#! /usr/bin/perl -w -I .. # # Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Test via check_snmp # # $Id$ # use strict; use Test::More; use NPTest; use vars qw($tests); BEGIN {$tests = 14; plan tests => $tests} my $res; SKIP: { skip "check_snmp is not compiled", $tests if ( ! -x "./check_snmp" ); my $host_snmp = getTestParameter( "host_snmp", "NP_HOST_SNMP", "localhost", "A host providing an SNMP Service"); my $snmp_community = getTestParameter( "snmp_community", "NP_SNMP_COMMUNITY", "public", "The SNMP Community string for SNMP Testing" ); my $host_nonresponsive = getTestParameter( "host_nonresponsive", "NP_HOST_NONRESPONSIVE", "", "The hostname of system not responsive to network requests" ); my $hostname_invalid = getTestParameter( "hostname_invalid", "NP_HOSTNAME_INVALID", "nosuchhost", "An invalid (not known to DNS) hostname" ); SKIP: { skip "no snmp host defined", 10 if ( ! $host_snmp ); $res = NPTest->testCmd( "./check_snmp -H $host_snmp -C $snmp_community -o system.sysUpTime.0 -w 1: -c 1:"); cmp_ok( $res->return_code, '==', 0, "Exit OK when querying uptime" ); like($res->output, '/^SNMP OK - \d+/', "String contains SNMP OK"); $res = NPTest->testCmd( "./check_snmp -H $host_snmp -C $snmp_community -o system.sysDescr.0"); cmp_ok( $res->return_code, '==', 0, "Exit OK when querying sysDescr" ); unlike($res->perf_output, '/sysDescr/', "Perfdata doesn't contain string values"); $res = NPTest->testCmd( "./check_snmp -H $host_snmp -C $snmp_community -o host.hrSWRun.hrSWRunTable.hrSWRunEntry.hrSWRunIndex.1 -w 1:1 -c 1:1"); cmp_ok( $res->return_code, '==', 0, "Exit OK when querying hrSWRunIndex.1" ); like($res->output, '/^SNMP OK - 1\s.*$/', "String fits SNMP OK and output format"); $res = NPTest->testCmd( "./check_snmp -H $host_snmp -C $snmp_community -o host.hrSWRun.hrSWRunTable.hrSWRunEntry.hrSWRunIndex.1 -w 0 -c 1:"); cmp_ok( $res->return_code, '==', 1, "Exit WARNING when querying hrSWRunIndex.1 and warn-th doesn't apply " ); like($res->output, '/^SNMP WARNING - \*1\*\s.*$/', "String matches SNMP WARNING and output format"); $res = NPTest->testCmd( "./check_snmp -H $host_snmp -C $snmp_community -o host.hrSWRun.hrSWRunTable.hrSWRunEntry.hrSWRunIndex.1 -w :0 -c 0"); cmp_ok( $res->return_code, '==', 2, "Exit CRITICAL when querying hrSWRunIndex.1 and crit-th doesn't apply" ); like($res->output, '/^SNMP CRITICAL - \*1\*\s.*$/', "String matches SNMP CRITICAL and ouput format"); } SKIP: { skip "no non responsive host defined", 2 if ( ! $host_nonresponsive ); $res = NPTest->testCmd( "./check_snmp -H $host_nonresponsive -C $snmp_community -o system.sysUpTime.0 -w 1: -c 1:"); cmp_ok( $res->return_code, '==', 3, "Exit UNKNOWN with non responsive host" ); like($res->output, '/SNMP problem - /', "String matches SNMP Problem"); } SKIP: { skip "no non invalid host defined", 2 if ( ! $hostname_invalid ); $res = NPTest->testCmd( "./check_snmp -H $hostname_invalid -C $snmp_community -o system.sysUpTime.0 -w 1: -c 1:"); cmp_ok( $res->return_code, '==', 3, "Exit UNKNOWN with non responsive host" ); like($res->output, '/SNMP problem - /', "String matches SNMP Problem"); } }