/* * $Id$ * * This is a hack of fping2 made to work with nagios. * It's fast and removes the necessity of parsing another programs output. * * VIEWING NOTES: * This file was formatted with tab indents at a tab stop of 4. * * It is highly recommended that your editor is set to this * tab stop setting for viewing and editing. * * COPYLEFT; * This programs copyright status is currently undetermined. Much of * the code in it comes from the fping2 program which used to be licensed * under the Stanford General Software License (available at * http://graphics.stanford.edu/software/license.html). It is presently * unclear what license (if any) applies to the original code at the * moment. * * The fping website can be found at http://www.fping.com */ const char *progname = "check_icmp"; const char *revision = "$Revision$"; const char *copyright = "2004"; const char *email = "nagiosplug-devel@lists.sourceforge.net"; #include "common.h" #include "netutils.h" #include "utils.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <errno.h> #include <time.h> #include <signal.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/file.h> #include <netinet/in_systm.h> #include <netinet/in.h> #include <netinet/ip.h> #include <netinet/ip_icmp.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <netdb.h> /* RS6000 has sys/select.h */ #ifdef HAVE_SYS_SELECT_H #include <sys/select.h> #endif /* HAVE_SYS_SELECT_H */ /* rta threshold values can't be larger than MAXTTL seconds */ #ifndef MAXTTL # define MAXTTL 255 #endif #ifndef IPDEFTTL # define IPDEFTTL 64 #endif /*** externals ***/ extern char *optarg; extern int optind, opterr; /*** Constants ***/ //#define EMAIL "ae@op5.se" //#define VERSION "0.8.1" #ifndef INADDR_NONE # define INADDR_NONE 0xffffffU #endif /*** Ping packet defines ***/ /* data added after ICMP header for our nefarious purposes */ typedef struct ping_data { unsigned int ping_count; /* counts up to -[n|p] count or 1 */ struct timeval ping_ts; /* time sent */ } PING_DATA; #define MIN_PING_DATA sizeof(PING_DATA) #define MAX_IP_PACKET 65536 /* (theoretical) max IP packet size */ #define SIZE_IP_HDR 20 #define SIZE_ICMP_HDR ICMP_MINLEN /* from ip_icmp.h */ #define MAX_PING_DATA (MAX_IP_PACKET - SIZE_IP_HDR - SIZE_ICMP_HDR) /* * Interval is the minimum amount of time between sending a ping packet to * any host. * * Perhost_interval is the minimum amount of time between sending a ping * packet to a particular responding host * * Timeout is the initial amount of time between sending a ping packet to * a particular non-responding host. * * Retry is the number of ping packets to send to a non-responding host * before giving up (in is-it-alive mode). * * Backoff factor is how much longer to wait on successive retries. */ #ifndef DEFAULT_INTERVAL #define DEFAULT_INTERVAL 25 /* default time between packets (msec) */ #endif #ifndef DEFAULT_RETRY #define DEFAULT_RETRY 1 /* number of times to retry a host */ #endif #ifndef DEFAULT_TIMEOUT # define DEFAULT_TIMEOUT 1000 #endif #ifndef DEFAULT_BACKOFF_FACTOR #define DEFAULT_BACKOFF_FACTOR 1.5 /* exponential timeout factor */ #endif #define MIN_BACKOFF_FACTOR 1.0 /* exponential timeout factor */ #define MAX_BACKOFF_FACTOR 5.0 /* exponential timeout factor */ #ifndef DNS_TIMEOUT #define DNS_TIMEOUT 1000 /* time in usec for dns retry */ #endif #ifndef MAX_RTA_THRESHOLD_VALUE # define MAX_RTA_THRESHOLD_VALUE 120*1000000 /* 2 minutes should be enough */ #endif #ifndef MIN_RTA_THRESHOLD_VALUE # define MIN_RTA_THRESHOLD_VALUE 10000 /* minimum RTA threshold value */ #endif /* sized so as to be like traditional ping */ #define DEFAULT_PING_DATA_SIZE (MIN_PING_DATA + 44) /* maxima and minima */ #define MAX_COUNT 50 /* max count even if we're root */ #define MAX_RETRY 5 #define MIN_INTERVAL 25 /* msecs */ #define MIN_TIMEOUT 50 /* msecs */ /* response time array flags */ #define RESP_WAITING -1 #define RESP_UNUSED -2 #define ICMP_UNREACH_MAXTYPE 15 /* entry used to keep track of each host we are pinging */ struct host_entry { int i; /* index into array */ char *name; /* name as given by user */ char *host; /* text description of host */ struct sockaddr_in saddr; /* internet