# tinderbox_build.pl
# This script builds the nagiosplugins and then sends
# logs back to the master tinderbox server
# This script is based on mozilla-unix.pl which comes with tinderbox2
# See http://tinderbox.altinity.org for more details

require 5.000;

use strict;
use Sys::Hostname;
use Cwd;
use Time::Local;

my $Version = '$Revision$';

my $myhost = hostname;
my ($host, $junk) = split(/\./, $myhost);
my $BuildAdministrator = $ENV{TINDERBOX_BUILD_ADMIN} || "$ENV{'USER'}\@$myhost";

#Default values of cmdline opts
my $ReportStatus = 0;  # Do not send results to server

# Set these to what makes sense for your system

# Set these proper values for your tinderbox server
my $Tinderbox_server = 'tinderbox2@tinderbox.altinity.org';

# These shouldn't really need to be changed
my $BuildTree = 'nagiosplug';
my $BuildName = '';
my $ConfigureArgs = $ENV{CONFIGURE_ARGS};

my $OS = `uname -s`;
my $OSVer = `uname -r`;
chop($OS, $OSVer);
if ( $OS eq 'AIX' ) {
	$OSVer = `uname -v`;
	$OSVer = $OSVer . "." . `uname -r`;
if ( $OS eq 'IRIX64' ) {
	$OS = 'IRIX';
if ( $OS eq 'SCO_SV' ) {
	$OS = 'SCOOS';
	$OSVer = '5.0';
if ( "$host" ne "" ) {
	$BuildName = $host . ' ';
$BuildName .= $OS . ' ' . $OSVer;
$_ = $BuildName;
s/ /_/g;

my $logfile = "$_.log";

sub BuildIt {
	my ($fe, @felist, $EarlyExit, $LastTime);

	my $StartDir = getcwd();
	$LastTime = 0;

	print "Starting dir is : $StartDir\n";

	my $EarlyExit = 0;


	my $StartTime = time;
	if (-e (my $file = "nagios-plugins.spec")) {
		open F, $file;
		while (<F>) {
			if (/^Version: HEAD-(\d\d\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)$/) {
				$StartTime = timelocal(0, $5, $4, $3, ($2 - 1), ($1 - 1900));

	print "Start time is $StartTime",$/;

	my $CurrentDir = getcwd();
	if ( $CurrentDir ne $StartDir ) {
		print "startdir: $StartDir, curdir $CurrentDir\n";
		die "curdir != startdir";

	unlink( "$logfile" );
	print "opening $logfile\n";
	open( LOG, ">$logfile" ) || print "can't open $?\n";
	print LOG "current dir is -- $host:$CurrentDir\n";
	print LOG "Build Administrator is $BuildAdministrator\n";
	my $BuildStatus;
	if (&configure) {
		if (&make) {
			if (&maketest) {
				$BuildStatus = "success";
			} else {	
				$BuildStatus = "test_failed";
		} else {
			$BuildStatus = "build_failed";
	} else {
		$BuildStatus = "busted";

	print LOG "\nBuild Status = $BuildStatus\n";

# TV: Leaving this in, because process mail program probably has some
# limitation retained

# this fun line added on 2/5/98. do not remove. Translated to english,
# that's "take any line longer than 1000 characters, and split it into less
# than 1000 char lines.  If any of the resulting lines is
# a dot on a line by itself, replace that with a blank line."  
# This is to prevent cases where a <cr>.<cr> occurs in the log file.  Sendmail
# interprets that as the end of the mail, and truncates the log before
# it gets to Tinderbox.  (terry weismann, chris yeh)
# This was replaced by a perl 'port' of the above, writen by 
# preed@netscape.com; good things: no need for system() call, and now it's
# all in perl, so we don't have to do OS checking like before.

	open(LOG, "$logfile") || die "Couldn't open logfile: $!\n";
	open(OUTLOG, ">${logfile}.last") || die "Couldn't open logfile: $!\n";
	print OUTLOG $/;
	print OUTLOG "tinderbox: tree: $BuildTree\n";
	print OUTLOG "tinderbox: builddate: $StartTime\n";
	print OUTLOG "tinderbox: status: $BuildStatus\n";
	print OUTLOG "tinderbox: build: $BuildName $fe\n";
	print OUTLOG "tinderbox: errorparser: unix\n";
	print OUTLOG "tinderbox: buildfamily: unix\n";
	print OUTLOG "tinderbox: END\n";	    
	print OUTLOG $/;

	while (<LOG>) {
	    my $q = 0;
	    for (;;) {
		my $val = $q * 1000;
		my $Output = substr($_, $val, 1000);
		last if $Output eq undef;
		$Output =~ s/^\.$//g;
		$Output =~ s/\n//g;
		print OUTLOG "$Output\n";
	    } #EndFor
	} #EndWhile

	if ($ReportStatus) {
		system( "ssh $Tinderbox_server tinderbox_receive < ${logfile}.last" )
	} else {
		print <<"EOF"
Not sending logs to http://tinderbox.altinity.org
If you have SSH keys setup on the tinderbox server, you can manually send
with 'ssh $Tinderbox_server tinderbox_receive < ${logfile}.last'
	print "Finished building for tinderbox",$/;

} #EndSub-BuildIt

sub ParseArgs {

    $i = 0;
    while( $i < @ARGV ) {
	if ($ARGV[$i] eq '--version' || $ARGV[$i] eq '-v') {
	    die "$0: version $Version\n";
	} elsif ($ARGV[$i] eq '-y') {
		$ReportStatus = 1;
	} else {

    } #EndWhile

} #EndSub-ParseArgs

sub PrintUsage {
    die "usage: $0 [-v | --version ] [-t do not send report to tinderbox server]\n";

sub PrintEnv {
    my ($key);
    foreach $key (keys %ENV) {
	print LOG "$key = $ENV{$key}\n";
	print "$key = $ENV{$key}\n";

	# Print the NPTest variables
	if (-e "/var/tmp/NPTest.cache") {
		open F, "/var/tmp/NPTest.cache";
		print LOG "NPTest variables:\n";
		print LOG <F>;
		close F;
} #EndSub-PrintEnv

sub SetupPath {
    $Path = $ENV{PATH};
    print "Path before: $Path\n";

    if ( $OS eq 'SunOS' ) {
	$ENV{'PATH'} = '/usr/ccs/bin:' . $ENV{'PATH'};

    $Path = $ENV{PATH};
    print "Path After: $Path\n";
} #EndSub-SetupPath

sub configure {
	# Configure
        print LOG "./configure $ConfigureArgs\n";
        open (CONFIGURE, "./configure $ConfigureArgs 2>&1 |") || die "../configure: $!\n";
        while (<CONFIGURE>) {
            print $_;
            print LOG $_;
	return ! $?;
sub make {
        # Building
        print LOG "make 2>&1\n";
        open( MAKE, "make 2>&1 |");
	while ( <MAKE> ) {
		print $_;
		print LOG $_;
	close( MAKE);
	return ! $?;

sub maketest {
        # Tests
        print LOG "LANG=C make test 2>&1\n";
        open( MAKE, "LANG=C make test 2>&1 |");
	while ( <MAKE> ) {
		print $_;
		print LOG $_;
	close( MAKE);
	return ! $?;

# Main function
