/***************************************************************************** * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * *****************************************************************************/ #include "common.h" #include "utils_disk.h" #include "tap.h" #include "regex.h" void np_test_mount_entry_regex (struct mount_entry *dummy_mount_list, char *regstr, int cflags, int expect, char *desc); int main (int argc, char **argv) { struct name_list *exclude_filesystem=NULL; struct name_list *exclude_fstype=NULL; struct name_list *dummy_mountlist = NULL; struct name_list *temp_name; struct parameter_list *paths = NULL; struct parameter_list *p, *prev = NULL, *last = NULL; struct mount_entry *dummy_mount_list; struct mount_entry *me; struct mount_entry **mtail = &dummy_mount_list; int cflags = REG_NOSUB | REG_EXTENDED; int found = 0, count = 0; plan_tests(33); ok( np_find_name(exclude_filesystem, "/var/log") == false, "/var/log not in list"); np_add_name(&exclude_filesystem, "/var/log"); ok( np_find_name(exclude_filesystem, "/var/log") == true, "is in list now"); ok( np_find_name(exclude_filesystem, "/home") == false, "/home not in list"); np_add_name(&exclude_filesystem, "/home"); ok( np_find_name(exclude_filesystem, "/home") == true, "is in list now"); ok( np_find_name(exclude_filesystem, "/var/log") == true, "/var/log still in list"); ok( np_find_name(exclude_fstype, "iso9660") == false, "iso9660 not in list"); np_add_name(&exclude_fstype, "iso9660"); ok( np_find_name(exclude_fstype, "iso9660") == true, "is in list now"); ok( np_find_name(exclude_filesystem, "iso9660") == false, "Make sure no clashing in variables"); /* for (temp_name = exclude_filesystem; temp_name; temp_name = temp_name->next) { printf("Name: %s\n", temp_name->name); } */ me = (struct mount_entry *) malloc(sizeof *me); me->me_devname = strdup("/dev/c0t0d0s0"); me->me_mountdir = strdup("/"); *mtail = me; mtail = &me->me_next; me = (struct mount_entry *) malloc(sizeof *me); me->me_devname = strdup("/dev/c1t0d1s0"); me->me_mountdir = strdup("/var"); *mtail = me; mtail = &me->me_next; me = (struct mount_entry *) malloc(sizeof *me); me->me_devname = strdup("/dev/c2t0d0s0"); me->me_mountdir = strdup("/home"); *mtail = me; mtail = &me->me_next; np_test_mount_entry_regex(dummy_mount_list, strdup("/"), cflags, 3, strdup("a")); np_test_mount_entry_regex(dummy_mount_list, strdup("/dev"), cflags, 3,strdup("regex on dev names:")); np_test_mount_entry_regex(dummy_mount_list, strdup("/foo"), cflags, 0, strdup("regex on non existent dev/path:")); np_test_mount_entry_regex(dummy_mount_list, strdup("/Foo"), cflags | REG_ICASE,0, strdup("regi on non existent dev/path:")); np_test_mount_entry_regex(dummy_mount_list, strdup("/c.t0"), cflags, 3, strdup("partial devname regex match:")); np_test_mount_entry_regex(dummy_mount_list, strdup("c0t0"), cflags, 1, strdup("partial devname regex match:")); np_test_mount_entry_regex(dummy_mount_list, strdup("C0t0"), cflags | REG_ICASE, 1, strdup("partial devname regi match:")); np_test_mount_entry_regex(dummy_mount_list, strdup("home"), cflags, 1, strdup("partial pathname regex match:")); np_test_mount_entry_regex(dummy_mount_list, strdup("hOme"), cflags | REG_ICASE, 1, strdup("partial pathname regi match:")); np_test_mount_entry_regex(dummy_mount_list, strdup("(/home)|(/var)"), cflags, 