 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include "common.h"
#include "utils_base.h"

#include "tap.h"

#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>

#include "utils_base.c"

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
	char state_path[1024];
	range *range;
	double temp;
	thresholds *thresholds = NULL;
	int i, rc;
	char *temp_string;
	state_key *temp_state_key = NULL;
	state_data *temp_state_data;
	time_t current_time;


	ok(this_monitoring_plugin == NULL, "monitoring_plugin not initialised");

	np_init("check_test", argc, argv);

	ok(this_monitoring_plugin != NULL, "monitoring_plugin now initialised");
	ok(!strcmp(this_monitoring_plugin->plugin_name, "check_test"), "plugin name initialised");

	ok(this_monitoring_plugin->argc == argc, "Argc set");
	ok(this_monitoring_plugin->argv == argv, "Argv set");

	np_set_args(0, 0);

	ok(this_monitoring_plugin->argc == 0, "argc changed");
	ok(this_monitoring_plugin->argv == 0, "argv changed");

	np_set_args(argc, argv);

	range = parse_range_string("6");
	ok(range != NULL, "'6' is valid range");
	ok(range->start == 0, "Start correct");
	ok(range->start_infinity == false, "Not using negative infinity");
	ok(range->end == 6, "End correct");
	ok(range->end_infinity == false, "Not using infinity");

	range = parse_range_string("1:12%%");
	ok(range != NULL, "'1:12%%' is valid - percentages are ignored");
	ok(range->start == 1, "Start correct");
	ok(range->start_infinity == false, "Not using negative infinity");
	ok(range->end == 12, "End correct");
	ok(range->end_infinity == false, "Not using infinity");

	range = parse_range_string("-7:23");
	ok(range != NULL, "'-7:23' is valid range");
	ok(range->start == -7, "Start correct");
	ok(range->start_infinity == false, "Not using negative infinity");
	ok(range->end == 23, "End correct");
	ok(range->end_infinity == false, "Not using infinity");

	range = parse_range_string(":5.75");
	ok(range != NULL, "':5.75' is valid range");
	ok(range->start == 0, "Start correct");
	ok(range->start_infinity == false, "Not using negative infinity");
	ok(range->end == 5.75, "End correct");
	ok(range->end_infinity == false, "Not using infinity");

	range = parse_range_string("~:-95.99");
	ok(range != NULL, "~:-95.99' is valid range");
	ok(range->start_infinity == true, "Using negative infinity");
	ok(range->end == -95.99, "End correct (with rounding errors)");
	ok(range->end_infinity == false, "Not using infinity");

	range = parse_range_string("12345678901234567890:");
	temp = atof("12345678901234567890"); /* Can't just use this because number too large */
	ok(range != NULL, "'12345678901234567890:' is valid range");
	ok(range->start == temp, "Start correct");
	ok(range->start_infinity == false, "Not using negative infinity");
	ok(range->end_infinity == true, "Using infinity");
	/* Cannot do a "-1" on temp, as it appears to be same value */
	ok(check_range(temp / 1.1, range) == true, "12345678901234567890/1.1 - alert");
	ok(check_range(temp, range) == false, "12345678901234567890 - no alert");
	ok(check_range(temp * 2, range) == false, "12345678901234567890*2 - no alert");

	range = parse_range_string("~:0");
	ok(range != NULL, "'~:0' is valid range");
	ok(range->start_infinity == true, "Using negative infinity");
	ok(range->end == 0, "End correct");
	ok(range->end_infinity == false, "Not using infinity");
	ok(range->alert_on == OUTSIDE, "Will alert on outside of this range");
	ok(check_range(0.5, range) == true, "0.5 - alert");
	ok(check_range(-10, range) == false, "-10 - no alert");
	ok(check_range(0, range) == false, "0 - no alert");

