/***************************************************************************** * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * *****************************************************************************/ #include "common.h" #include "utils_cmd.h" #include "utils_base.h" #include "tap.h" #define COMMAND_LINE 1024 #define UNSET 65530 char *get_command(char *const *line) { char *cmd; int i = 0; asprintf(&cmd, " %s", line[i++]); while (line[i] != NULL) { asprintf(&cmd, "%s %s", cmd, line[i]); i++; } return cmd; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { char **command_line = malloc(sizeof(char *) * COMMAND_LINE); char *command = NULL; char *perl; output chld_out, chld_err; int c; int result = UNSET; plan_tests(51); diag("Running plain echo command, set one"); /* ensure everything is empty before we begin */ memset(&chld_out, 0, sizeof(output)); memset(&chld_err, 0, sizeof(output)); ok(chld_out.lines == 0, "(initialised) Checking stdout is reset"); ok(chld_err.lines == 0, "(initialised) Checking stderr is reset"); ok(result == UNSET, "(initialised) Checking exit code is reset"); command_line[0] = strdup("/bin/echo"); command_line[1] = strdup("this"); command_line[2] = strdup("is"); command_line[3] = strdup("test"); command_line[4] = strdup("one"); command = get_command(command_line); result = cmd_run_array(command_line, &chld_out, &chld_err, 0); ok(chld_out.lines == 1, "(array) Check for expected number of stdout lines"); ok(chld_err.lines == 0, "(array) Check for expected number of stderr lines"); ok(strcmp(chld_out.line[0], "this is test one") == 0, "(array) Check for expected stdout output"); ok(result == 0, "(array) Checking exit code"); /* ensure everything is empty again */ memset(&chld_out, 0, sizeof(output)); memset(&chld_err, 0, sizeof(output)); result = UNSET; ok(chld_out.lines == 0, "(initialised) Checking stdout is reset"); ok(chld_err.lines == 0, "(initialised) Checking stderr is reset"); ok(result == UNSET, "(initialised) Checking exit code is reset"); result = cmd_run(command, &chld_out, &chld_err, 0); ok(chld_out.lines == 1, "(string) Check for expected number of stdout lines"); ok(chld_err.lines == 0, "(string) Check for expected number of stderr lines"); ok(strcmp(chld_out.line[0], "this is test one") == 0, "(string) Check for expected stdout output"); ok(result == 0, "(string) Checking exit code"); diag("Running plain echo command, set two"); /* ensure everything is empty again */ memset(&chld_out, 0, sizeof(output)); memset(&chld_err, 0, sizeof(output)); result = UNSET; ok(chld_out.lines == 0, "(initialised) Checking stdout is reset"); ok(chld_err.lines == 0, "(initialised) Checking stderr is reset"); ok(result == UNSET, "(initialised) Checking exit code is reset"); command_line[0] = strdup("/bin/echo"); command_line[1] = strdup("this is test two"); command_line[2] = NULL; command_line[3] = NULL; command_line[4] = NULL; result = cmd_run_array(command_line, &chld_out, &chld_err, 0); ok(chld_out.lines == 1, "(array) Check for expected number of stdout lines"); ok(chld_err.lines == 0, "(array) Check for expected number of stderr lines"); ok(strcmp(chld_out.line[0], "this is test two") == 0, "(array) Check for expected stdout output"); ok(result == 0, "(array) Checking exit code"); /* ensure everything is empty again */ memset(&chld_out, 0, sizeof(output)); memset(&chld_err, 0, sizeof(output)); result = UNSET; ok(chld_out.lines == 0, "(initialised) Checking stdout is reset"); ok(chld_err.lines == 0, "(initialised) Checking stderr is reset"); ok(result == UNSET, "(initialised) Checking exit code is reset"); result = cmd_run(command, &chld_out, &chld_err, 0); ok(chld_out.lines == 1, "(string) Check for expected number of stdout lines"); ok(chld_err.lines == 0, "(string) Check for expected number of stderr lines"); ok(strcmp(chld_out.line[0], "this is test one") == 0, "(string) Check for expected stdout output"); ok(result == 0, "(string) Checking exit code"); /* ensure everything is empty again */ memset(&chld_out, 0, sizeof(output)); memset(&chld_err, 0, sizeof(output)); result = UNSET; ok(chld_out.lines == 0, "(initialised) Checking stdout is reset"); ok(chld_err.lines == 0, "(initialised) Checking stderr is reset"); ok(result == UNSET, "(initialised) Checking exit code is reset"); /* Pass linefeeds via parameters through - those should be evaluated by echo to give multi line output */ command_line[0] = strdup("/bin/echo"); command_line[1] = strdup("this is a test via echo\nline two\nit's line 3"); command_line[2] = strdup("and (note space between '3' and 'and') $$ will not get evaluated"); result = cmd_run_array(command_line, &chld_out, &chld_err, 0); ok(chld_out.lines == 3, "(array) Check for expected number of stdout lines"); ok(chld_err.lines == 0, "(array) Check for expected number of stderr lines"); ok(strcmp(chld_out.line[0], "this is a test via echo") == 0, "(array) Check line 1 for expected stdout output"); ok(strcmp(chld_out.line[1], "line two") == 0, "(array) Check line 2 for expected stdout output"); ok(strcmp(chld_out.line[2], "it's line 3 and (note space between '3' and 'and') $$ will not get evaluated") == 0, "(array) Check line 3 for expected stdout output"); ok(result == 0, "(array) Checking exit code"); /* ensure everything is empty again */ memset(&chld_out, 0, sizeof(output)); memset(&chld_err, 0, sizeof(output)); result = UNSET; ok(chld_out.lines == 0, "(initialised) Checking stdout is reset"); ok(chld_err.lines == 0, "(initialised) Checking stderr is reset"); ok(result == UNSET, "(initialised) Checking exit code is reset"); command = (char *)malloc(COMMAND_LINE); strcpy(command, "/bin/echo3456 non-existent command"); result = cmd_run(command, &chld_out, &chld_err, 0); ok(chld_out.lines == 0, "Non existent command, so no output"); ok(chld_err.lines == 0, "No stderr either"); ok(result == 3, "Get return code 3 (?) for non-existent command"); /* ensure everything is empty again */ memset(&chld_out, 0, sizeof(output)); memset(&chld_err, 0, sizeof(output)); result = UNSET; command = (char *)malloc(COMMAND_LINE); strcpy(command, "/bin/sh non-existent-file"); result = cmd_run(command, &chld_out, &chld_err, 0); ok(chld_out.lines == 0, "/bin/sh returns no stdout when file is missing..."); ok(chld_err.lines == 1, "...but does give an error line"); ok(strstr(chld_err.line[0], "non-existent-file") != NULL, "And missing filename is in error message"); ok(result != 0, "Get non-zero return code from /bin/sh"); /* ensure everything is empty again */ result = UNSET; command = (char *)malloc(COMMAND_LINE); strcpy(command, "/bin/sh -c 'exit 7'"); result = cmd_run(command, NULL, NULL, 0); ok(result == 7, "Get return code 7 from /bin/sh"); /* ensure everything is empty again */ memset(&chld_out, 0, sizeof(output)); memset(&chld_err, 0, sizeof(output)); result = UNSET; command = (char *)malloc(COMMAND_LINE); strcpy(command, "/bin/non-existent-command"); result = cmd_run(command, &chld_out, &chld_err, 0); ok(chld_out.lines == 0, "/bin/non-existent-command returns no stdout..."); ok(chld_err.lines == 0, "...and no stderr output either"); ok(result == 3, "Get return code 3 = UNKNOWN when command does not exist"); return exit_status(); }