/* * * MINI_EPN.C - Mini Embedded Perl Nagios * Contributed by Stanley Hopcroft * Modified by Douglas Warner * Last Modified: 05/02/2002 * * This is a sample mini embedded Perl interpreter (hacked out checks.c and * perlembed) for use in testing Perl plugins. * * It can be compiled with the following command (see 'man perlembed' for * more info): * * gcc -omini_epn mini_epn.c `perl -MExtUtils::Embed -e ccopts -e ldopts` * * NOTES: The compiled binary needs to be in the same directory as the p1.pl * file supplied with Nagios (or vice versa) * When using mini_epn to test perl scripts, you must place positional * arguments immediately after the file/script and before any arguments * processed by Getopt * */ #include <EXTERN.h> #include <perl.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <string.h> /* include PERL xs_init code for module and C library support */ #if defined(__cplusplus) #define is_cplusplus #endif #ifdef is_cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #define NO_XSLOCKS #include <XSUB.h> #ifdef is_cplusplus } # ifndef EXTERN_C # define EXTERN_C extern "C" # endif #else # ifndef EXTERN_C # define EXTERN_C extern # endif #endif EXTERN_C void xs_init _((void)); EXTERN_C void boot_DynaLoader _((CV* cv)); EXTERN_C void xs_init(void) { char *file = __FILE__; dXSUB_SYS; /* DynaLoader is a special case */ newXS("DynaLoader::boot_DynaLoader", boot_DynaLoader, file); } static PerlInterpreter *perl = NULL; int main(int argc, char **argv, char **env) { char *embedding[] = { "", "p1.pl" }; char plugin_output[1024]; char buffer[512]; char tmpfname[32]; char fname[32]; char *args[] = {"","0", "", "", NULL }; FILE *fp; const int command_line_size = 160; char command_line[command_line_size]; char *ap ; int exitstatus; int pclose_result; #ifdef THREADEDPERL dTHX; #endif dSP; if ((perl=perl_alloc())==NULL) { snprintf(buffer,sizeof(buffer),"Error: Could not allocate memory for embedded Perl interpreter!\n"); buffer[sizeof(buffer)-1]='\x0'; printf("%s\n", buffer); exit(1); } perl_construct(perl); exitstatus=perl_parse(perl,xs_init,2,embedding,NULL); if (!exitstatus) { exitstatus=perl_run(perl); while(printf("Enter file name: ") && fgets(command_line, command_line_size, stdin)) { /* call the subroutine, passing it the filename as an argument */ command_line[strlen(command_line) -1] = '\0'; strncpy(fname,command_line,strcspn(command_line," ")); fname[strcspn(command_line," ")] = '\x0'; args[0] = fname ; args[3] = command_line + strlen(fname) + 1 ; /* generate a temporary filename to which stdout can be redirected. */ sprintf(tmpfname,"/tmp/embedded%d",getpid()); args[2] = tmpfname; /* call our perl interpreter to compile and optionally cache the command */ perl_call_argv("Embed::Persistent::eval_file", G_DISCARD | G_EVAL, args); perl_call_argv("Embed::Persistent::run_package", G_DISCARD | G_EVAL, args); /* check return status */ if(SvTRUE(ERRSV)){ pclose_result=-2; printf("embedded perl ran %s with error %s\n",fname,SvPV(ERRSV,PL_na)); } /* read back stdout from script */ fp=fopen(tmpfname, "r"); /* default return string in case nothing was returned */ strcpy(plugin_output,"(No output!)"); fgets(plugin_output,sizeof(plugin_output)-1,fp); plugin_output[sizeof(plugin_output)-1]='\x0'; fclose(fp); unlink(tmpfname); printf("embedded perl plugin output was %d,%s\n",pclose_result, plugin_output); } } PL_perl_destruct_level = 0; perl_destruct(perl); perl_free(perl); exit(exitstatus); }