Index: nagios-plugins-trunk/plugins/check_http.c
--- nagios-plugins-trunk/plugins/check_http.c	(revision 1808)
+++ nagios-plugins-trunk/plugins/check_http.c	(working copy)
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@
     case 'c': /* critical time threshold */
       if (!is_nonnegative (optarg))
-        usage2 (_("Critical threshold must be integer"), optarg);
+        usage2 (_("Critical threshold must be non-negative number"), optarg);
       else {
         critical_time = strtod (optarg, NULL);
         check_critical_time = TRUE;
@@ -255,7 +255,7 @@
     case 'w': /* warning time threshold */
       if (!is_nonnegative (optarg))
-        usage2 (_("Warning threshold must be integer"), optarg);
+        usage2 (_("Warning threshold must be non-negative number"), optarg);
       else {
         warning_time = strtod (optarg, NULL);
         check_warning_time = TRUE;
@@ -982,14 +982,14 @@
   microsec = deltime (tv);
   elapsed_time = (double)microsec / 1.0e6;
   asprintf (&msg,
-            _("HTTP WARNING: %s - %.3f second response time %s|%s %s\n"),
+            _("%s - %.3f second response time %s|%s %s\n"),
             status_line, elapsed_time, 
             (display_html ? "</A>" : ""),
             perfd_time (elapsed_time), perfd_size (pagesize));
   if (check_critical_time == TRUE && elapsed_time > critical_time)
-    die (STATE_CRITICAL, "%s", msg);
+    die (STATE_CRITICAL, "HTTP CRITICAL: %s", msg);
   if (check_warning_time == TRUE && elapsed_time > warning_time)
-    die (STATE_WARNING, "%s", msg);
+    die (STATE_WARNING, "HTTP WARNING: %s", msg);
   /* Page and Header content checks go here */
   /* these checks should be last */