2, strdup("grouped regex pathname match:")); np_test_mount_entry_regex(dummy_mount_list, strdup("(/homE)|(/Var)"), cflags | REG_ICASE, 2, strdup("grouped regi pathname match:")); np_add_parameter(&paths, "/home/groups"); np_add_parameter(&paths, "/var"); np_add_parameter(&paths, "/tmp"); np_add_parameter(&paths, "/home/tonvoon"); np_add_parameter(&paths, "/dev/c2t0d0s0"); np_set_best_match(paths, dummy_mount_list, false); for (p = paths; p; p = p->name_next) { struct mount_entry *temp_me; temp_me = p->best_match; if (! strcmp(p->name, "/home/groups")) { ok( temp_me && !strcmp(temp_me->me_mountdir, "/home"), "/home/groups got right best match: /home"); } else if (! strcmp(p->name, "/var")) { ok( temp_me && !strcmp(temp_me->me_mountdir, "/var"), "/var got right best match: /var"); } else if (! strcmp(p->name, "/tmp")) { ok( temp_me && !strcmp(temp_me->me_mountdir, "/"), "/tmp got right best match: /"); } else if (! strcmp(p->name, "/home/tonvoon")) { ok( temp_me && !strcmp(temp_me->me_mountdir, "/home"), "/home/tonvoon got right best match: /home"); } else if (! strcmp(p->name, "/dev/c2t0d0s0")) { ok( temp_me && !strcmp(temp_me->me_devname, "/dev/c2t0d0s0"), "/dev/c2t0d0s0 got right best match: /dev/c2t0d0s0"); } } paths = NULL; /* Bad boy - should free, but this is a test suite */ np_add_parameter(&paths, "/home/groups"); np_add_parameter(&paths, "/var"); np_add_parameter(&paths, "/tmp"); np_add_parameter(&paths, "/home/tonvoon"); np_add_parameter(&paths, "/home"); np_set_best_match(paths, dummy_mount_list, true); for (p = paths; p; p = p->name_next) { if (! strcmp(p->name, "/home/groups")) { ok( ! p->best_match , "/home/groups correctly not found"); } else if (! strcmp(p->name, "/var")) { ok( p->best_match, "/var found"); } else if (! strcmp(p->name, "/tmp")) { ok(! p->best_match, "/tmp correctly not found"); } else if (! strcmp(p->name, "/home/tonvoon")) { ok(! p->best_match, "/home/tonvoon not found"); } else if (! strcmp(p->name, "/home")) { ok( p->best_match, "/home found"); } } /* test deleting first element in paths */ paths = np_del_parameter(paths, NULL); for (p = paths; p; p = p->name_next) { if (! strcmp(p->name, "/home/groups")) found = 1; } ok(found == 0, "first element successfully deleted"); found = 0; p=paths; while (p) { if (! strcmp(p->name, "/tmp")) p = np_del_parameter(p, prev); else { prev = p; p = p->name_next; } } for (p = paths; p; p = p->name_next) { if (! strcmp(p->name, "/tmp")) found = 1; if (p->name_next) prev = p; else last = p; } ok(found == 0, "/tmp element successfully deleted"); p = np_del_parameter(last, prev); for (p = paths; p; p = p->name_next) { if (! strcmp(p->name, "/home")) found = 1; last = p; count++; } ok(found == 0, "last (/home) element successfully deleted"); ok(count == 2, "two elements remaining"); return exit_status(); } void np_test_mount_entry_regex (struct mount_entry *dummy_mount_list, char *regstr, int cflags, int expect, char *desc) { int matches = 0; regex_t re; struct mount_entry *me; if (regcomp(&re,regstr, cflags) == 0) { for (me = dummy_mount_list; me; me= me->me_next) { if(np_regex_match_mount_entry(me,&re)) matches++; } ok( matches == expect, "%s '%s' matched %i/3 entries. ok: %i/3", desc, regstr, expect, matches); } else ok ( false, "regex '%s' not compilable", regstr); }