#! /usr/bin/perl -w -I .. # # MySQL Database Server Tests via check_mysql # # # # These are the database permissions required for this test: # GRANT SELECT ON $db.* TO $user@$host IDENTIFIED BY '$password'; # GRANT SUPER, REPLICATION CLIENT ON *.* TO $user@$host; # Check with: # mysql -u$user -p$password -h$host $db use strict; use Test::More; use NPTest; use vars qw($tests); plan skip_all => "check_mysql not compiled" unless (-x "check_mysql"); plan tests => 15; my $bad_login_output = '/Access denied for user /'; my $mysqlserver = getTestParameter("NP_MYSQL_SERVER", "A MySQL Server hostname or IP with no replica setup"); my $mysqlsocket = getTestParameter("NP_MYSQL_SOCKET", "Full path to a MySQL Server socket with no replica setup"); my $mysql_login_details = getTestParameter("NP_MYSQL_LOGIN_DETAILS", "Command line parameters to specify login access (requires REPLICATION CLIENT privileges)", "-u test -ptest"); my $with_replica = getTestParameter("NP_MYSQL_WITH_REPLICA", "MySQL server with replica setup"); my $with_replica_login = getTestParameter("NP_MYSQL_WITH_REPLICA_LOGIN", "Login details for server with replica (requires REPLICATION CLIENT privileges)", $mysql_login_details || "-u test -ptest"); my $result; SKIP: { skip "No mysql server defined", 5 unless $mysqlserver; $result = NPTest->testCmd("./check_mysql -H $mysqlserver $mysql_login_details"); cmp_ok( $result->return_code, '==', 0, "Login okay"); $result = NPTest->testCmd("./check_mysql -H $mysqlserver -u dummy -pdummy"); cmp_ok( $result->return_code, '==', 2, "Login failure"); like( $result->output, $bad_login_output, "Expected login failure message"); $result = NPTest->testCmd("./check_mysql -S -H $mysqlserver $mysql_login_details"); cmp_ok( $result->return_code, "==", 1, "No replicas defined" ); like( $result->output, "/No replicas defined/", "Correct error message"); } SKIP: { skip "No mysql socket defined", 5 unless $mysqlsocket; $result = NPTest->testCmd("./check_mysql -s $mysqlsocket $mysql_login_details"); cmp_ok( $result->return_code, '==', 0, "Login okay"); $result = NPTest->testCmd("./check_mysql -s $mysqlsocket -u dummy -pdummy"); cmp_ok( $result->return_code, '==', 2, "Login failure"); like( $result->output, $bad_login_output, "Expected login failure message"); $result = NPTest->testCmd("./check_mysql -S -s $mysqlsocket $mysql_login_details"); cmp_ok( $result->return_code, "==", 1, "No replicas defined" ); like( $result->output, "/No replicas defined/", "Correct error message"); } SKIP: { skip "No mysql server with replicas defined", 5 unless $with_replica; $result = NPTest->testCmd("./check_mysql -H $with_replica $with_replica_login"); cmp_ok( $result->return_code, '==', 0, "Login okay"); $result = NPTest->testCmd("./check_mysql -S -H $with_replica $with_replica_login"); cmp_ok( $result->return_code, "==", 0, "Replicas okay" ); $result = NPTest->testCmd("./check_mysql -S -H $with_replica $with_replica_login -w 60"); cmp_ok( $result->return_code, '==', 0, 'Replicas are not > 60 seconds behind'); $result = NPTest->testCmd("./check_mysql -S -H $with_replica $with_replica_login -w 60:"); cmp_ok( $result->return_code, '==', 1, 'Alert warning if < 60 seconds behind'); like( $result->output, "/^SLOW_REPLICA WARNING:/", "Output okay"); }