	range = parse_range_string("@0:657.8210567");
	ok(range != 0, "@0:657.8210567' is a valid range");
	ok(range->start == 0, "Start correct");
	ok(range->start_infinity == false, "Not using negative infinity");
	ok(range->end == 657.8210567, "End correct");
	ok(range->end_infinity == false, "Not using infinity");
	ok(range->alert_on == INSIDE, "Will alert on inside of this range");
	ok(check_range(32.88, range) == true, "32.88 - alert");
	ok(check_range(-2, range) == false, "-2 - no alert");
	ok(check_range(657.8210567, range) == true, "657.8210567 - alert");
	ok(check_range(0, range) == true, "0 - alert");

	range = parse_range_string("@1:1");
	ok(range != NULL, "'@1:1' is a valid range");
	ok(range->start == 1, "Start correct");
	ok(range->start_infinity == false, "Not using negative infinity");
	ok(range->end == 1, "End correct");
	ok(range->end_infinity == false, "Not using infinity");
	ok(range->alert_on == INSIDE, "Will alert on inside of this range");
	ok(check_range(0.5, range) == false, "0.5 - no alert");
	ok(check_range(1, range) == true, "1 - alert");
	ok(check_range(5.2, range) == false, "5.2 - no alert");

	range = parse_range_string("1:1");
	ok(range != NULL, "'1:1' is a valid range");
	ok(range->start == 1, "Start correct");
	ok(range->start_infinity == false, "Not using negative infinity");
	ok(range->end == 1, "End correct");
	ok(range->end_infinity == false, "Not using infinity");
	ok(check_range(0.5, range) == true, "0.5 - alert");
	ok(check_range(1, range) == false, "1 - no alert");
	ok(check_range(5.2, range) == true, "5.2 - alert");

	range = parse_range_string("2:1");
	ok(range == NULL, "'2:1' rejected");

	rc = _set_thresholds(&thresholds, NULL, NULL);
	ok(rc == 0, "Thresholds (NULL, NULL) set");
	ok(thresholds->warning == NULL, "Warning not set");
	ok(thresholds->critical == NULL, "Critical not set");

	rc = _set_thresholds(&thresholds, NULL, "80");
	ok(rc == 0, "Thresholds (NULL, '80') set");
	ok(thresholds->warning == NULL, "Warning not set");
	ok(thresholds->critical->end == 80, "Critical set correctly");

	rc = _set_thresholds(&thresholds, "5:33", NULL);
	ok(rc == 0, "Thresholds ('5:33', NULL) set");
	ok(thresholds->warning->start == 5, "Warning start set");
	ok(thresholds->warning->end == 33, "Warning end set");
	ok(thresholds->critical == NULL, "Critical not set");

	rc = _set_thresholds(&thresholds, "30", "60");
	ok(rc == 0, "Thresholds ('30', '60') set");
	ok(thresholds->warning->end == 30, "Warning set correctly");
	ok(thresholds->critical->end == 60, "Critical set correctly");
	ok(get_status(15.3, thresholds) == STATE_OK, "15.3 - ok");
	ok(get_status(30.0001, thresholds) == STATE_WARNING, "30.0001 - warning");
	ok(get_status(69, thresholds) == STATE_CRITICAL, "69 - critical");

	rc = _set_thresholds(&thresholds, "-10:-2", "-30:20");
	ok(rc == 0, "Thresholds ('-30:20', '-10:-2') set");
	ok(thresholds->warning->start == -10, "Warning start set correctly");
	ok(thresholds->warning->end == -2, "Warning end set correctly");
	ok(thresholds->critical->start == -30, "Critical start set correctly");
	ok(thresholds->critical->end == 20, "Critical end set correctly");
	ok(get_status(-31, thresholds) == STATE_CRITICAL, "-31 - critical");
	ok(get_status(-29, thresholds) == STATE_WARNING, "-29 - warning");
	ok(get_status(-11, thresholds) == STATE_WARNING, "-11 - warning");
	ok(get_status(-10, thresholds) == STATE_OK, "-10 - ok");
	ok(get_status(-2, thresholds) == STATE_OK, "-2 - ok");
	ok(get_status(-1, thresholds) == STATE_WARNING, "-1 - warning");
	ok(get_status(19, thresholds) == STATE_WARNING, "19 - warning");
	ok(get_status(21, thresholds) == STATE_CRITICAL, "21 - critical");