address */ unsigned short **pr; /* TCP port range to check for connectivity */ struct timeval last_send_time; /* time of last packet sent */ unsigned int num_sent; /* number of ping packets sent */ unsigned int num_recv; /* number of pings received */ unsigned int total_time; /* sum of response times */ unsigned int status; /* this hosts status */ unsigned int running; /* unset when through sending */ unsigned int waiting; /* waiting for response */ int *resp_times; /* individual response times */ struct host_entry *prev, *next; /* doubly linked list */ }; typedef struct host_entry HOST_ENTRY; struct host_name_list { char *entry; struct host_name_list *next; }; /* threshold structure */ struct threshold { unsigned int pl; /* packet loss */ unsigned int rta; /* roundtrip time average */ }; typedef struct threshold threshold; /***************************************************************************** * Global Variables * *****************************************************************************/ HOST_ENTRY *rrlist = NULL; /* linked list of hosts be pinged */ HOST_ENTRY **table = NULL; /* array of pointers to items in the list */ HOST_ENTRY *cursor; char *prog; /* our name */ int ident; /* our pid, for marking icmp packets */ int sock; /* socket */ u_int debug = 0; /* threshold value defaults; * WARNING; 60% packetloss or 200 msecs round trip average * CRITICAL; 80% packetloss or 500 msecs round trip average */ threshold warn = {60, 200 * 1000}; threshold crit = {80, 500 * 1000}; /* times get *100 because all times are calculated in 10 usec units, not ms */ unsigned int retry = DEFAULT_RETRY; u_int timeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT * 100; u_int interval = DEFAULT_INTERVAL * 100; float backoff = DEFAULT_BACKOFF_FACTOR; u_int select_time; /* calculated using maximum threshold rta value */ u_int ping_data_size = DEFAULT_PING_DATA_SIZE; u_int ping_pkt_size; unsigned int count = 5; unsigned int trials = 1; /* global stats */ int total_replies = 0; int num_jobs = 0; /* number of hosts still to do */ int num_hosts = 0; /* total number of hosts */ int num_alive = 0; /* total number alive */ int num_unreachable = 0; /* total number unreachable */ int num_noaddress = 0; /* total number of addresses not found */ int num_timeout = 0; /* number of timed out packets */ int num_pingsent = 0; /* total pings sent */ int num_pingreceived = 0; /* total pings received */ int num_othericmprcvd = 0; /* total non-echo-reply ICMP received */ struct timeval current_time; /* current time (pseudo) */ struct timeval my_start_time; /* conflict with utils.c 33, but not found ?? */ struct timeval my_end_time; /* conflict with utils.c 33, but not found ?? */ struct timeval last_send_time; /* time last ping was sent */ struct timezone tz; /* switches */ int generate_flag = 0; /* flag for IP list generation */ int stats_flag, unreachable_flag, alive_flag; int elapsed_flag, version_flag, count_flag; int name_flag, addr_flag, backoff_flag; int multif_flag; /*** prototypes ***/ void add_name(char *); void add_addr(char *, char *, struct in_addr); char *na_cat(char *, struct in_addr); char *cpystr(char *); void crash(char *); char *get_host_by_address(struct in_addr); int in_cksum(u_short *, int); void u_sleep(int); int recvfrom_wto(int, char *, int, struct sockaddr *, int); void remove_job(HOST_ENTRY *); void send_ping(int, HOST_ENTRY *); long timeval_diff(struct timeval *, struct timeval *); //void usage(void); int wait_for_reply(int); void finish(void); int handle_random_icmp(struct icmp *, struct sockaddr_in *); char *sprint_tm(int); int get_threshold(char *, threshold *); /* common functions */ void print_help (void); void print_usage (void); /*** the various exit-states */ /*enum { STATE_OK = 0, STATE_WARNING, STATE_CRITICAL, STATE_UNKNOWN, STATE_DEPENDANT, STATE_OOB };*/ /* the strings that correspond to them */ /* char *status_string[STATE_OOB] = { "OK", "WARNING", "CRITICAL", "UNKNOWN", "DEPENDANT" }; */ int status = STATE_OK; int fin_stat = STATE_OK; /***************************************************************************** * Code block start * *****************************************************************************/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { int c; u_int lt, ht; int advance; struct protoent *proto; uid_t uid; struct host_name_list *host_ptr, *host_base_ptr; if(strchr(argv[0], '/')) prog = strrchr(argv[0], '/') + 1; else prog = argv[0]; setlocale (LC_ALL, ""); bindtextdomain (PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR); textdomain (PACKAGE); /* check if we are root */ if(geteuid()) { printf(_("Root access needed (for raw sockets)\n")); exit(STATE_UNKNOWN); } /* confirm that ICMP is available on this machine */ if((proto = getprotobyname("icmp")) == NULL) crash(_("icmp: unknown protocol")); /* create raw socket for ICMP calls (ping) */ sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, proto->p_proto); if(sock < 0) crash(_("Can't create raw socket")); /* drop privileges now that we have the socket */ if((uid = getuid())) { seteuid(uid); } if(argc < 2) print_usage(); ident = getpid() & 0xFFFF; if(!(host_base_ptr = malloc(sizeof(struct host_name_list)))) { crash(_("Unable to allocate memory for host name list\n")); } host_ptr = host_base_ptr; backoff_flag = 0; opterr = 1; /* get command line options * -H denotes a host (actually ignored and picked up later) * -h for help * -V or -v for version * -d to display hostnames rather than addresses * -t sets timeout for packets and tcp connects * -r defines retries (persistence) * -p or -n sets packet count (5) * -b sets packet size (56) * -w sets warning threshhold (200,40%) * -c sets critical threshhold (500,80%) * -i sets interval for both packet transmissions and connect attempts */ #define OPT_STR "amH:hvVDdAp:n:b:r:t:i:w:c:" while((c = getopt(argc, argv, OPT_STR)) != EOF) { switch (c) { case 'H': if(!(host_ptr->entry = malloc(strlen(optarg) + 1))) { crash(_("Failed to allocate memory for hostname")); } memset(host_ptr->entry, 0, strlen(optarg) + 1); host_ptr->entry = memcpy(host_ptr->entry, optarg, strlen(optarg)); if(!(host_ptr->next = malloc(sizeof(struct host_name_list)))) crash(_("Failed to allocate memory for hostname")); host_ptr = host_ptr->next; host_ptr->next = NULL; // add_name(optarg); break; /* this is recognized, but silently ignored. * host(s) are added later on */ break; case 'w': if(get_threshold(optarg, &warn)) { printf(_("Illegal threshold pair specified for -%c"), c); print_usage(); } break; case 'c': if(get_threshold(optarg, &crit)) { printf(_("Illegal threshold pair specified for -%c"), c); print_usage(); } break; case 't': if(!(timeout = (u_int) strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0) * 100)) { printf(_("Option -%c requires integer argument\n"), c); print_usage(); } break; case 'r': if(!(retry = (u_int) strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0))) { printf(_("Option -%c requires integer argument\n"), c); print_usage(); } break; case 'i': if(!(interval = (u_int) strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0) * 100)) { printf(_("Option -%c requires positive non-zero integer argument\n"), c); print_usage(); } break; case 'p': case 'n': if(!(count = (u_int) strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0))) { printf(_("Option -%c requires positive non-zero integer argument\n"), c); print_usage(); } break; case 'b': if(!(ping_data_size = (u_int) strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0))) { printf(_("Option -%c requires integer argument\n"), c); print_usage(); } break; case 'h': print_usage(); break; case 'e': elapsed_flag = 1; break; case 'm': multif_flag = 1; break; case 'd': name_flag = 1; break; case 'A': addr_flag = 1; break; case 's': stats_flag = 1; break; case 'u': unreachable_flag = 1; break; case 'a': alive_flag = 1; break; case 'v': printf("%s: Version %s $Date$\n", prog, VERSION); printf("%s: comments to %s\n", prog, email); exit(STATE_OK); case 'g': /* use IP list generation */ /* mutex with file input or command line targets */ generate_flag = 1; break; default: printf(_("Option flag -%c specified, but not recognized\n"), c); print_usage(); break; } } /* arguments are parsed, so now we validate them */ if(count > 1) count_flag = 1; /* set threshold values to 10usec