#!/usr/bin/perl -wT # check_ciscotemp.pl # # Copyright (C) 2000 Leland E. Vandervort <leland@mmania.com> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License # as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 # of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty # of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # you should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program (or with Nagios); if not, write to the # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, # Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA #################################### # Nagios pluging to check inlet and outlet temperatures on # Cisco router platforms which support environmental monitoring # (7200, 7500, GSR12000...) #################################### # default temperature thresholds are 30C for inlet, 40C outlet. # if input or output is less than thresholds, returns OK # if equal to (the temps don't change that rapidly) returns WARNING # if greater than threshold, returns CRITICAL # if undetermined, or cannot access environmental, returns UNKNOWN # (in accordance with the plugin coding guidelines) #################################### use Net::SNMP; use Getopt::Long; &Getopt::Long::config('auto_abbrev'); my $status; my $response = ""; my $timeout = 10; my $community = "public"; my $port = 161; my $INTAKE_TEMP = ""; my $OUTLET_TEMP = ""; my $in_temp; my $out_temp; my $inlet_thresh = 30; my $outlet_thresh = 40; my %STATUSCODE = ( 'UNKNOWN' => '-1', 'OK' => '0', 'WARNING' => '1', 'CRITICAL' => '2'); my $state = "UNKNOWN"; $SIG{'ALRM'} = sub { print "ERROR: No snmp response from $hostname (sigALRM)\n"; exit($STATUSCODE{"UNKNOWN"}); }; Getopt::Long::Configure('bundling'); $status = GetOptions ("community=s", \$community, "C=s", \$community, "H=s", \$hostname, "hostname=s", \$hostname, "port=i", \$port, "timeout=i", \$timeout, "c=s", \$critical_vals, "w=s", \$warning_vals, "ithresh=i", \$inlet_thresh, "othresh=i", \$outlet_thresh); if($status == 0) { &show_help; } unless (defined($hostname)) { $hostname = shift || &show_help; } if (defined($critical_vals)) { if ($critical_vals =~ m/^([0-9]+)[,:]([0-9]+)$/) { ($inlet_thresh,$outlet_thresh) = ($1, $2); } else { die "Cannot Parse Critical Thresholds\n"; } } if (defined($warning_vals)) { if ($warning_vals =~ m/^([0-9]+)[:,]([0-9]+)$/) { ($inlet_warn,$outlet_warn) = ($1, $2); } else { die "Cannot Parse Warning Thresholds\n"; } }else{ $inlet_warn=$inlet_thresh; $outlet_warn=$outlet_thresh; } alarm($timeout); $in_temp = &SNMPGET($INTAKE_TEMP); $out_temp = &SNMPGET($OUTLET_TEMP); if (($in_temp < $inlet_thresh) && ($out_temp < $outlet_thresh)) { $state = "OK"; } elsif (($in_temp == $inlet_thresh) || ($out_temp == $outlet_thresh)) { if(($in_temp > $inlet_thresh) || ($out_temp > $outlet_thresh)) { $state = "CRITICAL"; } else { $state = "WARNING"; } } elsif (($in_temp > $inlet_thresh) || ($out_temp > $outlet_thresh)) { $state = "CRITICAL"; } else { $state = "WARNING"; } print "$state Inlet Temp: $in_temp Outlet Temp: $out_temp\n"; exit($STATUSCODE{$state}); sub show_help { printf("\nPerl envmon temperature plugin for Nagios\n"); printf("Usage:\n"); printf(" check_ciscotemp [options] <hostname> Options: -C snmp-community -p snmp-port -i input temperature threshold -o output temperature threshold "); printf("Copyright (C)2000 Leland E. Vandervort\n"); printf("check_ciscotemp comes with absolutely NO WARRANTY either implied or explicit\n"); printf("This program is licensed under the terms of the\n"); printf("GNU General Public License\n(check source code for details)\n\n\n"); exit($STATUSCODE{"UNKNOWN"}); } sub SNMPGET { $OID = shift; ($session,$error) = Net::SNMP->session( Hostname => $hostname, Community => $community, Port => $port ); if(!defined($session)) { printf("$state %s\n", $error); exit($STATUSCODE{$state}); } if(!defined($response = $session->get_request($OID))) { printf("$state %s\n", $session->error()); $session->close(); exit($STATUSCODE{$state}); } $session->close(); return($response->{$OID}); }