	char *test;
	test = np_escaped_string("bob\\n");
	ok(strcmp(test, "bob\n") == 0, "bob\\n ok");

	test = np_escaped_string("rhuba\\rb");
	ok(strcmp(test, "rhuba\rb") == 0, "rhuba\\rb okay");

	test = np_escaped_string("ba\\nge\\r");
	ok(strcmp(test, "ba\nge\r") == 0, "ba\\nge\\r okay");

	test = np_escaped_string("\\rabbi\\t");
	ok(strcmp(test, "\rabbi\t") == 0, "\\rabbi\\t okay");

	test = np_escaped_string("and\\\\or");
	ok(strcmp(test, "and\\or") == 0, "and\\\\or okay");

	test = np_escaped_string("bo\\gus");
	ok(strcmp(test, "bogus") == 0, "bo\\gus okay");

	test = np_escaped_string("everything");
	ok(strcmp(test, "everything") == 0, "everything okay");

	/* np_extract_ntpvar tests (23) */
	test = np_extract_ntpvar("foo=bar, bar=foo, foobar=barfoo\n", "foo");
	ok(test && !strcmp(test, "bar"), "1st test as expected");

	test = np_extract_ntpvar("foo=bar,bar=foo,foobar=barfoo\n", "bar");
	ok(test && !strcmp(test, "foo"), "2nd test as expected");

	test = np_extract_ntpvar("foo=bar, bar=foo, foobar=barfoo\n", "foobar");
	ok(test && !strcmp(test, "barfoo"), "3rd test as expected");

	test = np_extract_ntpvar("foo=bar\n", "foo");
	ok(test && !strcmp(test, "bar"), "Single test as expected");

	test = np_extract_ntpvar("foo=bar, bar=foo, foobar=barfooi\n", "abcd");
	ok(!test, "Key not found 1");

	test = np_extract_ntpvar("foo=bar\n", "abcd");
	ok(!test, "Key not found 2");

	test = np_extract_ntpvar("foo=bar=foobar", "foo");
	ok(test && !strcmp(test, "bar=foobar"), "Strange string 1");

	test = np_extract_ntpvar("foo", "foo");
	ok(!test, "Malformed string 1");

	test = np_extract_ntpvar("foo,", "foo");
	ok(!test, "Malformed string 2");

	test = np_extract_ntpvar("foo=", "foo");
	ok(!test, "Malformed string 3");

	test = np_extract_ntpvar("foo=,bar=foo", "foo");
	ok(!test, "Malformed string 4");

	test = np_extract_ntpvar(",foo", "foo");
	ok(!test, "Malformed string 5");

	test = np_extract_ntpvar("=foo", "foo");
	ok(!test, "Malformed string 6");

	test = np_extract_ntpvar("=foo,", "foo");
	ok(!test, "Malformed string 7");

	test = np_extract_ntpvar(",,,", "foo");
	ok(!test, "Malformed string 8");

	test = np_extract_ntpvar("===", "foo");
	ok(!test, "Malformed string 9");

	test = np_extract_ntpvar(",=,=,", "foo");
	ok(!test, "Malformed string 10");

	test = np_extract_ntpvar("=,=,=", "foo");
	ok(!test, "Malformed string 11");

	test = np_extract_ntpvar("  foo=bar  ,\n bar=foo\n , foobar=barfoo  \n  ", "foo");
	ok(test && !strcmp(test, "bar"), "Random spaces and newlines 1");

	test = np_extract_ntpvar("  foo=bar  ,\n bar=foo\n , foobar=barfoo  \n  ", "bar");
	ok(test && !strcmp(test, "foo"), "Random spaces and newlines 2");

	test = np_extract_ntpvar("  foo=bar  ,\n bar=foo\n , foobar=barfoo  \n  ", "foobar");
	ok(test && !strcmp(test, "barfoo"), "Random spaces and newlines 3");

	test = np_extract_ntpvar("  foo=bar  ,\n bar\n \n= \n foo\n , foobar=barfoo  \n  ", "bar");
	ok(test && !strcmp(test, "foo"), "Random spaces and newlines 4");

	test = np_extract_ntpvar("", "foo");
	ok(!test, "Empty string return NULL");

