diff --git a/libexec/check_mysql_performance b/libexec/check_mysql_performance
index 9a7e0a5..0e59d35 100755
--- a/libexec/check_mysql_performance
+++ b/libexec/check_mysql_performance
@@ -11,9 +11,9 @@ use Nagios::Plugin;
 my $np = Nagios::Plugin->new(
     'usage' => <<EOH,
-Usage: %s [-H host] [-d DSN] -u -p --group
+Usage: %s [-H host] [-d DSN] [--perfdata ] [[-u] [-p]|--extra-opts=[section][\@file]]  --group
-    'version' => '1.00',
+    'version' => '1.10',
     'url'     => 'http://www.capside.com',
     'extra'   => <<EOH,
@@ -21,16 +21,15 @@ Threshold formats are specified at:
     'blurb' => qq{Copyright (c) CAPSiDE.
-This plugin montitors the % use of CPU usage on Linux systems for various types of CPU usage.
     spec => 'perfdata=s',
     help => <<EOH,
---perfdata performance data to output
-  Host to query
+--perfdata  performance data to check and output
+   e.g. metric[=warn_range;][critcal_range],metric,...
+   note semicolons will need escaping when entered in the UI
     required => 0,
@@ -108,7 +107,8 @@ $SIG{'ALRM'} = sub {
     $np->nagios_exit( CRITICAL, 'ERROR: Timed out.' );
-my ( $code, $message ) = ( OK, 'All parameters OK' );
+my ( $code, $message ) = ( undef, undef );
+$np->add_message( OK, "All parameters OK" );
 my @fields;
 if ( not $np->opts->perfdata ) {
@@ -116,30 +116,50 @@ if ( not $np->opts->perfdata ) {
 else {
     @fields = split( /,/, $np->opts->perfdata );
-    # @fields = split /,/, join ',', @{$np->opts->perfdata};
 # Add all performance data
+my $thresholds;
+my $value;
+my $warning;
+my $critical;
+my $minimum;
+my $maximum;
 foreach my $key (@fields) {
+    if ( $key =~ /=/ ) {
+        ($key, $thresholds) = split( /=/, $key );
+        ($warning, $critical) = split ( /;/, $thresholds );
+    } else {
+        $thresholds = undef;
+        $warning = undef;
+        $critical = undef;
+    }
     if ( $mysql->{'stats'}->{$key}->{'type'} eq 'ABS' ) {
         next if ( not defined $read_data->{$key} );
-        $np->add_perfdata(
-            'label' => $key,
-            'value' => $read_data->{$key},
-            'uom'   => '',
-        );
-    }
-    elsif ( $mysql->{'stats'}->{$key}->{'type'} eq 'DERIVE' ) {
+        $value = $read_data->{$key};
+    } elsif ( $mysql->{'stats'}->{$key}->{'type'} eq 'DERIVE' ) {
         next if ( not defined $stat->{$key} );
-        $np->add_perfdata(
-            'label' => $key,
-            'value' => $stat->{$key},
-            'uom'   => '',
+        $value = $stat->{$key};
+    }
+    $np->add_perfdata(
+        'label' => $key,
+        'value' => $value,
+        'uom'   => '',
+        'warning' => $warning,
+        'critical' => $critical,
+    );
+    if ( $thresholds ) {
+        $code = $np->check_threshold(
+            'check' => $value,
+            'warning' => $warning,
+            'critical' => $critical,
+        if ( $code ) {
+            $np->add_message($code, "$key beyond thresholds,");
+        }
+($code, $message) = $np->check_messages();
 $np->nagios_exit( $code, $message );
 package MySQL::Stats;