
use strict;
#use vars qw(\$version \$help \$verbose \$lang \@includes \%ents);
use Getopt::Long;

sub print_revision ($$);
sub print_usage ($$);
sub print_help ($$);
sub slurp ($$$@);

my $PROGNAME = "tango";
my $REVISION = '$Revision$ ';
$REVISION =~ s/^\$Revision: //;
$REVISION =~ s/ \$ $//;

my $PACKAGE = 'Monitoring Plugins';
my $RELEASE = '1.3';
my $WARRANTY = "The Monitoring Plugins come with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You may redistribute\ncopies of the plugins under the terms of the GNU General Public License.\nFor more information about these matters, see the file named COPYING.\n";

my $version = undef;
my $help = undef;
my $verbose = undef;
my $lang = undef;
my $follow = undef;
my @INCLUDE = undef;

	("V"   => \$version,  "version"    => \$version,
	 "h"   => \$help,     "help"       => \$help,
	 "v"   => \$verbose,  "verbose"    => \$verbose,
	 "f"   => \$follow,  "follow!"     => \$follow,
	 "l=s" => \$lang,     "language=s" => \$lang,
	 "I=s" => \@INCLUDE);

if ($help) {
	print_help ($PROGNAME,$REVISION);
	exit 0;

if ($version) {
	print_revision ($PROGNAME,$REVISION);
	exit 0;

if (!defined($lang)) {
	print_usage ($PROGNAME,$REVISION);
	exit 1;

my $t;
my @files;
my $file;
my $key;
my $ent;
my $cmd;
my $dir;

# first step is to get a set of defines in effect
# we do this with gcc preprocessor
# first, assemble the command
my $cmd = "/usr/bin/gcc -E -dM";
foreach $dir (@INCLUDE) {
	$cmd .= " -I $dir" if ($dir) ;

# add the file(s) to process
while ($file = shift) {
	push @files, $file;
	$cmd .= " $file";

# then execute the command, storing defines in %main::ents
open T, "$cmd |"; 
while (<T>) {
	next if (m|\#define\s+[^\s\(]+\(|);
	if (m|\#define\s+(\S+)\s+(\"?)(.*?)\2$|) {
		$key = $1;
		$ent = $3;
		$ent =~ s|\\n\\n|</para>\n\n<para>|msg;
		$ent =~ s|\\n|\n|msg;
		$main::ents{$key} = $ent;

# then we slurp the file to fetch the XML
my $xml = "";
foreach $file (@files) {
	$xml .= slurp ($lang, $follow, $file, @INCLUDE);

# finally substitute the defines as XML entities
foreach $key (keys %main::ents) {
	$xml =~ s/\&$key\;/$main::ents{$key}/msg;

# and print the result
print $xml;

exit 0;

sub print_revision ($$) {
	my $PROGNAME = shift;
	my $REVISION = shift;
	print "$WARRANTY";

sub print_usage ($$) {
	my $PROGNAME = shift;
	my $REVISION = shift;
	print qq"\n$PROGNAME -l <language> [options] file [...]\n"

sub print_help ($$) {
	my $PROGNAME = shift;
	my $REVISION = shift;
	print_usage ($PROGNAME, $REVISION);
	print qq"
  -l, --language=STRING
     Currently supported languages are C and perl

sub slurp ($$$@) {
	no strict 'refs';
	my ($lang, $follow, $file, @INCLUDE) = @_;
	my $xml = "";
	my $block;
	my $dir = "";
	my $ostat;
	my $descriptor = 'T' . int(rand 100000000);

	if ($file !~ m|^[\.\/\\]|) {
		foreach $dir (@INCLUDE) {
			if ($ostat = open $descriptor, "<$dir/$file") {
				push @main::includes, $file;
	} else {
		$ostat = open $descriptor, "<$file";
		push @main::includes, $file if $ostat;
	return "" unless $ostat;

	if ($lang eq 'C') {
		while (<$descriptor>) {
			$block = $_;
			if ($follow && m|^\s*\#\s*include\s+[<"]([^\">]+)[">]|) {
				$xml .= slurp ($lang, $follow, $1, @INCLUDE) unless (in (@main::includes, $1));
			if ($block =~ m|(\S+)\s+(\S+)\s*(\([^\)]*\));|) {
				$main::ents{"PROTO_$2"} = "$1 $2 $3";
			if ($block =~ m|//|) { # C++ style one-line comment
				if (m|//\@\@-(.*)-\@\@|) {
					$xml .= $1;
			if ($block =~ m|/\*|) { # normal C comments
				while ($block !~ m|/\*(.*)\*/|ms) {
					$block .= <$descriptor>;
				if ($block =~ m|\@\@-(.*)-\@\@|ms) {
					$xml .= $1;
				} elsif ($block =~ m|\@s*-(.*)\s*-\@|ms) {
					$key = $1;
					while ($block !~ m|\*/\s*([^\;]+);|ms) {
						$block .= <$descriptor>;
					if ($block =~ m|\*/\s*([^\;]+);|ms) {
						$main::ents{$key} = $1;
	close $descriptor;
	return $xml;

sub in () {
	my $el = pop;
	foreach $key (@_) {
		return 1 if ($key eq $el);
	return 0;

sub CommentStart ($) {
	my $lang = shift;
	if ($lang eq 'C') {
		return '/*';
	} elsif ($lang == 'perl') {
		return '#';
	} else {
		return undef;

#			if ($_ =~ m/^\s*\#\s*define\s+([-_a-zA-Z0-9]+)\s+(.*)\s*$/) {
#				$key = $1;
#				$main::ents{$key} = "$2";
#				while (($main::ents{$key} =~ s/\\\s*$//s) && ($block = <$descriptor>)) {
#					$main::ents{$key} .= $block;
#				}
#				$main::ents{$key} =~ s/"(.*)"$/$1/s;
#				$main::ents{$key} =~ s/\s+\/[\/\*].*$//s;
#			}

### Local Variables: ;;;
### tab-width: 2 ;;;
### perl-indent-level: 2 ;;;
### End: ;;;