	/* This is the result of running ./test_utils */
	temp_string = (char *)_np_state_generate_key();
	ok(!strcmp(temp_string, "e2d17f995fd4c020411b85e3e3d0ff7306d4147e"), "Got hash with exe and no parameters") ||
		diag("You are probably running in wrong directory. Must run as ./test_utils");

	this_monitoring_plugin->argc = 4;
	this_monitoring_plugin->argv[0] = "./test_utils";
	this_monitoring_plugin->argv[1] = "here";
	this_monitoring_plugin->argv[2] = "--and";
	this_monitoring_plugin->argv[3] = "now";
	temp_string = (char *)_np_state_generate_key();
	ok(!strcmp(temp_string, "bd72da9f78ff1419fad921ea5e43ce56508aef6c"), "Got based on expected argv");

	temp_string = (char *)_np_state_calculate_location_prefix();
	ok(!strcmp(temp_string, NP_STATE_DIR_PREFIX), "Got default directory");

	setenv("MP_STATE_PATH", "", 1);
	temp_string = (char *)_np_state_calculate_location_prefix();
	ok(!strcmp(temp_string, NP_STATE_DIR_PREFIX), "Got default directory even with empty string");

	setenv("MP_STATE_PATH", "/usr/local/nagios/var", 1);
	temp_string = (char *)_np_state_calculate_location_prefix();
	ok(!strcmp(temp_string, "/usr/local/nagios/var"), "Got default directory");

	ok(temp_state_key == NULL, "temp_state_key initially empty");

	this_monitoring_plugin->argc = 1;
	this_monitoring_plugin->argv[0] = "./test_utils";
	np_enable_state(NULL, 51);
	temp_state_key = this_monitoring_plugin->state;
	ok(!strcmp(temp_state_key->plugin_name, "check_test"), "Got plugin name");
	ok(!strcmp(temp_state_key->name, "e2d17f995fd4c020411b85e3e3d0ff7306d4147e"), "Got generated filename");

	np_enable_state("allowedchars_in_keyname", 77);
	temp_state_key = this_monitoring_plugin->state;
	sprintf(state_path, "/usr/local/nagios/var/%lu/check_test/allowedchars_in_keyname", (unsigned long)geteuid());
	ok(!strcmp(temp_state_key->plugin_name, "check_test"), "Got plugin name");
	ok(!strcmp(temp_state_key->name, "allowedchars_in_keyname"), "Got key name with valid chars");
	ok(!strcmp(temp_state_key->_filename, state_path), "Got internal filename");

	/* Don't do this test just yet. Will die */
	np_enable_state("bad^chars$in@here", 77);
	temp_state_key = this_monitoring_plugin->state;
	ok( !strcmp(temp_state_key->name, "bad_chars_in_here"), "Got key name with bad chars replaced" );

	np_enable_state("funnykeyname", 54);
	temp_state_key = this_monitoring_plugin->state;
	sprintf(state_path, "/usr/local/nagios/var/%lu/check_test/funnykeyname", (unsigned long)geteuid());
	ok(!strcmp(temp_state_key->plugin_name, "check_test"), "Got plugin name");
	ok(!strcmp(temp_state_key->name, "funnykeyname"), "Got key name");

	ok(!strcmp(temp_state_key->_filename, state_path), "Got internal filename");
	ok(temp_state_key->data_version == 54, "Version set");

	temp_state_data = np_state_read();
	ok(temp_state_data == NULL, "Got no state data as file does not exist");

		temp_fp = fopen("var/statefile", "r");
		if (temp_fp==NULL)
			printf("Error opening. errno=%d\n", errno);
		printf("temp_fp=%s\n", temp_fp);
		ok( _np_state_read_file(temp_fp) == true, "Can read state file" );

	temp_state_key->_filename = "var/statefile";
	temp_state_data = np_state_read();
	ok(this_monitoring_plugin->state->state_data != NULL, "Got state data now") ||
		diag("Are you running in right directory? Will get coredump next if not");
	ok(this_monitoring_plugin->state->state_data->time == 1234567890, "Got time");
	ok(!strcmp((char *)this_monitoring_plugin->state->state_data->data, "String to read"), "Data as expected");

