diff -ruN nagios-plugins-1.3.1/plugins/check_dns.c nagios-plugins-1.3.1-new/plugins/check_dns.c
--- nagios-plugins-1.3.1/plugins/check_dns.c	2003-05-31 15:39:33.000000000 +0100
+++ nagios-plugins-1.3.1-new/plugins/check_dns.c	2003-07-14 19:59:16.000000000 +0100
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
  * Notes:
  *  - Safe popen added by Karl DeBisschop 9-11-99
  *  - expected-address parameter added by Alex Chaffee - 7 Oct 2002
+ *  - extended to use RESOLVER, HOST or NSLOOKUP by Howard Wilkinson - 24 March 2003
  * Command line: (see print_usage)
@@ -46,6 +47,28 @@
 #include "common.h"
 #include "popen.h"
+#  if !defined(NSLOOKUP_COMMAND)
+#    error "Need NSLOOKUP to use this option"
+#  endif
+#ifdef USE_HOST
+#  if !defined(HOST_COMMAND)
+#    error "Need HOST to use this option"
+#  endif
+#if defined(USE_NSLOOKUP)
+#  undef USE_HOST
+#  undef USE_RESOLVER
+#elif defined(USE_HOST)
+#  undef USE_RESOLVER
+#elif !defined(USE_RESOLVER)
+#  define USE_NSLOOKUP
+#include "netutils.h"
 #include "utils.h"
 const char *progname = "check_dns";
@@ -58,7 +81,9 @@
 void print_help (void);
 int error_scan (char *);
-#define ADDRESS_LENGTH 256
+#define ADDRESS_LENGTH 10240
+#define RRTYPE_LENGTH 32
+char record_type[RRTYPE_LENGTH] = "A";
 char query_address[ADDRESS_LENGTH] = "";
 char dns_server[ADDRESS_LENGTH] = "";
 char ptr_server[ADDRESS_LENGTH] = "";
@@ -69,144 +94,293 @@
 main (int argc, char **argv)
-	char *command_line = NULL;
-	char input_buffer[MAX_INPUT_BUFFER];
-	char *output = NULL;
-	char *address = NULL;
-	char *temp_buffer = NULL;
-	int result = STATE_UNKNOWN;
-	/* Set signal handling and alarm */
-	if (signal (SIGALRM, popen_timeout_alarm_handler) == SIG_ERR) {
-		printf ("Cannot catch SIGALRM");
-		return STATE_UNKNOWN;
+  char *command_line = NULL;
+  char input_buffer[MAX_INPUT_BUFFER];
+  char *output = NULL;
+  char *address = NULL;
+  char *temp_buffer = NULL;
+  int result = STATE_UNKNOWN;
+  int linecnt = 0;
+  /* Set signal handling and alarm */
+  if (signal (SIGALRM, popen_timeout_alarm_handler) == SIG_ERR) {
+    printf ("Cannot catch SIGALRM");
+    return STATE_UNKNOWN;
+  }
+  if (process_arguments (argc, argv) != OK) {
+    print_usage ();
+    return STATE_UNKNOWN;
+  }
+  /* get the command to run */
+  {
+    int i;
+    struct hostent *response;
+    res_init();
+    if (strlen(dns_server)) {
+      if ((response=gethostbyname(dns_server)) == NULL) {
+	printf ("DNS problem = server %s can not be resolved %s\n",
+		dns_server, strerror(h_errno));
+      } else {
+	_res.nscount = response->h_length;
+	for (i = 0; i < response->h_length && i < MAXNS; i++) {
+	  if (response->h_addr_list[i] == NULL) {
+	    break;
+	  }
+	  _res.nsaddr_list[i].sin_family      = AF_INET;
+	  _res.nsaddr_list[i].sin_port        = NS_DEFAULTPORT;
+	  _res.nsaddr_list[i].sin_addr.s_addr = ((struct in_addr *)response->h_addr_list[i])->s_addr;
-	if (process_arguments (argc, argv) != OK) {
-		print_usage ();
-		return STATE_UNKNOWN;
+      }
+      _res.options &= ~(RES_RECURSE|RES_DEFNAMES);
+    }
+    if ((response=gethostbyname(query_address)) == NULL) {
+      asprintf (&output, "lookup failed with %s", strerror(h_errno));
+      result = STATE_CRITICAL;
+    } else {
+      int len=0;
+      struct in_addr in;
+      for (i = 0; i < response->h_length; i++) {
