title: Development parent: Home menu: 6 --- # Development ## Software Repositories The [Monitoring Plugins Development Team][team] takes care of three projects: * Monitoring Plugins — the core bundle of standard plugins. * Monitoring::Plugin — a module used by plugins written in Perl. * NagiosMIB — SNMP MIB files for traps sent from [Nagios][nagios]. These projects are maintained in separate repositories on [GitHub][github]: * Contributions are always welcome! If you'd like to provide patches, please [fork][fork] the desired repository and submit a [pull request][pull]. In case you're not familiar with Git, you might want to look into our [short introduction][git-intro] or [some other Git documentation][git-ref], first. ## Tests ### Integration Tests Our development workflow includes [continuous integration tests][github-ci-actions] hosted by [GitHub Actions][github-actions] and [static code analysis][coverity-project] performed by [Coverity Scan][coverity]. * GitHub CI build status: ![Build Status master][master-img]{: .travis } * Coverity metric: ![Coverity Metric][coverity-img]{: .travis } ### Bundled Test Suite The Monitoring Plugins bundle comes with an extensive test suite. Some of the tests require [libtap][libtap], a copy of which is shipped with the Monitoring Plugins source tarball. In order to execute all tests, issue the following commands: $ ./tools/setup # When building from Git. $ ./configure --enable-libtap $ make $ make test Also see our testing-related [development FAQs][dev-faq]. [team]: team.html "Monitoring Plugins Development Team" [nagios]: https://www.nagios.org/ "Nagios" [github]: https://github.com/ "GitHub" [fork]: https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo "Fork Documentation" [pull]: https://help.github.com/articles/using-pull-requests "Pull Request Documentation" [git-intro]: doc/faq/git.html "Quick Git Introduction" [git-ref]: doc/faq/git.html#references "Git References" [master-img]: https://github.com/monitoring-plugins/monitoring-plugins/actions/workflows/test.yml/badge.svg?branch=master "Build Status master" [coverity-img]: https://scan.coverity.com/projects/1435/badge.svg?flat=1 "Coverity Metric" [libtap]: https://github.com/zorgnax/libtap "LibTap Homepage" [dev-faq]: doc/faq/#development "Development FAQs" [github-actions]: https://docs.github.com/en/actions "GitHub Docs - GitHub Actions" [github-ci-actions]: https://github.com/monitoring-plugins/monitoring-plugins/actions "Monitoring Plugins - Github Workflows" [coverity]: https://scan.coverity.com/ "Coverity Scan" [coverity-project]: https://scan.coverity.com/projects/1435 "Monitoring Plugins at Coverity Scan"