Index: check_disk.c
RCS file: /usr/local/cvs/root/nagios-plugins/plugins/check_disk.c,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -u -r1.1 check_disk.c
--- check_disk.c	3 Jul 2003 23:27:44 -0000	1.1
+++ check_disk.c	17 Jul 2003 02:29:24 -0000
@@ -307,13 +310,18 @@
 	int result = STATE_UNKNOWN;
 	/* check the percent used space against thresholds */
-	if (usp >= 0 && usp >= (100.0 - c_dfp))
+	/* Need to check the percent && the free space against thresholds */
+	if (c_dfp >= 0 && c_df >= 0 && usp >= 0 && usp >= (100.0 - c_dfp) && c_df >= 0 && free_disk <= c_df)
 		result = STATE_CRITICAL;
-	else if (c_df >= 0 && free_disk <= c_df)
+	else if (c_df < 0 && usp >= 0 && usp >= (100.0 - c_dfp))
 		result = STATE_CRITICAL;
-	else if (usp >= 0 && usp >= (100.0 - w_dfp))
+	else if (c_dfp < 0 && free_disk <= c_df)
+		result = STATE_CRITICAL;
+	else if (w_dfp >= 0 && w_df >= 0 && usp >= 0 && usp >= (100.0 - w_dfp) && w_df >= 0 && free_disk <= w_df)
+		result = STATE_WARNING;
+	else if (w_df < 0 && usp >= 0 && usp >= (100.0 - w_dfp))
 		result = STATE_WARNING;
-	else if (w_df >= 0 && free_disk <= w_df)
+	else if (w_dfp < 0 && free_disk <= w_df)
 		result = STATE_WARNING;
 	else if (usp >= 0.0)
 		result = STATE_OK;
@@ -328,7 +336,9 @@
 		("Copyright (c) 2000 Ethan Galstad/Karl DeBisschop\n\n"
 		 "This plugin will check the percent of used disk space on a mounted\n"
 		 "file system and generate an alert if percentage is above one of the\n"
-		 "threshold values.\n\n");
+		 "threshold values. You can also pass a percent and size thresholds\n" 
+		 "separated by a : or , and both values will have to be met before a\n" 
+		 "failure occurs\n\n");
 	print_usage ();
@@ -352,7 +362,10 @@
 		 "    Show details for command-line debugging (do not use with nagios server)\n"
 		 " -h, --help\n"
 		 "    Print detailed help screen\n"
-		 " -V, --version\n" "    Print version information\n\n");
+		 " -V, --version\n" "    Print version information\n"
+		 "Examples:\n"
+		 	"./check_disk -w10%%:100000 -c5%%:50000 -p /\n"
+			"Will require that the / partition have less than 10%% free space AND less than 100mb free\n\n");
 	support ();