+	if (response->h_addr_list[i] == NULL) {
+	  break;
-	/* get the command to run */
-	asprintf (&command_line, "%s %s %s", NSLOOKUP_COMMAND,	query_address, dns_server);
-	alarm (timeout_interval);
-	time (&start_time);
-	if (verbose)
-		printf ("%s\n", command_line);
-	/* run the command */
-	child_process = spopen (command_line);
-	if (child_process == NULL) {
-		printf ("Could not open pipe: %s\n", command_line);
-		return STATE_UNKNOWN;
+	memcpy(&in, ((struct in_addr *)response->h_addr_list[i]), sizeof(in));
+	len+=strlen(inet_ntoa(in))+1;
+      }
+      address =(char *)malloc(len);
+      address[0]='\0';
+      for (i = 0; i < response->h_length; i++) {
+	if (response->h_addr_list[i] == NULL) {
+	  break;
-	child_stderr = fdopen (child_stderr_array[fileno (child_process)], "r");
-	if (child_stderr == NULL)
-		printf ("Could not open stderr for %s\n", command_line);
-	/* scan stdout */
-	while (fgets (input_buffer, MAX_INPUT_BUFFER - 1, child_process)) {
-		if (verbose)
-			printf ("%s\n", input_buffer);
-		if (strstr (input_buffer, ".in-addr.arpa")) {
-			if ((temp_buffer = strstr (input_buffer, "name = ")))
-				address = strscpy (address, temp_buffer + 7);
-			else {
-				output = strscpy (output, "Unknown error (plugin)");
-				result = STATE_WARNING;
-			}
-		}
-		/* the server is responding, we just got the host name... */
-		if (strstr (input_buffer, "Name:")) {
-			/* get the host address */
-			if (!fgets (input_buffer, MAX_INPUT_BUFFER - 1, child_process))
-				break;
-			if (verbose)
-				printf ("%s\n", input_buffer);
-			if ((temp_buffer = index (input_buffer, ':'))) {
-				temp_buffer++;
-				/* Strip leading spaces */
-				for (; *temp_buffer != '\0' && *temp_buffer == ' '; temp_buffer++)
-					/* NOOP */;
-				address = strdup (temp_buffer);
-				strip (address);
-				if (address==NULL || strlen(address)==0)
-					terminate (STATE_CRITICAL,
-					           "DNS CRITICAL - '%s' returned empty host name string\n",
-					           NSLOOKUP_COMMAND);
-				result = STATE_OK;
-			}
-			else {
-				output = strdup ("Unknown error (plugin)");
-				result = STATE_WARNING;
-			}
-			break;
-		}
-		result = error_scan (input_buffer);
-		if (result != STATE_OK) {
-			output = strscpy (output, 1 + index (input_buffer, ':'));
-			break;
-		}
+	memcpy(&in, ((struct in_addr*)response->h_addr_list[i]), sizeof(in));
+	strcat(address, inet_ntoa(in));
+	strcat(address, ",");
+      }
+      address[strlen(address)-1]='\0';
+      result = STATE_OK;
+    }
+  }
+  asprintf (&command_line, "%s -timeout=%d -query=%s %s %s",
+	    NSLOOKUP_COMMAND, timeout_interval-1,
+	    record_type, query_address, dns_server);
+#ifdef USE_HOST
+  asprintf (&command_line, "%s -W %d -t %s %s %s",
+	    HOST_COMMAND, timeout_interval-1,
+	    record_type, query_address, dns_server);
+  alarm (timeout_interval);
+  time (&start_time);
+  if (verbose)
+    printf ("%s\n", command_line);
+  /* run the command */
+  child_process = spopen (command_line);
+  if (child_process == NULL) {
+    printf ("Could not open pipe: %s\n", command_line);
+    return STATE_UNKNOWN;
+  }
+  child_stderr = fdopen (child_stderr_array[fileno (child_process)], "r");
+  if (child_stderr == NULL)
+    printf ("Could not open stderr for %s\n", command_line);
+  /* scan stdout */
+  while (fgets (input_buffer, MAX_INPUT_BUFFER - 1, child_process)) {
