## Process this file with automake to produce Makefile.in SUBDIRS = . tests noinst_LIBRARIES = libmonitoringplug.a AM_CPPFLAGS = -DNP_STATE_DIR_PREFIX=\"$(localstatedir)\" \ -I$(srcdir) -I$(top_srcdir)/gl -I$(top_srcdir)/intl -I$(top_srcdir)/plugins libmonitoringplug_a_SOURCES = utils_base.c utils_disk.c utils_tcp.c utils_cmd.c maxfd.c output.c perfdata.c output.c thresholds.c vendor/cJSON/cJSON.c EXTRA_DIST = utils_base.h \ utils_disk.h \ utils_tcp.h \ utils_cmd.h \ parse_ini.h \ extra_opts.h \ maxfd.h \ perfdata.h \ output.h \ thresholds.h \ states.h \ vendor/cJSON/cJSON.h \ monitoringplug.h if USE_PARSE_INI libmonitoringplug_a_SOURCES += parse_ini.c extra_opts.c endif USE_PARSE_INI test test-debug: cd tests && make $@