	temp_state_key->data_version = 53;
	temp_state_data = np_state_read();
	ok(temp_state_data == NULL, "Older data version gives NULL");
	temp_state_key->data_version = 54;

	temp_state_key->_filename = "var/nonexistent";
	temp_state_data = np_state_read();
	ok(temp_state_data == NULL, "Missing file gives NULL");
	ok(this_monitoring_plugin->state->state_data == NULL, "No state information");

	temp_state_key->_filename = "var/oldformat";
	temp_state_data = np_state_read();
	ok(temp_state_data == NULL, "Old file format gives NULL");

	temp_state_key->_filename = "var/baddate";
	temp_state_data = np_state_read();
	ok(temp_state_data == NULL, "Bad date gives NULL");

	temp_state_key->_filename = "var/missingdataline";
	temp_state_data = np_state_read();
	ok(temp_state_data == NULL, "Missing data line gives NULL");

	temp_state_key->_filename = "var/generated";
	current_time = 1234567890;
	np_state_write_string(current_time, "String to read");
	ok(system("cmp var/generated var/statefile") == 0, "Generated file same as expected");

	temp_state_key->_filename = "var/generated_directory/statefile";
	current_time = 1234567890;
	np_state_write_string(current_time, "String to read");
	ok(system("cmp var/generated_directory/statefile var/statefile") == 0, "Have created directory");

	/* This test to check cannot write to dir - can't automate yet */
	mkdir("var/generated_bad_dir", S_IRUSR);
	np_state_write_string(current_time, "String to read");

	temp_state_key->_filename = "var/generated";
	np_state_write_string(0, "String to read");
	temp_state_data = np_state_read();
	/* Check time is set to current_time */
	ok(system("cmp var/generated var/statefile > /dev/null") != 0, "Generated file should be different this time");
	ok(this_monitoring_plugin->state->state_data->time - current_time <= 1, "Has time generated from current time");

	/* Don't know how to automatically test this. Need to be able to redefine die and catch the error */
	np_state_write_string(0, "Bad file");


	ok(this_monitoring_plugin == NULL, "Free'd this_monitoring_plugin");

	ok(mp_suid() == false, "Test aren't suid");

	/* base states with random case */
	char *states[] = {"Ok", "wArnINg", "cRiTIcaL", "UnKNoWN", NULL};

	for (i = 0; states[i] != NULL; i++) {
		/* out of the random case states, create the lower and upper versions + numeric string one */
		char *statelower = strdup(states[i]);
		char *stateupper = strdup(states[i]);
		char statenum[2];
		char *temp_ptr;
		for (temp_ptr = statelower; *temp_ptr; temp_ptr++) {
			*temp_ptr = tolower(*temp_ptr);
		for (temp_ptr = stateupper; *temp_ptr; temp_ptr++) {
			*temp_ptr = toupper(*temp_ptr);
		snprintf(statenum, 2, "%i", i);

		/* Base test names, we'll append the state string */
		char testname[64] = "Translate state string: ";
		int tlen = strlen(testname);

		strcpy(testname + tlen, states[i]);
		ok(i == mp_translate_state(states[i]), testname);

		strcpy(testname + tlen, statelower);
		ok(i == mp_translate_state(statelower), testname);

		strcpy(testname + tlen, stateupper);
		ok(i == mp_translate_state(stateupper), testname);

		strcpy(testname + tlen, statenum);
		ok(i == mp_translate_state(statenum), testname);
	ok(ERROR == mp_translate_state("warningfewgw"), "Translate state string with garbage");
	ok(ERROR == mp_translate_state("00"), "Translate state string: bad numeric string 1");
	ok(ERROR == mp_translate_state("01"), "Translate state string: bad numeric string 2");
	ok(ERROR == mp_translate_state("10"), "Translate state string: bad numeric string 3");
	ok(ERROR == mp_translate_state(""), "Translate state string: empty string");

	return exit_status();