#!/usr/bin/perl -wT # check_rrd_data plugin for nagios # # usage: # check_rrd machine_id perlexp_warn perlexp_crit perlexp_default [ds] # # Checks data from a RRD file. machine_id is normally an IP address, that has # to be mapped to a RRD file, by means of the config file (by default # /var/spool/nagios/rrd-files, a file with pairs of (machine_id,rrd_file), # separated by whitespace). It can be a RRD file, too. # # The Perl expressions are expressions to be evaluated in the following cases: # # - perlexp_crit. The first one, to check if there is a critical situation. If # it returns other than "", it will be a critical message. # - perlexp_warn. The second one to be evaluated. If returns other than "", a # warning will be issued to Nagios. # - perlexp_default. If both of the above return "", it will be evaluated, and # wathever returns this expression will be returned by the script. NOTE that # this is different from the other two cases, to allow the user issue a # warning or critical failure even if the other two don't return it. # # Use these hosts.cfg entries as examples # # command[check_ping]=$USER1$/check_rrd_data.pl $HOSTADDRESS$ \ # 'return "CHECK_CRICKET_PING: Warning\n" if ($value > 10);' 'return \ # "CHECK_CRICKET_PING: Critical\n" if ($value > 100);' 'printf \ # "PING OK - RTA = %.2fms\n", $value; return 0;' 1 # service[machine]=PING;0;24x7;3;5;1;router-admins;240;24x7;1;1;1;;check_ping # # initial version: 28 Nov 2000 by Esteban Manchado Vel�zquez # current status: 0.1 # # Copyright Notice: GPL # # Doesn't work! Why? # BEGIN { # my $runtimedir = substr($0,0,rindex($0,'/')); # require "$runtimedir/utils.pm"; # } require '/usr/libexec/nagios/plugins/utils.pm'; use RRD::File; # use strict; # RRD:File and utils.pm don't like this my $configfilepath = "/var/spool/nagios/rrd-files"; # Change if needed my %hostfile; # For storing config my $rrdfile; # RRD file to open $ENV{'PATH'} = "/bin:/usr/bin"; $ENV{'ENV'} = ""; if (scalar @ARGV != 4 && scalar @ARGV != 5) { print STDERR join "' '", @ARGV, "\n"; my $foo = 'check_rrd_data'; print STDERR $foo, " <file.rrd> <perl_exp_warn> <perl_exp_crit> <perl_exp_default> [<ds>]\n\n"; print STDERR "<perl_exp_*> is an expression that gets evaluated with \$_ at the current\n"; print STDERR "value of the data source. If it returns something other than \"\", there\n"; print STDERR "will be a warning or a critical failure. Else, the expression\n"; print STDERR "<perl_exp_default> will be evaluated\n"; exit; } # Check configuration file open F, $configfilepath or do { print "Can't open config file $configfilepath\n"; return $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'}; }; while (<F>) { next unless /(.+)\s+(.+)/; $hostfile{$1} = $2; } close F; # Default my $ds = defined $ARGV[4]?$ARGV[4]:0; # print "\$ds = " . $ds . ":"; # print "\$ARGV[4] = " . $ARGV[4] . ":"; $ds =~ s/\$//g; # Sometimes Nagios gives 1$ as the last parameter # Guess which RRD file have to be opened $rrdfile = $ARGV[0] if (-r $ARGV[0]); # First the parameter $rrdfile = $hostfile{$ARGV[0]} unless $rrdfile; # Second, the config file # print "$ARGV[0]:"; if (! $rrdfile) { print "Can't open data file for $ARGV[0]\n"; # Aaaargh! return $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'}; # Unknown } # print "Opening file $rrdfile:"; my $rrd = new RRD::File ( -file => $rrdfile ); $rrd->open(); if (! $rrd->loadHeader()) { print "Couldn't read header from $rrdfile\n"; exit $ERRORS{'UNKNOWN'}; # Unknown } my $value = $rrd->getDSCurrentValue($ds); $rrd->close(); # Perl expressions to evaluate my ($perl_exp_warn, $perl_exp_crit, $perl_exp_default) = ($ARGV[1], $ARGV[2], $ARGV[3]); my $result; # Result of the expressions (will be printed) my @data; # Special data reserved for the expressions, to pass data # First check for critical errors $perl_exp_crit =~ /(.*)/; $perl_exp_crit = $1; $result = eval $perl_exp_crit; if ($result) { print $result; exit 2; # Critical } # Check for warnings $perl_exp_warn =~ /(.*)/; $perl_exp_warn = $1; $result = eval $perl_exp_warn; if ($result) { print $result; exit 1; # Warning } $perl_exp_default =~ /(.*)/; $perl_exp_default = $1; eval $perl_exp_default; # Normally returns 0 (OK)