units (inherited from fping.c) */ crit.rta = crit.rta / 10; warn.rta = warn.rta / 10; select_time = crit.rta; /* this isn't critical, but will most likely not be what the user expects * so we tell him/her about it, but keep running anyways */ if(warn.pl > crit.pl || warn.rta > crit.rta) { select_time = warn.rta; printf("(WARNING threshold > CRITICAL threshold) :: "); fflush(stdout); } /* A timeout smaller than maximum rta threshold makes no sense */ if(timeout < crit.rta) timeout = crit.rta; else if(timeout < warn.rta) timeout = warn.rta; if((interval < MIN_INTERVAL * 100 || retry > MAX_RETRY) && getuid()) { printf(_("%s: these options are too risky for mere mortals.\n"), prog); printf(_("%s: You need i >= %u and r < %u\n"), prog, MIN_INTERVAL, MAX_RETRY); printf(_("Current settings; i = %d, r = %d\n"), interval / 100, retry); print_usage(); } if((ping_data_size > MAX_PING_DATA) || (ping_data_size < MIN_PING_DATA)) { printf(_("%s: data size %u not valid, must be between %u and %u\n"), prog, ping_data_size, MIN_PING_DATA, MAX_PING_DATA); print_usage(); } if((backoff > MAX_BACKOFF_FACTOR) || (backoff < MIN_BACKOFF_FACTOR)) { printf(_("%s: backoff factor %.1f not valid, must be between %.1f and %.1f\n"), prog, backoff, MIN_BACKOFF_FACTOR, MAX_BACKOFF_FACTOR); print_usage(); } if(count > MAX_COUNT) { printf(_("%s: count %u not valid, must be less than %u\n"), prog, count, MAX_COUNT); print_usage(); } if(count_flag) { alive_flag = unreachable_flag = 0; } trials = (count > retry + 1) ? count : retry + 1; /* handle host names supplied on command line or in a file */ /* if the generate_flag is on, then generate the IP list */ argv = &argv[optind]; /* cover allowable conditions */ /* generate requires command line parameters beyond the switches */ if(generate_flag && !*argv) { printf(_("Generate flag requires command line parameters beyond switches\n")); print_usage(); } if(*argv && !generate_flag) { while(*argv) { if(!(host_ptr->entry = malloc(strlen(*argv) + 1))) { crash(_("Failed to allocate memory for hostname")); } memset(host_ptr->entry, 0, strlen(*argv) + 1); host_ptr->entry = memcpy(host_ptr->entry, *argv, strlen(*argv)); if(!(host_ptr->next = malloc(sizeof(struct host_name_list)))) crash(_("Failed to allocate memory for hostname")); host_ptr = host_ptr->next; host_ptr->next = NULL; // add_name(*argv); argv++; } } // now add all the hosts host_ptr = host_base_ptr; while(host_ptr->next) { add_name(host_ptr->entry); host_ptr = host_ptr->next; } if(!num_hosts) { printf(_("No hosts to work with!\n\n")); print_usage(); } /* allocate array to hold outstanding ping requests */ table = (HOST_ENTRY **) malloc(sizeof(HOST_ENTRY *) * num_hosts); if(!table) crash(_("Can't malloc array of hosts")); cursor = rrlist; for(num_jobs = 0; num_jobs < num_hosts; num_jobs++) { table[num_jobs] = cursor; cursor->i = num_jobs; cursor = cursor->next; } /* FOR */ ping_pkt_size = ping_data_size + SIZE_ICMP_HDR; signal(SIGINT, (void *)finish); gettimeofday(&my_start_time, &tz); current_time = my_start_time; last_send_time.tv_sec = current_time.tv_sec - 10000; cursor = rrlist; advance = 0; /* main loop */ while(num_jobs) { /* fetch all packets that receive within time boundaries */ while(num_pingsent && cursor && cursor->num_sent > cursor->num_recv && wait_for_reply(sock)) ; if(cursor && advance) { cursor = cursor->next; } gettimeofday(¤t_time, &tz); lt = timeval_diff(¤t_time, &last_send_time); ht = timeval_diff(¤t_time, &cursor->last_send_time); advance = 1; /* if it's OK to send while counting or looping or starting */ if(lt > interval) { /* send if starting or looping */ if((cursor->num_sent == 0)) { send_ping(sock, cursor); continue; } /* IF */ /* send if counting and count not exceeded */ if(count_flag) { if(cursor->num_sent < count) { send_ping(sock, cursor); continue; } /* IF */ } /* IF */ } /* IF */ /* is-it-alive mode, and timeout exceeded while waiting for a reply */ /* and we haven't exceeded our retries */ if((lt > interval) && !count_flag && !cursor->num_recv && (ht > timeout) && (cursor->waiting < retry + 1)) { num_timeout++; /* try again */ send_ping(sock, cursor); continue; } /* IF */ /* didn't