# # Nginx server configuration for the Nagios Plugins. # # See: # /usr/share/doc/nginx-doc/examples # # http://wiki.nginx.org/Pitfalls # http://wiki.nginx.org/QuickStart # http://wiki.nginx.org/Configuration # # # Server definition for . # server { listen ssl; listen ssl; server_name www.monitoring-plugins.org; root /home/plugins/web/port-$server_port; # # Downloads and attachments. # location ^~ /download/ { if ($args = $is_args) { # Fancy Index: Sort by modification time (descending). rewrite ^(.*/)$ $1?C=M&O=D last; } root /home/plugins/web; fancyindex on; fancyindex_exact_size off; fancyindex_css_href /resources/plugins.css; fancyindex_ignore ^timestamp$; } location ^~ /attachments/ { root /home/plugins/web; } # # Make Mailman archives available for Gmane TEMPORARILY. # location ^~ /mbox/ { root /home/plugins/tmp/; fancyindex on; fancyindex_exact_size off; fancyindex_css_href /resources/plugins.css; } # # Mailman and cgit. # location ^~ /cgit { root /home/git/opt/cgit/web; } location ^~ /archive/ { alias /home/mailman/server/archives/public/; } location ^~ /list/icons/ { alias /home/mailman/server/icons/; } location ~ ^/list(?:/listinfo)?/?$ { return 301 /support.html; } location ~ ^/(?:list/|repositories) { root /home/plugins/web/cgi-bin; fastcgi_split_path_info ^(/list/[^/]+|/repositories)(.*)$; fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/fcgiwrap.socket; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name; fastcgi_param PATH_INFO $fastcgi_path_info; include /etc/nginx/fastcgi_params; gzip off; # Scripts have to complete before getting gzipped. } # # Redirects etc. # location = /favicon.ico { root /home/plugins/web/site/resources; } location = /doc/release-notes/1-5.html { return 301 /news/release-1-5.html; } location = /download/snapshot/monitoring-plugins-HEAD.tar.gz { return 301 /download/snapshot/monitoring-plugins-master.tar.gz; } location = /rfc/new_threshold_syntax { return 301 /doc/new-threshold-syntax.html; } location = /taxonomy/term/2 { return 301 /doc/writing-perl-plugins.html; } location ^~ /snapshot { return 301 /download$request_uri; } location ~ ^/(?:man.*|guidelines|extra-opts)$ { return 301 /doc$request_uri.html; } } # # Our plugins/t/check_http.t checks . # server { listen; server_name test.monitoring-plugins.org; root /home/plugins/web/site; location ~ ^/(?:index.html)?$ { # Serve index.html. } location / { return 301 https://www.monitoring-plugins.org$request_uri; } } # # Redirect HTTP and all other domains to . # Ditto for the test instance. # server { listen default_server; listen default_server ssl; ssl_certificate /home/plugins/etc/ssl/monitoring-plugins.crt; ssl_certificate_key /home/plugins/etc/ssl/monitoring-plugins.key; return 301 https://www.monitoring-plugins.org$request_uri; } server { listen default_server; listen default_server ssl; ssl_certificate /home/plugins/etc/ssl/monitoring-plugins.crt; ssl_certificate_key /home/plugins/etc/ssl/monitoring-plugins.key; return 301 https://www.monitoring-plugins.org:444$request_uri; }