+    if (verbose)
+      printf ("%s\n", input_buffer);
+    if (linecnt == 0) {
+      /* First line should be server name */
+      if (strstr (input_buffer, "Server:") != input_buffer) {
+	output = strscpy (output, "NSLOOKUP error (plugin) - no Server line found");
+	result = STATE_WARNING;
+      }
+      linecnt++;
+    } else if (linecnt == 1) {
+      /* Next line is server address */
+      if (strstr (input_buffer, "Address:") != input_buffer) {
+	output = (output == NULL)
+	  ?strscpy (output, "NSLOOKUP error (plugin) - no Address line found")
+	  :strscat (output, ", no Address line found");
+	result = STATE_WARNING;
+      }
+      linecnt++;
+    } else {
+      linecnt++;
+      strip(input_buffer);
+      if (strstr (input_buffer, ".in-addr.arpa")) {
+	if ((temp_buffer = strstr (input_buffer, "name = ")))
+	  address = strscpy (address, temp_buffer + 7);
+	else {
+	  output = strscpy (output, "Unknown error (plugin)");
+	  result = STATE_WARNING;
-	/* scan stderr */
-	while (fgets (input_buffer, MAX_INPUT_BUFFER - 1, child_stderr)) {
-		if (error_scan (input_buffer) != STATE_OK) {
-			result = max_state (result, error_scan (input_buffer));
-			output = strscpy (output, 1 + index (input_buffer, ':'));
-		}
+	continue;
+      } else if ((temp_buffer = strstr (input_buffer, "canonical name ="))) {
+	address = strscat (address, temp_buffer + strlen("cannonical name ="));
+	continue;
+      } else if ((temp_buffer = strstr (input_buffer, "hinfo ="))) {
+	address = strscat (address, temp_buffer + strlen("hinfo ="));
+	continue;
+      } else if ((temp_buffer = strstr (input_buffer, "mail exchanger ="))) {
+	address = strscat (address, temp_buffer + strlen("mail exchanger ="));
+	continue;
+      } else if ((temp_buffer = strstr (input_buffer, "nameserver ="))) {
+	address = strscat (address, temp_buffer + strlen("nameserver ="));
+	continue;
+      } else if ((temp_buffer = strstr (input_buffer, "text ="))) {
+	address = strscat (address, temp_buffer + strlen("text ="));
+	continue;
+      } else if (strcasecmp(record_type, "SOA") == 0) {
+	if (strncasecmp(input_buffer, query_address, strlen(query_address)) == 0) {
+	  /* Read in SOA */
+	  while(fgets(input_buffer, MAX_INPUT_BUFFER - 1, child_process)) {
+	    if (verbose)
+	      printf ("%s\n", input_buffer);
+	    strip(input_buffer);
+	    address = strscat(address, input_buffer+1);
+	    if (strstr(input_buffer, "minimum ="))
+	      break;
+	  }
+	  continue;
-	/* close stderr */
-	(void) fclose (child_stderr);
-	/* close stdout */
-	if (spclose (child_process)) {
-		result = max_state (result, STATE_WARNING);
-		if (!strcmp (output, ""))
-			output = strscpy (output, "nslookup returned error status");
+      } else if (strstr (input_buffer, "Name:")) {
+	/* the server is responding, we just got the host name... */
+	/* get the host address */
+	if (!fgets (input_buffer, MAX_INPUT_BUFFER - 1, child_process))
+	  break;
+	strip (input_buffer);
+	if (verbose)
+	  printf ("%s\n", input_buffer);
+	if ((temp_buffer = index (input_buffer, ':'))) {
+	  address = strscpy (address, temp_buffer + 2);
+	  strip (address);
+	  result = STATE_OK;
+	} else {
+	  output = strscpy (output, "Unknown error (plugin)");
+	  result = STATE_WARNING;
-	/* If we got here, we should have an address string, 
-	   and we can segfault if we do not */
+	continue;
