## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in SUBDIRS = tests noinst_LIBRARIES = libcoreutils.a libnagiosplug.a # Will auto pick up fsusage.c mountlist.c libcoreutils_a_SOURCES = \ cloexec.c cloexec.h \ exit.h \ full-read.c full-read.h \ full-write.c full-write.h \ gettext.h \ safe-read.c safe-read.h \ safe-write.c safe-write.h strcase.h xalloc-die.c # intprops.h required for getloadavg.c # This needs to be an EXTRA_DIST because the m4s # that have AC_LIBSOURCES for intprops.h are not necessary and # the getloadavg m4 is an autoconf one, so doesn't # know about intprops.h. Confused? You will be! EXTRA_DIST = intprops.h other_coreutils_files = \ error.c error.h \ fsusage.c \ getloadavg.c \ malloc.c \ mountlist.c \ realloc.c \ strtod.c \ exitfail.c exitfail.h \ fsusage.h \ getopt.c getopt1.c \ mountlist.h \ unlocked-io.h \ xalloc.h \ xmalloc.c libcoreutils_a_LIBADD = $(LIBOBJS) libcoreutils_a_DEPENDENCIES = $(libcoreutils_a_LIBADD) libnagiosplug_a_SOURCES = snprintf.c utils_base.c utils_disk.c EXTRA_DIST += utils_base.h utils_disk.h INCLUDES = -I$(srcdir) -I$(top_srcdir)/intl -I$(top_srcdir)/plugins print_coreutil_files: @echo $(libcoreutils_a_SOURCES) $(other_coreutils_files) $(EXTRA_DIST) test: cd tests && make test # Below are from coreutil's lib/Makefile.am BUILT_SOURCES = $(STDBOOL_H) EXTRA_DIST += stdbool_.h MOSTLYCLEANFILES = stdbool.h stdbool.ht # Create stdbool.h on systems that lack a working one. stdbool.h: stdbool_.h sed -e 's/@''HAVE__BOOL''@/$(HAVE__BOOL)/g' $(srcdir)/stdbool_.h > $@t mv $@t $@ BUILT_SOURCES += $(GETOPT_H) EXTRA_DIST += getopt_.h getopt_int.h # We need the following in order to create an <getopt.h> when the system # doesn't have one that works with the given compiler. all-local $(lib_OBJECTS): $(GETOPT_H) getopt.h: getopt_.h cp $(srcdir)/getopt_.h $@-t mv $@-t $@ MOSTLYCLEANFILES += getopt.h getopt.h-t