# Check that a mysql-slave is running
# usage: check_mysql_slave host user password
# @author peter.romianowski@optivo.net
# @version 1.0 19.12.2004

IO=`mysql -h$1 -u$2 -p$3 -B -e "SHOW SLAVE STATUS" | cut -f 10 | tr "\n" " "`

if [ "$IO" != "Slave_IO_Running Yes " ] ; then
        echo "CRITICAL Slave IO-Thread is not running (response was: $IO)"
        exit 1

SQL=`mysql -h$1 -u$2 -p$3 -B -e "SHOW SLAVE STATUS" | cut -f 11 | tr "\n" " "`

if [ "$SQL" != "Slave_SQL_Running Yes " ] ; then
        echo "CRITICAL Slave SQL-Thread is not running (response was: $SQL)"
        exit 2

echo "OK Slave IO- and SQL-Thread are running"
exit 0