send, can we remove? */ /* remove if counting and count exceeded */ if(count_flag) { if((cursor->num_sent >= count)) { remove_job(cursor); continue; } /* IF */ } /* IF */ else { /* normal mode, and we got one */ if(cursor->num_recv) { remove_job(cursor); continue; } /* IF */ /* normal mode, and timeout exceeded while waiting for a reply */ /* and we've run out of retries, so node is unreachable */ if((ht > timeout) && (cursor->waiting >= retry + 1)) { num_timeout++; remove_job(cursor); continue; } /* IF */ } /* ELSE */ /* could send to this host, so keep considering it */ if(ht > interval) { advance = 0; } } /* WHILE */ finish(); return 0; } /* main() */ /************************************************************ * Description: * * Main program clean up and exit point ************************************************************/ void finish() { int i; HOST_ENTRY *h; gettimeofday(&my_end_time, &tz); /* tot up unreachables */ for(i=0; i<num_hosts; i++) { h = table[i]; if(!h->num_recv) { num_unreachable++; status = fin_stat = STATE_CRITICAL; if(num_hosts == 1) { printf("CRITICAL - %s is down (lost 100%%)|" "rta=;%d;%d;; pl=100%%;%d;%d;;\n", h->host, warn.rta / 100, crit.rta / 100, warn.pl, crit.pl); } else { printf(_("%s is down (lost 100%%)"), h->host); } } else { /* reset the status */ status = STATE_OK; /* check for warning before critical, for debugging purposes */ if(warn.rta <= h->total_time / h->num_recv) { /* printf("warn.rta exceeded\n"); */ status = STATE_WARNING; } if(warn.pl <= ((h->num_sent - h->num_recv) * 100) / h->num_sent) { /* printf("warn.pl exceeded (pl=%d)\n", ((h->num_sent - h->num_recv) * 100) / h->num_sent); */ status = STATE_WARNING; } if(crit.rta <= h->total_time / h->num_recv) { /* printf("crit.rta exceeded\n"); */ status = STATE_CRITICAL; } if(crit.pl <= ((h->num_sent - h->num_recv) * 100) / h->num_sent) { /* printf("crit.pl exceeded (pl=%d)\n", ((h->num_sent - h->num_recv) * 100) / h->num_sent); */ status = STATE_CRITICAL; } if(num_hosts == 1 || status != STATE_OK) { printf("%s - %s: rta %s ms, lost %d%%", state_text(status), h->host, sprint_tm(h->total_time / h->num_recv), h->num_sent > 0 ? ((h->num_sent - h->num_recv) * 100) / h->num_sent : 0 ); /* perfdata only available for single-host stuff */ if(num_hosts == 1) { printf("|rta=%sms;%d;%d;; pl=%d%%;%d;%d;;\n", sprint_tm(h->total_time / h->num_recv), warn.rta / 100, crit.rta / 100, h->num_sent > 0 ? ((h->num_sent - h->num_recv) * 100) / h->num_sent : 0, warn.pl, crit.pl ); } else printf(" :: "); } /* fin_stat should always hold the WORST state */ if(fin_stat != STATE_CRITICAL && status != STATE_OK) { fin_stat = status; } } } if(num_noaddress) { printf(_("No hostaddress specified.\n")); print_usage(); } else if(num_alive != num_hosts) { /* for future multi-check support */ /*printf("num_alive != num_hosts (%d : %d)\n", num_alive, num_hosts);*/ fin_stat = STATE_CRITICAL; } if(num_hosts > 1) { if(num_alive == num_hosts) { printf(_("OK - All %d hosts are alive\n"), num_hosts); } else { printf(_("CRITICAL - %d of %d hosts are alive\n"), num_alive, num_hosts); } } exit(fin_stat); } void send_ping(int lsock, HOST_ENTRY *h) { char *buffer; struct icmp *icp; PING_DATA *pdp; int n; buffer = (char *)malloc((size_t) ping_pkt_size); if(!buffer) crash(_("Can't malloc ping packet")); memset(buffer, 0, ping_pkt_size * sizeof(char)); icp = (struct icmp *)buffer; gettimeofday(&h->last_send_time, &tz); icp->icmp_type = ICMP_ECHO; icp->icmp_code = 0; icp->icmp_cksum = 0; icp->icmp_seq = h->i; icp->icmp_id = ident; pdp = (PING_DATA *) (buffer + SIZE_ICMP_HDR); pdp->ping_ts = h->last_send_time; pdp->ping_count = h->num_sent; icp->icmp_cksum = in_cksum((u_short *) icp, ping_pkt_size); n = sendto(lsock, buffer, ping_pkt_size, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&h->saddr, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); if(n < 0 || (unsigned int)n != ping_pkt_size) { if(unreachable_flag) { printf(_("%s error while sending ping: %s\n"), h->host, strerror(errno)); } /* IF */ num_unreachable++; remove_job(h); } /* IF */ else { /* mark this trial as outstanding */ h->resp_times[h->num_sent] = RESP_WAITING; h->num_sent++; h->waiting++; num_pingsent++; last_send_time = h->last_send_time; } /* ELSE */ free(buffer); } /* send_ping() */ int wait_for_reply(int lsock) { int result; static char buffer[4096]; struct sockaddr_in response_addr; struct ip *ip; int hlen; struct icmp *icp; int n; HOST_ENTRY *h = NULL; long this_reply; int this_count; struct timeval sent_time; result = recvfrom_wto(lsock, buffer, sizeof(buffer), (struct sockaddr *)&response_addr, select_time); if(result < 0) return 0; /* timeout */ ip = (struct ip *)buffer; #if defined( __alpha__ ) && __STDC__ && !defined( __GLIBC__ ) /* The alpha headers are decidedly broken. * Using an ANSI compiler, it provides ip_vhl instead of ip_hl and * ip_v. So, to get ip_hl, we mask off the bottom four bits. */ hlen = (ip->ip_vhl & 0x0F) << 2; #else hlen = ip->ip_hl << 2; #endif /* defined(__alpha__) && __STDC__ */ if(result < hlen + ICMP_MINLEN) { printf(_("Received packet too short for ICMP (%d bytes from %s)\n"), result, inet_ntoa(response_addr.sin_addr)); return (1); /* too short */ } /* IF */ icp = (struct icmp *)(buffer + hlen); if(icp->icmp_type != ICMP_ECHOREPLY) { /* handle some problem */ if(handle_random_icmp(icp, &response_addr)) num_othericmprcvd++; return 1; } /* IF */ if(icp->icmp_id != ident) return 1; /* packet received, but not the one we are looking for! */ num_pingreceived++; if(icp->icmp_seq >= (n_short) num_hosts) return(1); /* packet received, don't worry about it anymore */ n = icp->icmp_seq; h = table[n]; /* received ping is cool, so process it */ gettimeofday(¤t_time, &tz); h->waiting = 0; h->num_recv++; memcpy(&sent_time, icp->icmp_data + offsetof(PING_DATA, ping_ts), sizeof(sent_time)); memcpy(&this_count, icp->icmp_data, sizeof(this_count)); this_reply = timeval_diff(¤t_time, &sent_time); h->total_time += this_reply; total_replies++; /* note reply time in array, probably */ if((this_count >= 0) && ((unsigned int)this_count < trials)) { if(h->resp_times[this_count] != RESP_WAITING) { printf(_("%s : duplicate for [%d], %d bytes, %s ms"), h->host, this_count, result, sprint_tm(this_reply)); if(response_addr.sin_addr.s_addr != h->saddr.sin_addr.s_addr) printf(" [<- %s]\n", inet_ntoa(response_addr.sin_addr)); } /* IF */ else h->resp_times[this_count] = this_reply; } /* IF */ else { /* count is out of bounds?? */ printf(_("%s : duplicate for [%d], %d bytes, %s ms\n"), h->host, this_count, result, sprint_tm(this_reply)); } /* ELSE */ if(h->num_recv == 1) { num_alive++; } /* IF */ return num_jobs; } /* wait_for_reply() */ int handle_random_icmp(struct icmp *p, struct sockaddr_in *addr) { struct icmp *sent_icmp; u_char *c; HOST_ENTRY *h; c = (u_char *) p; switch (p->icmp_type) { case ICMP_UNREACH: sent_icmp = (struct icmp *)(c + 28); if((sent_icmp->icmp_type == ICMP_ECHO) && (sent_icmp->icmp_id == ident) && (sent_icmp->icmp_seq < (n_short) num_hosts)) { /* this is a response to a ping we sent */ h = table[sent_icmp->icmp_seq]; if(p->icmp_code > ICMP_UNREACH_MAXTYPE) { printf(_("ICMP Unreachable (Invalid Code) from %s for ICMP Echo sent to %s"), inet_ntoa(addr->sin_addr), h->host); } /* IF */ else { printf(_("ICMP Unreachable from %s for ICMP Echo sent to %s"), inet_ntoa(addr->sin_addr), h->host); } /* ELSE */ if(inet_addr(h->host) == INADDR_NONE) printf(" (%s)", inet_ntoa(h->saddr.sin_addr)); printf("\n"); } /* IF */ return 1; case ICMP_SOURCEQUENCH: case ICMP_REDIRECT: case ICMP_TIMXCEED: case ICMP_PARAMPROB: sent_icmp = (struct icmp *)(c + 28); if((sent_icmp->icmp_type = ICMP_ECHO) && (sent_icmp->icmp_id = ident) && (sent_icmp->icmp_seq < (n_short) num_hosts)) { /* this is a response to a ping we sent */ h = table[sent_icmp->icmp_seq]; printf(_("ICMP Unreachable from %s for ICMP Echo sent to %s"), inet_ntoa(addr->sin_addr), h->host); if(inet_addr(h->host) == INADDR_NONE) printf(" (%s)", inet_ntoa(h->saddr.sin_addr)); printf("\n"); } /* IF */ return 2; /* no way to tell whether any of these are sent due to our ping */ /* or not (shouldn't be, of course), so just discard */ case ICMP_TSTAMP: case ICMP_TSTAMPREPLY: case ICMP_IREQ: case ICMP_IREQREPLY: case ICMP_MASKREQ: case ICMP_MASKREPLY: default: return 0; } /* SWITCH */ } /* handle_random_icmp() */ int in_cksum(u_short * p, int n) { register u_short answer; register long sum = 0; u_short odd_byte = 0; while(n > 1) { sum += *p++; n -= 2; } /* WHILE */ /* mop up an odd byte, if necessary */ if(n == 1) { *(u_char *) (&odd_byte) = *(u_char *) p; sum += odd_byte; } /* IF */ sum = (sum >> 16) + (sum & 0xffff); /* add hi 16 to low 16 */ sum += (sum >> 16); /* add carry */ answer = ~sum; /* ones-complement, truncate */ return (answer); } /* in_cksum() */ void add_name(char *name) { struct hostent *host_ent; int ipaddress; struct in_addr *ipa = (struct in_addr *)&ipaddress; struct in_addr *host_add; char *nm; int i = 0; if((ipaddress = inet_addr(name)) != -1) { /* input name is an IP addr, go with it */ if(name_flag) { if(addr_flag) add_addr(name, na_cat(get_host_by_address(*ipa), *ipa), *ipa); else { nm = cpystr(get_host_by_address(*ipa)); add_addr(name, nm, *ipa); } /* ELSE */ } /* IF */ else add_addr(name, name, *ipa); return; } /* IF */ /* input name is not an IP addr, maybe it's a host name */ host_ent = gethostbyname(name); if(host_ent == NULL) { if(h_errno == TRY_AGAIN) { u_sleep(DNS_TIMEOUT); host_ent = gethostbyname(name); } /* IF */ if(host_ent == NULL) { printf(_("%s address not found\n"), name); num_noaddress++; return; } /* IF */ } /* IF */ host_add = (struct in_addr *)*(host_ent->h_addr_list); if(host_add == NULL) { printf(_("%s has no address data\n"), name); num_noaddress++; return; } /* IF */ else { /* it is indeed a hostname with a real address */ while(host_add) { if(name_flag && addr_flag) add_addr(name, na_cat(name, *host_add), *host_add); else if(addr_flag) { nm = cpystr(inet_ntoa(*host_add)); add_addr(name, nm, *host_add); } /* ELSE IF */ else { add_addr(name, name, *host_add); } if(!multif_flag) break; host_add = (struct in_addr *)(host_ent->h_addr_list[++i]); } /* WHILE */ } /* ELSE */ } /* add_name() */ char *na_cat(char *name, struct in_addr ipaddr) { char *nm, *as; as = inet_ntoa(ipaddr); nm = (char *)malloc(strlen(name) + strlen(as) + 4); if(!nm) crash(_("Can't allocate some space for a string")); strcpy(nm, name); strcat(nm, " ("); strcat(nm, as); strcat(nm, ")"); return (nm); } /* na_cat() */ void add_addr(char *name, char *host, struct in_addr ipaddr) { HOST_ENTRY *p; unsigned int n; int *i; if(!(p = (HOST_ENTRY *) malloc(sizeof(HOST_ENTRY)))) { crash(_("Can't allocate HOST_ENTRY")); } memset((char *)p, 0, sizeof(HOST_ENTRY)); p->name = name; p->host = host; p->saddr.sin_family = AF_INET; p->saddr.sin_addr = ipaddr; p->running = 1; /* array for response time results */ if(!(i = (int *)malloc(trials * sizeof(int)))) { crash(_("Can't allocate resp_times array")); } for(n = 1; n < trials; n++) i[n] = RESP_UNUSED; p->resp_times = i; if(!rrlist) { rrlist = p; p->next = p; p->prev = p; } /* IF */ else { p->next = rrlist; p->prev = rrlist->prev; p->prev->next = p; p->next->prev = p; } /* ELSE */ num_hosts++; } /* add_addr() */ void remove_job(HOST_ENTRY * h) { h->running = 0; h->waiting = 0; num_jobs--; if(num_jobs) { /* remove us from list of active jobs */ h->prev->next = h->next; h->next->prev = h->prev; if(h == cursor) cursor = h->next; } /* IF */ else { cursor = NULL; rrlist = NULL; } /* ELSE */ } /* remove_job() */ char *get_host_by_address(struct in_addr in) { struct hostent *h; h = gethostbyaddr((char *)&in, sizeof(struct in_addr), AF_INET); if(h == NULL || h->h_name == NULL) return inet_ntoa(in); else return (char *)h->h_name; } /* get_host_by_address() */ char *cpystr(char *string) { char *dst; if(string) { dst = (char *)malloc(1 + strlen(string)); if(!dst) crash(_("malloc() failed!")); strcpy(dst, string); return dst; } /* IF */ else return NULL; } /* cpystr() */ void crash(char *msg) { if(errno || h_errno) { if(errno) printf("%s: %s : %s\n", prog, msg, strerror(errno)); if(h_errno) printf(_("%s: %s : A network error occurred\n"), prog, msg); } else printf("%s: %s\n", prog, msg); exit(STATE_UNKNOWN); } /* crash() */ long timeval_diff(struct timeval *a, struct timeval *b) { double temp; temp = (((a->tv_sec * 1000000) + a->tv_usec) - ((b->tv_sec * 1000000) + b->tv_usec)) / 10; return (long)temp; } /* timeval_diff() */ char *sprint_tm(int t) { static char buf[10]; /* <= 0.99 ms */ if(t < 100) { sprintf(buf, "0.