/***************************************************************************** * * Monitoring check_ups plugin * * License: GPL * Copyright (c) 2000 Tom Shields * 2004 Alain Richard * 2004 Arnaud Quette * Copyright (c) 2002-2024 Monitoring Plugins Development Team * * Description: * * This file contains Network UPS Tools plugin for Monitoring * * This plugin tests the UPS service on the specified host. Network UPS Tools * from www.networkupstools.org must be running for this plugin to work. * * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * *****************************************************************************/ const char *progname = "check_ups"; const char *copyright = "2000-2024"; const char *email = "devel@monitoring-plugins.org"; #include "common.h" #include "netutils.h" #include "utils.h" #include "check_ups.d/config.h" #include "states.h" enum { NOSUCHVAR = ERROR - 1 }; // Forward declarations typedef struct { int errorcode; int ups_status; int supported_options; } determine_status_result; static determine_status_result determine_status(check_ups_config /*config*/); static int get_ups_variable(const char * /*varname*/, char * /*buf*/, check_ups_config config); typedef struct { int errorcode; check_ups_config config; } check_ups_config_wrapper; static check_ups_config_wrapper process_arguments(int /*argc*/, char ** /*argv*/); static check_ups_config_wrapper validate_arguments(check_ups_config_wrapper /*config_wrapper*/); static void print_help(void); void print_usage(void); int main(int argc, char **argv) { setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); bindtextdomain(PACKAGE, LOCALEDIR); textdomain(PACKAGE); /* Parse extra opts if any */ argv = np_extra_opts(&argc, argv, progname); check_ups_config_wrapper tmp_config = process_arguments(argc, argv); if (tmp_config.errorcode == ERROR) { usage4(_("Could not parse arguments")); } // Config from commandline check_ups_config config = tmp_config.config; /* initialize alarm signal handling */ signal(SIGALRM, socket_timeout_alarm_handler); /* set socket timeout */ alarm(socket_timeout); /* get the ups status if possible */ determine_status_result query_result = determine_status(config); if (query_result.errorcode != OK) { return STATE_CRITICAL; } int ups_status_flags = query_result.ups_status; int supported_options = query_result.supported_options; // Exit result mp_state_enum result = STATE_UNKNOWN; char *message = NULL; if (supported_options & UPS_STATUS) { char *ups_status = strdup(""); result = STATE_OK; if (ups_status_flags & UPSSTATUS_OFF) { xasprintf(&ups_status, "Off"); result = STATE_CRITICAL; } else if ((ups_status_flags & (UPSSTATUS_OB | UPSSTATUS_LB)) == (UPSSTATUS_OB | UPSSTATUS_LB)) { xasprintf(&ups_status, _("On Battery, Low Battery")); result = STATE_CRITICAL; } else { if (ups_status_flags & UPSSTATUS_OL) { xasprintf(&ups_status, "%s%s", ups_status, _("Online")); } if (ups_status_flags & UPSSTATUS_OB) { xasprintf(&ups_status, "%s%s", ups_status, _("On Battery")); result = max_state(result, STATE_WARNING); } if (ups_status_flags & UPSSTATUS_LB) { xasprintf(&ups_status, "%s%s", ups_status, _(", Low Battery")); result = max_state(result, STATE_WARNING); } if (ups_status_flags & UPSSTATUS_CAL) { xasprintf(&ups_status, "%s%s", ups_status, _(", Calibrating")); } if (ups_status_flags & UPSSTATUS_RB) { xasprintf(&ups_status, "%s%s", ups_status, _(", Replace Battery")); result = max_state(result, STATE_WARNING); } if (ups_status_flags & UPSSTATUS_BYPASS) { xasprintf(&ups_status, "%s%s", ups_status, _(", On Bypass")); // Bypassing the battery is likely a bad thing result = STATE_CRITICAL; } if (ups_status_flags & UPSSTATUS_OVER) { xasprintf(&ups_status, "%s%s", ups_status, _(", Overload")); result = max_state(result, STATE_WARNING); } if (ups_status_flags & UPSSTATUS_TRIM) { xasprintf(&ups_status, "%s%s", ups_status, _(", Trimming")); } if (ups_status_flags & UPSSTATUS_BOOST) { xasprintf(&ups_status, "%s%s", ups_status, _(", Boosting")); } if (ups_status_flags & UPSSTATUS_CHRG) { xasprintf(&ups_status, "%s%s", ups_status, _(", Charging")); } if (ups_status_flags & UPSSTATUS_DISCHRG) { xasprintf(&ups_status, "%s%s", ups_status, _(", Discharging")); result = max_state(result, STATE_WARNING); } if (ups_status_flags & UPSSTATUS_ALARM) { xasprintf(&ups_status, "%s%s", ups_status, _(", ALARM")); result = STATE_CRITICAL; } if (ups_status_flags & UPSSTATUS_UNKNOWN) { xasprintf(&ups_status, "%s%s", ups_status, _(", Unknown")); } } xasprintf(&message, "%sStatus=%s ", message, ups_status); } int res; char temp_buffer[MAX_INPUT_BUFFER]; char *performance_data = strdup(""); /* get the ups utility voltage if possible */ res = get_ups_variable("input.voltage", temp_buffer, config); if (res == NOSUCHVAR) { supported_options &= ~UPS_UTILITY; } else if (res != OK) { return STATE_CRITICAL; } else { supported_options |= UPS_UTILITY; double ups_utility_voltage = 0.0; ups_utility_voltage = atof(temp_buffer); xasprintf(&message, "%sUtility=%3.1fV ", message, ups_utility_voltage); double ups_utility_deviation = 0.0; if (ups_utility_voltage > 120.0) { ups_utility_deviation = 120.0 - ups_utility_voltage; } else { ups_utility_deviation = ups_utility_voltage - 120.0; } if (config.check_variable == UPS_UTILITY) { if (config.check_crit && ups_utility_deviation >= config.critical_value) { result = STATE_CRITICAL; } else if (config.check_warn && ups_utility_deviation >= config.warning_value) { result = max_state(result, STATE_WARNING); } xasprintf(&performance_data, "%s", perfdata("voltage", (long)(1000 * ups_utility_voltage), "mV", config.check_warn, (long)(1000 * config.warning_value), config.check_crit, (long)(1000 * config.critical_value), true, 0, false, 0)); } else { xasprintf(&performance_data, "%s", perfdata("voltage", (long)(1000 * ups_utility_voltage), "mV", false, 0, false, 0, true, 0, false, 0)); } } /* get the ups battery percent if possible */ res = get_ups_variable("battery.charge", temp_buffer, config); if (res == NOSUCHVAR) { supported_options &= ~UPS_BATTPCT; } else if (res != OK) { return STATE_CRITICAL; } else { supported_options |= UPS_BATTPCT; double ups_battery_percent = 0.0; ups_battery_percent = atof(temp_buffer); xasprintf(&message, "%sBatt=%3.1f%% ", message, ups_battery_percent); if (config.check_variable == UPS_BATTPCT) { if (config.check_crit && ups_battery_percent <= config.critical_value) { result = STATE_CRITICAL; } else if (config.check_warn && ups_battery_percent <= config.warning_value) { result = max_state(result, STATE_WARNING); } xasprintf(&performance_data, "%s %s", performance_data, perfdata("battery", (long)ups_battery_percent, "%", config.check_warn, (long)(config.warning_value), config.check_crit, (long)(config.critical_value), true, 0, true, 100)); } else { xasprintf(&performance_data, "%s %s", performance_data, perfdata("battery", (long)ups_battery_percent, "%", false, 0, false, 0, true, 0, true, 100)); } } /* get the ups load percent if possible */ res = get_ups_variable("ups.load", temp_buffer, config); if (res == NOSUCHVAR) { supported_options &= ~UPS_LOADPCT; } else if (res != OK) { return STATE_CRITICAL; } else { supported_options |= UPS_LOADPCT; double ups_load_percent = 0.0; ups_load_percent = atof(temp_buffer); xasprintf(&message, "%sLoad=%3.1f%% ", message, ups_load_percent); if (config.check_variable == UPS_LOADPCT) { if (config.check_crit && ups_load_percent >= config.critical_value) { result = STATE_CRITICAL; } else if (config.check_warn && ups_load_percent >= config.warning_value) { result = max_state(result, STATE_WARNING); } xasprintf(&performance_data, "%s %s", performance_data, perfdata("load", (long)ups_load_percent, "%", config.check_warn, (long)(config.warning_value), config.check_crit, (long)(config.critical_value), true, 0, true, 100)); } else { xasprintf(&performance_data, "%s %s", performance_data, perfdata("load", (long)ups_load_percent, "%", false, 0, false, 0, true, 0, true, 100)); } } /* get the ups temperature if possible */ res = get_ups_variable("ups.temperature", temp_buffer, config); if (res == NOSUCHVAR) { supported_options &= ~UPS_TEMP; } else if (res != OK) { return STATE_CRITICAL; } else { supported_options |= UPS_TEMP; double ups_temperature = 0.0; char *tunits; if (config.temp_output_c) { tunits = "degC"; ups_temperature = atof(temp_buffer); xasprintf(&message, "%sTemp=%3.1fC", message, ups_temperature); } else { tunits = "degF"; ups_temperature = (atof(temp_buffer) * 1.8) + 32; xasprintf(&message, "%sTemp=%3.1fF", message, ups_temperature); } if (config.check_variable == UPS_TEMP) { if (config.check_crit && ups_temperature >= config.critical_value) { result = STATE_CRITICAL; } else if (config.check_warn && ups_temperature >= config.warning_value) { result = max_state(result, STATE_WARNING); } xasprintf(&performance_data, "%s %s", performance_data, perfdata("temp", (long)ups_temperature, tunits, config.check_warn, (long)(config.warning_value), config.check_crit, (long)(config.critical_value), true, 0, false, 0)); } else { xasprintf(&performance_data, "%s %s", performance_data, perfdata("temp", (long)ups_temperature, tunits, false, 0, false, 0, true, 0, false, 0)); } } /* get the ups real power if possible */ res = get_ups_variable("ups.realpower", temp_buffer, config); if (res == NOSUCHVAR) { supported_options &= ~UPS_REALPOWER; } else if (res != OK) { return STATE_CRITICAL; } else { supported_options |= UPS_REALPOWER; double ups_realpower = 0.0; ups_realpower = atof(temp_buffer); xasprintf(&message, "%sReal power=%3.1fW ", message, ups_realpower); if (config.check_variable == UPS_REALPOWER) { if (config.check_crit && ups_realpower >= config.critical_value) { result = STATE_CRITICAL; } else if (config.check_warn && ups_realpower >= config.warning_value) { result = max_state(result, STATE_WARNING); } xasprintf(&performance_data, "%s %s", performance_data, perfdata("realpower", (long)ups_realpower, "W", config.check_warn, (long)(config.warning_value), config.check_crit, (long)(config.critical_value), true, 0, false, 0)); } else { xasprintf(&performance_data, "%s %s", performance_data, perfdata("realpower", (long)ups_realpower, "W", false, 0, false, 0, true, 0, false, 0)); } } /* if the UPS does not support any options we are looking for, report an * error */ if (supported_options == UPS_NONE) { result = STATE_CRITICAL; xasprintf(&message, _("UPS does not support any available options\n")); } /* reset timeout */ alarm(0); printf("UPS %s - %s|%s\n", state_text(result), message, performance_data); exit(result); } /* determines what options are supported by the UPS */ determine_status_result determine_status(const check_ups_config config) { determine_status_result result = { .errorcode = OK, .ups_status = UPSSTATUS_NONE, .supported_options = 0, }; char recv_buffer[MAX_INPUT_BUFFER]; int res = get_ups_variable("ups.status", recv_buffer, config); if (res == NOSUCHVAR) { return result; } if (res != STATE_OK) { printf("%s\n", _("Invalid response received from host")); result.errorcode = ERROR; return result; } result.supported_options |= UPS_STATUS; char temp_buffer[MAX_INPUT_BUFFER]; strcpy(temp_buffer, recv_buffer); for (char *ptr = strtok(temp_buffer, " "); ptr != NULL; ptr = strtok(NULL, " ")) { if (!strcmp(ptr, "OFF")) { result.ups_status |= UPSSTATUS_OFF; } else if (!strcmp(ptr, "OL")) { result.ups_status |= UPSSTATUS_OL; } else if (!strcmp(ptr, "OB")) { result.ups_status |= UPSSTATUS_OB; } else if (!strcmp(ptr, "LB")) { result.ups_status |= UPSSTATUS_LB; } else if (!strcmp(ptr, "CAL")) { result.ups_status |= UPSSTATUS_CAL; } else if (!strcmp(ptr, "RB")) { result.ups_status |= UPSSTATUS_RB; } else if (!strcmp(ptr, "BYPASS")) { result.ups_status |= UPSSTATUS_BYPASS; } else if (!strcmp(ptr, "OVER")) { result.ups_status |= UPSSTATUS_OVER; } else if (!strcmp(ptr, "TRIM")) { result.ups_status |= UPSSTATUS_TRIM; } else if (!strcmp(ptr, "BOOST")) { result.ups_status |= UPSSTATUS_BOOST; } else if (!strcmp(ptr, "CHRG")) { result.ups_status |= UPSSTATUS_CHRG; } else if (!strcmp(ptr, "DISCHRG")) { result.ups_status |= UPSSTATUS_DISCHRG; } else if (!strcmp(ptr, "ALARM")) { result.ups_status |= UPSSTATUS_ALARM; } else { result.ups_status |= UPSSTATUS_UNKNOWN; } } return result; } /* gets a variable value for a specific UPS */ int get_ups_variable(const char *varname, char *buf, const check_ups_config config) { char send_buffer[MAX_INPUT_BUFFER]; /* create the command string to send to the UPS daemon */ /* Add LOGOUT to avoid read failure logs */ int res = snprintf(send_buffer, sizeof(send_buffer), "GET VAR %s %s\nLOGOUT\n", config.ups_name, varname); if ((res > 0) && ((size_t)res >= sizeof(send_buffer))) { printf("%s\n", _("UPS name to long for buffer")); return ERROR; } char temp_buffer[MAX_INPUT_BUFFER]; /* send the command to the daemon and get a response back */ if (process_tcp_request(config.server_address, config.server_port, send_buffer, temp_buffer, sizeof(temp_buffer)) != STATE_OK) { printf("%s\n", _("Invalid response received from host")); return ERROR; } char *ptr = temp_buffer; int len = strlen(ptr); const char *logout = "OK Goodbye\n"; const int logout_len = strlen(logout); if (len > logout_len && strcmp(ptr + len - logout_len, logout) == 0) { len -= logout_len; } if (len > 0 && ptr[len - 1] == '\n') { ptr[len - 1] = 0; } if (strcmp(ptr, "ERR UNKNOWN-UPS") == 0) { printf(_("CRITICAL - no such UPS '%s' on that host\n"), config.ups_name); return ERROR; } if (strcmp(ptr, "ERR VAR-NOT-SUPPORTED") == 0) { /*printf ("Error: Variable '%s' is not supported\n", varname);*/ return NOSUCHVAR; } if (strcmp(ptr, "ERR DATA-STALE") == 0) { printf("%s\n", _("CRITICAL - UPS data is stale")); return ERROR; } if (strncmp(ptr, "ERR", 3) == 0) { printf(_("Unknown error: %s\n"), ptr); return ERROR; } ptr = temp_buffer + strlen(varname) + strlen(config.ups_name) + 6; len = strlen(ptr); if (len < 2 || ptr[0] != '"' || ptr[len - 1] != '"') { printf("%s\n", _("Error: unable to parse variable")); return ERROR; } *buf = 0; strncpy(buf, ptr + 1, len - 2); buf[len - 2] = 0; return OK; } /* Command line: CHECK_UPS -H -u ups [-p port] [-v variable] [-wv warn_value] [-cv crit_value] [-to to_sec] */ /* process command-line arguments */ check_ups_config_wrapper process_arguments(int argc, char **argv) { static struct option longopts[] = {{"hostname", required_argument, 0, 'H'}, {"ups", required_argument, 0, 'u'}, {"port", required_argument, 0, 'p'}, {"critical", required_argument, 0, 'c'}, {"warning", required_argument, 0, 'w'}, {"timeout", required_argument, 0, 't'}, {"temperature", no_argument, 0, 'T'}, {"variable", required_argument, 0, 'v'}, {"version", no_argument, 0, 'V'}, {"help", no_argument, 0, 'h'}, {0, 0, 0, 0}}; check_ups_config_wrapper result = { .errorcode = OK, .config = check_ups_config_init(), }; if (argc < 2) { result.errorcode = ERROR; return result; } int c; for (c = 1; c < argc; c++) { if (strcmp("-to", argv[c]) == 0) { strcpy(argv[c], "-t"); } else if (strcmp("-wt", argv[c]) == 0) { strcpy(argv[c], "-w"); } else if (strcmp("-ct", argv[c]) == 0) { strcpy(argv[c], "-c"); } } int option = 0; while (1) { c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hVTH:u:p:v:c:w:t:", longopts, &option); if (c == -1 || c == EOF) { break; } switch (c) { case '?': /* help */ usage5(); case 'H': /* hostname */ if (is_host(optarg)) { result.config.server_address = optarg; } else { usage2(_("Invalid hostname/address"), optarg); } break; case 'T': /* FIXME: to be improved (ie "-T C" for Celsius or "-T F" for Fahrenheit) */ result.config.temp_output_c = true; break; case 'u': /* ups name */ result.config.ups_name = optarg; break; case 'p': /* port */ if (is_intpos(optarg)) { result.config.server_port = atoi(optarg); } else { usage2(_("Port must be a positive integer"), optarg); } break; case 'c': /* critical time threshold */ if (is_intnonneg(optarg)) { result.config.critical_value = atoi(optarg); result.config.check_crit = true; } else { usage2(_("Critical time must be a positive integer"), optarg); } break; case 'w': /* warning time threshold */ if (is_intnonneg(optarg)) { result.config.warning_value = atoi(optarg); result.config.check_warn = true; } else { usage2(_("Warning time must be a positive integer"), optarg); } break; case 'v': /* variable */ if (!strcmp(optarg, "LINE")) { result.config.check_variable = UPS_UTILITY; } else if (!strcmp(optarg, "TEMP")) { result.config.check_variable = UPS_TEMP; } else if (!strcmp(optarg, "BATTPCT")) { result.config.check_variable = UPS_BATTPCT; } else if (!strcmp(optarg, "LOADPCT")) { result.config.check_variable = UPS_LOADPCT; } else if (!strcmp(optarg, "REALPOWER")) { result.config.check_variable = UPS_REALPOWER; } else { usage2(_("Unrecognized UPS variable"), optarg); } break; case 't': /* timeout */ if (is_intnonneg(optarg)) { socket_timeout = atoi(optarg); } else { usage4(_("Timeout interval must be a positive integer")); } break; case 'V': /* version */ print_revision(progname, NP_VERSION); exit(STATE_UNKNOWN); case 'h': /* help */ print_help(); exit(STATE_UNKNOWN); } } if (result.config.server_address == NULL && argc > optind) { if (is_host(argv[optind])) { result.config.server_address = argv[optind++]; } else { usage2(_("Invalid hostname/address"), optarg); } } if (result.config.server_address == NULL) { result.config.server_address = strdup(""); } return validate_arguments(result); } check_ups_config_wrapper validate_arguments(check_ups_config_wrapper config_wrapper) { if (config_wrapper.config.ups_name) { printf("%s\n", _("Error : no UPS indicated")); config_wrapper.errorcode = ERROR; } return config_wrapper; } void print_help(void) { print_revision(progname, NP_VERSION); printf("Copyright (c) 2000 Tom Shields\n"); printf("Copyright (c) 2004 Alain Richard \n"); printf("Copyright (c) 2004 Arnaud Quette \n"); printf(COPYRIGHT, copyright, email); printf("%s\n", _("This plugin tests the UPS service on the specified host. " "Network UPS Tools")); printf("%s\n", _("from www.networkupstools.org must be running for this " "plugin to work.")); printf("\n\n"); print_usage(); printf(UT_HELP_VRSN); printf(UT_EXTRA_OPTS); char *myport; xasprintf(&myport, "%d", PORT); printf(UT_HOST_PORT, 'p', myport); printf(" %s\n", "-u, --ups=STRING"); printf(" %s\n", _("Name of UPS")); printf(" %s\n", "-T, --temperature"); printf(" %s\n", _("Output of temperatures in Celsius")); printf(" %s\n", "-v, --variable=STRING"); printf(" %s %s\n", _("Valid values for STRING are"), "LINE, TEMP, BATTPCT, LOADPCT or REALPOWER"); printf(UT_WARN_CRIT); printf(UT_CONN_TIMEOUT, DEFAULT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT); /* TODO: -v clashing with -v/-variable. Commenting out help text since verbose is unused up to now */ /* printf (UT_VERBOSE); */ printf("\n"); printf("%s\n", _("This plugin attempts to determine the status of a UPS " "(Uninterruptible Power")); printf("%s\n", _("Supply) on a local or remote host. If the UPS is online " "or calibrating, the")); printf("%s\n", _("plugin will return an OK state. If the battery is on it " "will return a WARNING")); printf("%s\n", _("state. If the UPS is off or has a low battery the plugin " "will return a CRITICAL")); printf("%s\n", _("state.")); printf("\n"); printf("%s\n", _("Notes:")); printf(" %s\n", _("You may also specify a variable to check (such as " "temperature, utility voltage,")); printf(" %s\n", _("battery load, etc.) as well as warning and critical " "thresholds for the value")); printf(" %s\n", _("of that variable. If the remote host has multiple UPS " "that are being monitored")); printf(" %s\n", _("you will have to use the --ups option to specify which " "UPS to check.")); printf("\n"); printf(" %s\n", _("This plugin requires that the UPSD daemon distributed " "with Russell Kroll's")); printf(" %s\n", _("Network UPS Tools be installed on the remote host. If " "you do not have the")); printf(" %s\n", _("package installed on your system, you can download it from")); printf(" %s\n", _("http://www.networkupstools.org")); printf(UT_SUPPORT); } void print_usage(void) { printf("%s\n", _("Usage:")); printf("%s -H host -u ups [-p port] [-v variable] [-w warn_value] [-c " "crit_value] [-to to_sec] [-T]\n", progname); }