+      }
+    }
+    result = error_scan (input_buffer);
+    if (result != STATE_OK) {
+      output = strscpy (output, 1 + index (input_buffer, ':'));
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  /* scan stderr */
+  while (fgets (input_buffer, MAX_INPUT_BUFFER - 1, child_stderr)) {
+    if (error_scan (input_buffer) != STATE_OK) {
+      result = max_state (result, error_scan (input_buffer));
+      output = strscpy (output, 1 + index (input_buffer, ':'));
+    }
+  }
+  /* close stderr */
+  (void) fclose (child_stderr);
+  /* close stdout */
+  if (spclose (child_process)) {
+    result = max_state (result, STATE_WARNING);
+    if (!strcmp (output, ""))
+      output = strscpy (output, "nslookup returned error status");
+  }
+#ifdef USE_HOST
+  /* scan stdout */
+  while (fgets (input_buffer, MAX_INPUT_BUFFER - 1, child_process)) {
+    if (verbose)
+      printf ("%s\n", input_buffer);
+    if (strstr (input_buffer, ".in-addr.arpa")) {
+      if ((temp_buffer = strstr (input_buffer, "name = ")))
+	address = strscpy (address, temp_buffer + 7);
+      else {
+	output = strscpy (output, "Unknown error (plugin)");
+	result = STATE_WARNING;
+      }
+    }
+    /* the server is responding, we just got the host name... */
+    if (strstr (input_buffer, "Name:")) {
+      /* get the host address */
+      if (!fgets (input_buffer, MAX_INPUT_BUFFER - 1, child_process))
+	break;
+      if (verbose)
+	printf ("%s\n", input_buffer);
+      if ((temp_buffer = index (input_buffer, ':'))) {
+	temp_buffer++;
+	/* Strip leading spaces */
+	for (; *temp_buffer != '\0' && *temp_buffer == ' '; temp_buffer++)
+	  /* NOOP */;
+	address = strdup (temp_buffer);
+	strip (address);
 	if (address==NULL || strlen(address)==0)
-		terminate (STATE_CRITICAL,
-		           "DNS CRITICAL - '%s' output parsing exited with no address\n",
-		           NSLOOKUP_COMMAND);
-	/* compare to expected address */
-	if (result == STATE_OK && match_expected_address && strcmp(address, expected_address)) {
-		result = STATE_CRITICAL;
-		asprintf(&output, "expected %s but got %s", expected_address, address);
-	}
-	(void) time (&end_time);
-	if (result == STATE_OK)
-		printf ("DNS ok - %d seconds response time, Address(es) is/are %s\n",
-						(int) (end_time - start_time), address);
-	else if (result == STATE_WARNING)
-		printf ("DNS WARNING - %s\n",
-			!strcmp (output, "") ? " Probably a non-existent host/domain" : output);
-	else if (result == STATE_CRITICAL)
-		printf ("DNS CRITICAL - %s\n",
-			!strcmp (output, "") ? " Probably a non-existent host/domain" : output);
-	else
-		printf ("DNS problem - %s\n",
-			!strcmp (output, "") ? " Probably a non-existent host/domain" : output);
-	return result;
+	  terminate (STATE_CRITICAL,
+		     "DNS CRITICAL - '%s' returned empty host name string\n",
+	result = STATE_OK;
+      }
+      else {
+	output = strdup ("Unknown error (plugin)");
+	result = STATE_WARNING;
+      }
+      break;
+    }
+    result = error_scan (input_buffer);
+    if (result != STATE_OK) {
+      output = strscpy (output, 1 + index (input_buffer, ':'));
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  /* scan stderr */
+  while (fgets (input_buffer, MAX_INPUT_BUFFER - 1, child_stderr)) {
+    if (error_scan (input_buffer) != STATE_OK) {
+      result = max (result, error_scan (input_buffer));
