/* Provide a netdb.h header file for systems lacking it (read: MinGW).
   Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
   Written by Simon Josefsson.

   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
   any later version.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
   Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.  */

/* This file is supposed to be used on platforms that lack <netdb.h>.
   It is intended to provide definitions and prototypes needed by an
   application.  */

#ifndef _GL_NETDB_H

#if __GNUC__ >= 3


/* The include_next requires a split double-inclusion guard.  */


#ifndef _GL_NETDB_H
#define _GL_NETDB_H

/* Get netdb.h definitions such as struct hostent for MinGW.  */
#include <sys/socket.h>

/* The definition of _GL_ARG_NONNULL is copied here.  */

/* Declarations for a platform that lacks <netdb.h>, or where it is
   incomplete.  */



/* Structure to contain information about address of a service provider.  */
struct addrinfo
  int ai_flags;                 /* Input flags.  */
  int ai_family;                /* Protocol family for socket.  */
  int ai_socktype;              /* Socket type.  */
  int ai_protocol;              /* Protocol for socket.  */
  socklen_t ai_addrlen;         /* Length of socket address.  */
  struct sockaddr *ai_addr;     /* Socket address for socket.  */
  char *ai_canonname;           /* Canonical name for service location.  */
  struct addrinfo *ai_next;     /* Pointer to next in list.  */
# endif

/* Possible values for `ai_flags' field in `addrinfo' structure.  */
# ifndef AI_PASSIVE
#  define AI_PASSIVE    0x0001  /* Socket address is intended for `bind'.  */
# endif
#  define AI_CANONNAME  0x0002  /* Request for canonical name.  */
# endif
#  define AI_NUMERICSERV        0x0400  /* Don't use name resolution.  */
# endif

# if 0
#  define AI_NUMERICHOST        0x0004  /* Don't use name resolution.  */
# endif

/* These symbolic constants are required to be present by POSIX, but
   our getaddrinfo replacement doesn't use them (yet).  Setting them
   to 0 on systems that doesn't have them avoids causing problems for
   system getaddrinfo implementations that would be confused by
   unknown values.  */
# ifndef AI_V4MAPPED
#  define AI_V4MAPPED    0 /* 0x0008: IPv4 mapped addresses are acceptable.  */
# endif
# ifndef AI_ALL
#  define AI_ALL         0 /* 0x0010: Return IPv4 mapped and IPv6 addresses. */
# endif
#  define AI_ADDRCONFIG  0 /* 0x0020: Use configuration of this host to choose
                                      returned address type.  */
# endif

/* Error values for `getaddrinfo' function.  */
#  define EAI_BADFLAGS    -1    /* Invalid value for `ai_flags' field.  */
#  define EAI_NONAME      -2    /* NAME or SERVICE is unknown.  */
#  define EAI_AGAIN       -3    /* Temporary failure in name resolution.  */
#  define EAI_FAIL        -4    /* Non-recoverable failure in name res.  */
#  define EAI_NODATA      -5    /* No address associated with NAME.  */
#  define EAI_FAMILY      -6    /* `ai_family' not supported.  */
#  define EAI_SOCKTYPE    -7    /* `ai_socktype' not supported.  */
#  define EAI_SERVICE     -8    /* SERVICE not supported for `ai_socktype'.  */
#  define EAI_MEMORY      -10   /* Memory allocation failure.  */
# endif

/* Since EAI_NODATA is deprecated by RFC3493, some systems (at least
   FreeBSD, which does define EAI_BADFLAGS) have removed the definition
   in favor of EAI_NONAME.  */
# if !defined EAI_NODATA && defined EAI_NONAME
# endif

/* Not defined on mingw32 and Haiku. */
#  define EAI_OVERFLOW    -12   /* Argument buffer overflow.  */
# endif
/* Not defined on mingw32. */
#  define EAI_ADDRFAMILY  -9    /* Address family for NAME not supported.  */
# endif
# ifndef EAI_SYSTEM
/* Not defined on mingw32. */
#  define EAI_SYSTEM      -11   /* System error returned in `errno'.  */
# endif

# if 0
/* The commented out definitions below are not yet implemented in the
   GNULIB getaddrinfo() replacement, so are not yet needed.

   If they are restored, be sure to protect the definitions with #ifndef.  */
#   define EAI_INPROGRESS       -100    /* Processing request in progress.  */
#   define EAI_CANCELED         -101    /* Request canceled.  */
#   define EAI_NOTCANCELED      -102    /* Request not canceled.  */
#   define EAI_ALLDONE          -103    /* All requests done.  */
#   define EAI_INTR             -104    /* Interrupted by a signal.  */
#   define EAI_IDN_ENCODE       -105    /* IDN encoding failed.  */
#  endif
# endif

/* Translate name of a service location and/or a service name to set of
   socket addresses.
   For more details, see the POSIX:2001 specification
   <http://www.opengroup.org/susv3xsh/getaddrinfo.html>.  */
extern int getaddrinfo (const char *restrict nodename,
                        const char *restrict servname,
                        const struct addrinfo *restrict hints,
                        struct addrinfo **restrict res)
     _GL_ARG_NONNULL ((4));
# endif

/* Free `addrinfo' structure AI including associated storage.
   For more details, see the POSIX:2001 specification
   <http://www.opengroup.org/susv3xsh/getaddrinfo.html>.  */
extern void freeaddrinfo (struct addrinfo *ai) _GL_ARG_NONNULL ((1));
# endif

/* Convert error return from getaddrinfo() to a string.
   For more details, see the POSIX:2001 specification
   <http://www.opengroup.org/susv3xsh/gai_strerror.html>.  */
extern const char *gai_strerror (int ecode);
# endif

/* Convert socket address to printable node and service names.
   For more details, see the POSIX:2001 specification
   <http://www.opengroup.org/susv3xsh/getnameinfo.html>.  */
extern int getnameinfo (const struct sockaddr *restrict sa, socklen_t salen,
                        char *restrict node, socklen_t nodelen,
                        char *restrict service, socklen_t servicelen,
                        int flags)
     _GL_ARG_NONNULL ((1));
# endif

/* Possible flags for getnameinfo.  */
#  define NI_NUMERICHOST 1
# endif
#  define NI_NUMERICSERV 2
# endif


#endif /* _GL_NETDB_H */
#endif /* _GL_NETDB_H */