,argv)!=OK){ printf("Incorrect arguments supplied\n"); printf("\n"); printf("IPX ping plugin for Nagios\n"); printf("Copyright (c) 1999 Ethan Galstad (nagios@nagios.org)\n"); printf("Last Modified: 09-24-1999\n"); printf("License: GPL\n"); printf("\n"); printf("Usage: %s <dest_network> <dest_address> <wrtt> <crtt> [-to to_sec]\n",argv[0]); printf("\n"); printf("Options:\n"); printf(" <dest_network> = IPX network that the remote host lies on. (Hex Format - 00:00:00:00)\n"); printf(" <dest_address> = MAC address of the remote host. (Hex Format - 00:00:00:00:00:00)\n"); printf(" <wrtt> = Round trip time in milliseconds necessary to result in a WARNING state\n"); printf(" <crtt> = Round trip time in milliseconds necessary to result in a CRITICAL state\n"); printf(" [to_sec] = Seconds before we should timeout waiting for ping result. Default = %d sec\n",DEFAULT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT); printf("\n"); printf("Notes:\n"); printf("This plugin will use the /usr/bin/ipxping command to ping the specified host using\n"); printf("the IPX protocol. IPX support must be compiled into the kernel and your host must\n"); printf("be correctly configured to use IPX before this plugin will work! An RPM package of\n"); printf("the ipxping binary can be found at...\n"); printf("http://www.rpmfind.net/linux/RPM/contrib/libc5/i386/ipxping-0.0-2.i386.shtml\n"); printf("\n"); return STATE_UNKNOWN; } /* create the command line to use... */ sprintf(command_line,"%s %s %s",IPXPING_COMMAND,dest_network,dest_address); /* initialize alarm signal handling */ signal(SIGALRM,socket_timeout_alarm_handler); /* set socket timeout */ alarm(socket_timeout); /* run the command */ fp = spopen(command_line); if(fp==NULL){ printf("Unable to open pipe: %s",command_line); return STATE_UNKNOWN; } current_line=0; while(fgets(input_buffer,MAX_INPUT_BUFFER-1,fp)){ current_line++; /* skip the first line of the output */ if(current_line==1) continue; /* we didn't get the "is alive" */ if(current_line==2 && !strstr(input_buffer,"is alive")) result=STATE_CRITICAL; /* get the round trip time */ if(current_line==3){ substr=strtok(input_buffer,":"); substr=strtok(NULL,"\n"); rtt=atoi(substr); } /* get the number of bytes returned */ if(current_line==4 && strstr(input_buffer,"bytes returned")){ bytes_returned=atoi(input_buffer); } } /* close the pipe */ spclose(fp); /* reset the alarm */ alarm(0); if(current_line==1 || result==STATE_CRITICAL) printf("IPX Ping problem - No response from host\n"); else{ if(rtt>crtt) result=STATE_CRITICAL; else if(rtt>wrtt) result=STATE_WARNING; printf("IPX Ping %s - RTT = %d ms, %d bytes returned from %s %s\n",(result==STATE_OK)?"ok":"problem",rtt,bytes_returned,dest_network,dest_address); } return result; } /* process all arguments passed on the command line */ int process_arguments(int argc, char **argv){ int x; /* no options were supplied */ if(argc<5) return ERROR; /* get the destination network address */ strncpy(dest_network,argv[1],sizeof(dest_network)-1); dest_network[sizeof(dest_network)-1]='\x0'; /* get the destination host address */ strncpy(dest_address,argv[2],sizeof(dest_address)-1); dest_address[sizeof(dest_address)-1]='\x0'; /* get the round trip time variables */ wrtt=atoi(argv[3]); crtt=atoi(argv[4]); /* process remaining arguments */ for(x=6;x<=argc;x++){ /* we got the timeout to use */ if(!strcmp(argv[x-1],"-to")){ if(x<argc){ socket_timeout=atoi(argv[x]); if(socket_timeout<=0) return ERROR; x++; } else return ERROR; } /* else we got something else... */ else return ERROR; } return OK; }