--- check_ircd.pl.orig	2002-05-06 22:35:49.000000000 -0700
+++ check_ircd.pl	2008-10-01 01:22:43.496305819 -0700
@@ -43,15 +43,17 @@
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------[ Require ]--
-require 5.004;
+require 5.6.0;
 # -------------------------------------------------------------------[ Uses ]--
-use Socket;
 use strict;
+use IO::Socket;
+use Sys::Hostname;
 use Getopt::Long;
 use vars qw($opt_V $opt_h $opt_t $opt_p $opt_H $opt_w $opt_c $verbose);
 use vars qw($PROGNAME);
+use vars qw($ClientSocket);
 use lib utils.pm;
 use utils qw($TIMEOUT %ERRORS &print_revision &support &usage);
@@ -60,7 +62,6 @@
 sub print_help ();
 sub print_usage ();
 sub connection ($$$$);
-sub bindRemote ($$$);
 # -------------------------------------------------------------[ Enviroment ]--
@@ -104,7 +105,7 @@
 		$answer = "Server $in_remotehost has less than 0 users! Something is Really WRONG!\n";
-	print ClientSocket "quit\n";
+	print $ClientSocket "quit\n";
 	print $answer;
 	exit $ERRORS{$state};
@@ -140,38 +141,6 @@
-# -------------------------------------------------------------[ bindRemote ]--
-sub bindRemote ($$$)
-	my ($in_remotehost, $in_remoteport, $in_hostname) = @_;
-	my $proto = getprotobyname('tcp');
-	my $sockaddr;
-	my $this;
-	my $thisaddr = gethostbyname($in_hostname);
-	my $that;
-	my ($name, $aliases,$type,$len,$thataddr) = gethostbyname($in_remotehost);
-#	($name,$aliases,$type,$len,$thisaddr) = gethostbyname($in_hostname);
-	if (!socket(ClientSocket,AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, $proto)) {
-	    print "IRCD UNKNOWN: Could not start socket ($!)\n";
-	    exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"};
-	}
-	$sockaddr = 'S n a4 x8';
-	$this = pack($sockaddr, AF_INET, 0, $thisaddr);
-	$that = pack($sockaddr, AF_INET, $in_remoteport, $thataddr);
-	if (!bind(ClientSocket, $this)) {
-	    print "IRCD UNKNOWN: Could not bind socket ($!)\n";
-	    exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"};
-	}
-	if (!connect(ClientSocket, $that)) { 
-	    print "IRCD UNKNOWN: Could not connect socket ($!)\n";
-	    exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"};
-	}
-	select(ClientSocket); $| = 1; select(STDOUT);
-	return \*ClientSocket;
 # ===================================================================[ MAIN ]==
@@ -222,24 +191,34 @@
-	chomp($hostname = `/bin/hostname`);
+	$hostname = hostname;
 	$hostname = $1 if ($hostname =~ /([-.a-zA-Z0-9]+)/);
-	my ($name, $alias, $proto) = getprotobyname('tcp');
 	print "MAIN(debug): hostname = $hostname\n" if $verbose;
 	print "MAIN(debug): binding to remote host: $remotehost -> $remoteport -> $hostname\n" if $verbose;
-	my $ClientSocket = &bindRemote($remotehost,$remoteport,$hostname);
+	$ClientSocket = IO::Socket::INET->new(
+				PeerAddr  => $remotehost,
+				PeerPort  => $remoteport,
+				LocalAddr => $hostname,
+				Proto     => "tcp"
+	);
+	if (! $ClientSocket) {
+		print "IRCD UNKNOWN: Could not connect socket ($!)\n";
+		exit $ERRORS{"UNKNOWN"};
+	}
-	print ClientSocket "NICK $NICK\nUSER $USER_INFO\n";
+	print $ClientSocket "NICK $NICK\nUSER $USER_INFO\n";
-	while (<ClientSocket>) {
+	while (<$ClientSocket>) {
 		print "MAIN(debug): default var = $_\n" if $verbose;
 		# DALnet,LagNet,UnderNet etc. Require this!
 		# Replies with a PONG when presented with a PING query.
 		# If a server doesn't require it, it will be ignored.
-		if (m/^PING (.*)/) {print ClientSocket "PONG $1\n";}
+		if (m/^PING (.*)/) {print $ClientSocket "PONG $1\n";}