NOTES ON RELEASING NEW VERSION OF NAGIOSPLUG cvs update in main area . tools/devmode, if feeling adventurous check compilation Update BUGS file, if this is a major release Run commit new ChangeLog Check with right version cvs tag r1_4-alpha2 If a main release (eg, non alpha/beta), branch here: cvs tab -b r1_4-patches Consider the SF snapshot branches - should you remove any other branches? checkout new version: cd /tmp rm -fr nagiosplug cvs -z3 co -r r1_4-alpha2 nagiosplug cd nagiosplug tools/setup ./configure make dist ftp anonymous/email bin cd /incoming put file SF -> Submit News about release. Get URL to news item SF -> Admin -> File Releases Add a release to nagiosplug and create a file release name: 1.4-alpha2. Commit Step 1: Add release notes pointing to news item Step 2: add file Step 3: *.tar.gz, Platform Independent, Source .gz Step 4: Send notice Send email to nagiosplug-help, nagios-announce Change to next version number in and package.def