+      output = strscpy (output, 1 + index (input_buffer, ':'));
+    }
+  }
+  /* close stderr */
+  (void) fclose (child_stderr);
+  /* close stdout */
+  if (spclose (child_process)) {
+    result = max_state (result, STATE_WARNING); /* was "max" check for problems */
+    if (!strcmp (output, ""))
+      output = strscpy (output, "nslookup returned error status");
+  }
+  (void) time (&end_time);
+  if (address) {
+    while (isspace(address[0])) {
+      address=&address[1];
+    }
+  }
+  /* If we got here, we should have an address string, 
+     and we can segfault if we do not */
+  if (address==NULL || strlen(address)==0)
+    terminate (STATE_CRITICAL,
+	       "DNS CRITICAL - '%s' output parsing exited with no address\n",
+  /* compare to expected address */
+  if (result == STATE_OK && match_expected_address && strcmp(address, expected_address)) {
+    result = STATE_CRITICAL;
+    asprintf(&output, "expected %s but got %s", expected_address, address);
+  }
+  if (result == STATE_OK)
+    printf ("DNS ok - %d seconds response time, Address(es) is/are %s\n",
+	    (int) (end_time - start_time), address);
+  else if (result == STATE_WARNING)
+    printf ("DNS WARNING - %s\n",
+	    !strcmp (output, "") ? " Probably a non-existent host/domain" : output);
+  else if (result == STATE_CRITICAL)
+    printf ("DNS CRITICAL - %s\n",
+	    !strcmp (output, "") ? " Probably a non-existent host/domain" : output);
+  else
+    printf ("DNS problem - %s\n",
+	    !strcmp (output, "") ? " Probably a non-existent host/domain" : output);
+  return result;
@@ -262,6 +436,13 @@
 	else if (strstr (input_buffer, "Format error"))
 		return STATE_WARNING;
+	else if (strstr (input_buffer, "No answer"))
+	        return STATE_WARNING;
+	/* Server is not authoritative for this question */
+	else if (strstr (input_buffer, "Non-authoritative answer"))
+	        return STATE_OK;
 		return STATE_OK;
@@ -283,7 +464,8 @@
 		{"hostname", required_argument, 0, 'H'},
 		{"server", required_argument, 0, 's'},
 		{"reverse-server", required_argument, 0, 'r'},
-		{"expected-address", required_argument, 0, 'a'},
+		{"expected-answer", required_argument, 0, 'a'},
+		{"resource-record", required_argument, 0, 'T'},
 		{0, 0, 0, 0}
@@ -297,9 +479,9 @@
 	while (1) {
-		c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "hVvt:H:s:r:a:", long_opts, &opt_index);
+		c = getopt_long (argc, argv, "+?hVvt:H:s:r:a:T:", long_opts, &opt_index);
-		c = getopt (argc, argv, "hVvt:H:s:r:a:");
+		c = getopt (argc, argv, "+?hVvt:H:s:r:a:T:");
 		if (c == -1 || c == EOF)
@@ -352,17 +534,17 @@
 				terminate (STATE_UNKNOWN, "Input buffer overflow\n");
 			strcpy (ptr_server, optarg);
-		case 'a': /* expected address */
-			if (is_dotted_quad (optarg) == FALSE) {
-				printf ("Invalid expected address\n\n");
-				print_usage ();
-				exit (STATE_UNKNOWN);
-			}
+		case 'a': /* expected answer */
 			if (strlen (optarg) >= ADDRESS_LENGTH)
 				terminate (STATE_UNKNOWN, "Input buffer overflow\n");
 			strcpy (expected_address, optarg);
 			match_expected_address = TRUE;
+		case 'T': /* Resource record type */
+		        if (strlen (optarg) >= RRTYPE_LENGTH)
+			        terminate (STATE_UNKNOWN, "INput buffer overflow\n");
+			strcpy (record_type, optarg);
+			break;
@@ -402,8 +584,10 @@
 print_usage (void)