%02d", t); return (buf); } /* IF */ /* 1.00 - 9.99 ms */ if(t < 1000) { sprintf(buf, "%d.%02d", t / 100, t % 100); return (buf); } /* IF */ /* 10.0 - 99.9 ms */ if(t < 10000) { sprintf(buf, "%d.%d", t / 100, (t % 100) / 10); return (buf); } /* IF */ /* >= 100 ms */ sprintf(buf, "%d", t / 100); return (buf); } /* sprint_tm() */ /* * select() is posix, so we expect it to be around */ void u_sleep(int u_sec) { int nfound; struct timeval to; fd_set readset, writeset; to.tv_sec = u_sec / 1000000; to.tv_usec = u_sec - (to.tv_sec * 1000000); /* printf("u_sleep :: to.tv_sec: %d, to_tv_usec: %d\n", (int)to.tv_sec, (int)to.tv_usec); */ FD_ZERO(&writeset); FD_ZERO(&readset); nfound = select(0, &readset, &writeset, NULL, &to); if(nfound < 0) crash(_("select() in u_sleep:")); return; } /* u_sleep() */ /************************************************************ * Description: * * receive with timeout * returns length of data read or -1 if timeout * crash on any other errrors ************************************************************/ /* TODO: add MSG_DONTWAIT to recvfrom flags (currently 0) */ int recvfrom_wto(int lsock, char *buf, int len, struct sockaddr *saddr, int timo) { int nfound = 0, slen, n; struct timeval to; fd_set readset, writeset; to.tv_sec = timo / 1000000; to.tv_usec = (timo - (to.tv_sec * 1000000)) * 10; /* printf("to.tv_sec: %d, to.tv_usec: %d\n", (int)to.tv_sec, (int)to.tv_usec); */ FD_ZERO(&readset); FD_ZERO(&writeset); FD_SET(lsock, &readset); nfound = select(lsock + 1, &readset, &writeset, NULL, &to); if(nfound < 0) crash(_("select() in recvfrom_wto")); if(nfound == 0) return -1; /* timeout */ if(nfound) { slen = sizeof(struct sockaddr); n = recvfrom(sock, buf, len, 0, saddr, &slen); if(n < 0) crash(_("recvfrom")); return(n); } return(0); /* 0 bytes read, so return it */ } /* recvfrom_wto() */ /* * u = micro * m = milli * s = seconds */ int get_threshold(char *str, threshold *th) { unsigned int i, factor = 0; char *p = NULL; if(!str || !strlen(str) || !th) return -1; for(i=0; i<strlen(str); i++) { /* we happily accept decimal points in round trip time thresholds, * but we ignore them quite blandly. The new way of specifying higher * precision is to specify 'u' (for microseconds), * 'm' (for millisecs - default) or 's' for seconds. */ if(!p && !factor) { if(str[i] == 's') factor = 1000000; /* seconds */ else if(str[i] == 'm') factor = 1000; /* milliseconds */ else if(str[i] == 'u') factor = 1; /* microseconds */ } if(str[i] == '%') str[i] = '\0'; else if(str[i] == ',' && !p && i != (strlen(str) - 1)) { p = &str[i+1]; str[i] = '\0'; } } /* default to milliseconds */ if(!factor) factor = 1000; if(!p || !strlen(p)) return -1; th->rta = (unsigned int)strtoul(str, NULL, 0) * factor; th->pl = (unsigned int)strtoul(p, NULL, 0); return 0; } void print_help (void) { print_revision (progname, revision); printf ("Copyright (c) 2004 Andreas Ericsson <ae@op5.se>\n"); printf (COPYRIGHT, copyright, email); printf (_("This plugin will check hosts sending icmp pings\n\n")); print_usage (); printf (_(UT_HELP_VRSN)); printf (_("\ -H, \n\ Host name argument for servers\n\ -b \n\ ping packet size in bytes (default %d)\n\ -n \n\ number of pings to send to each target (default %d)\n\ -r \n\ number of retries (default %d)\n\ -t \n\ timeout value (in msec) (default %d)\n\ -i \n\ packet interval (in msec) (default %d)\n\ -w \n\ warning threshold pair, given as RTA[ums],PL[%%]\n\ -c \n\ critical threshold pair, given as RTA[ums],PL[%%]\n\ -D \n\ increase debug output level\n\n"),ping_data_size,count,retry,(timeout / 100),DEFAULT_INTERVAL); printf (_(UT_WARN_CRIT)); printf (_(UT_TIMEOUT), DEFAULT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT); printf (_(UT_VERBOSE)); // printf (_("This plugin will check hosts sending icmp pings\n")); printf (_(UT_SUPPORT)); } void print_usage (void) { printf ("\ Usage: %s -H <vhost> | [-b <ping packet size in bytes>] [-n <number of pings>]\n\ [-r <number of retries>] [-t <timeout>] [-i packet interval]\n\ [-w <warning threshold>] [-c <critical threshold>]\n\ [-D <debug>] \n", progname); }