-	printf ("Usage: %s -H host [-s server] [-a expected-address] [-t timeout]\n" "       %s --help\n"
-					"       %s --version\n", progname, progname, progname);
+	printf ("Usage: %s -H host [-s server] [-r reverse-server] [-t timeout] [-T querytype] [-a answer]\n"
+		"       %s --help\n"
+		"       %s --version\n",
+		progname, progname, progname);
@@ -418,16 +602,28 @@
 		 "   The name or address you want to query\n"
 		 "-s, --server=HOST\n"
 		 "   Optional DNS server you want to use for the lookup\n"
-		 "-a, --expected-address=IP-ADDRESS\n"
-		 "   Optional IP address you expect the DNS server to return\n"
+		 "-r, --reverse-server=HOST\n"
+		 "   Optional DNS server to do PTR lookup - NOT IMPLEMENTED\n"
 		 "-t, --timeout=INTEGER\n"
 		 "   Seconds before connection times out (default: %d)\n"
+		 "-T, --resource-record=QUERYTYPE\n"
+		 "   Type of query to issue - default is A - [A,CNAME,HINFO,MINFO,MX,NS,PTR,SOA,TXT,UINFO,WKS,ANY]\n"
+		 "-a, --expected-answer=STRING\n"
+		 "   String to match from server as answer - be very careful how you specify this\n"
 		 "-h, --help\n"
 		 "   Print detailed help\n"
 		 "-V, --version\n"
 		 "   Print version numbers and license information\n"
 		 "This plugin uses the nslookup program to obtain the IP address\n"
+#ifdef USE_HOST
+		 "This plugin uses the host program to obtain the IP address\n"
+		 "This plugin uses the resolver library to obtain the IP address\n"
 		 "for the given host/domain query.  A optional DNS server to use may\n"
 		 "be specified.  If no DNS server is specified, the default server(s)\n"
 		 "specified in /etc/resolv.conf will be used.\n", DEFAULT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT);
diff -ruN nagios-plugins-1.3.1/plugins/check_tcp.c nagios-plugins-1.3.1-new/plugins/check_tcp.c
--- nagios-plugins-1.3.1/plugins/check_tcp.c	2003-06-10 05:56:47.000000000 +0100
+++ nagios-plugins-1.3.1-new/plugins/check_tcp.c	2003-07-14 18:39:57.000000000 +0100
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
 void print_usage (void);
 void print_help (void);
 int my_recv (void);
+int check_expect(char *);
 char *progname = "check_tcp";
 char *SERVICE = NULL;
 char *SEND = NULL;
@@ -259,6 +259,7 @@
 		while ((i = my_recv ()) > 0) {
 			buffer[i] = '\0';
 			asprintf (&status, "%s%s", status, buffer);
+			if (server_expect_count > 0 && check_expect(status)) break;
 			if (buffer[i-2] == '\r' && buffer[i-1] == '\n')
 			if (maxbytes>0 && strlen(status)>=maxbytes)
@@ -274,16 +275,11 @@
 		if (status && verbose)
 			printf ("%s\n", status);
+		/* - does not do anything!!
 		if (server_expect_count > 0) {
-			for (i = 0;; i++) {
-				if (verbose)
-					printf ("%d %d\n", i, server_expect_count);
-				if (i >= server_expect_count)
-					terminate (STATE_WARNING, "Invalid response from host\n");
-				if (strstr (status, server_expect[i]))
-					break;
-			}
+		  check_expect(status);
+		*/
 	if (server_quit != NULL)
@@ -608,10 +604,24 @@
 	else {
-		i = read (sd, buffer, MAXBUF - 1);
+		i = recv (sd, buffer, MAXBUF - 1, 0);
 #ifdef HAVE_SSL
 	return i;
+int check_expect(char * status) {
+  int i;
+  for (i = 0;; i++) {
+    if (verbose)
+      printf ("%d %d\n", i, server_expect_count);
+    if (i >= server_expect_count)
+      terminate (STATE_WARNING, "Invalid response from host\n");
+    if (strstr (status, server_expect[i]))
+      return TRUE;
+  }
+  return FALSE;