title: Download parent: Home menu: 3 --- # Download ## Nagios Plugins ### Stable Release The current stable Nagios Plugins release is , see the [release announcement][announcement]. You can grab the source tarball from here: * [nagios-plugins-.tar.gz][tar1] ([sum][sum1]) See the [release history][news] for an overview of changes between earlier versions. Old releases can be found in the [download area][download]. There are FTP mirrors available in [China][mirror-cn], [Germany][mirror-de], [Russia][mirror-ru], [Sweden][mirror-se], and the [United Kingdom][mirror-uk]. ### Development Snapshot The current development shapshot is available here: * [nagios-plugins-master.tar.gz][tar2] ([sum][sum2]) It is rebuilt from the `master` branch of the [Nagios Plugins repository][repository] whenever that branch changes. Snapshots built from other development branches are also available in the [snapshot directory][snapshot] of the [download area][download]. ## Nagios::Plugin The Nagios::Plugin module is available from [CPAN][cpan]: * ## NagiosMIB The current NagiosMIB tarball is available from here: * [nagiosmib-.tar.gz][tar3] ([sum][sum3]) Old versions can be found [within][mib] the [download area][download]. [announcement]: {{release_notes}} "Release Announcement" [mirror-cn]: ftp://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/nagios-plugins/ "FTP Mirror in China" [mirror-de]: ftp://ftp.fu-berlin.de/unix/network/nagios-plugins/ "FTP Mirror in Germany" [mirror-ru]: ftp://mirror.mephi.ru/nagios-plugins/ "FTP Mirror in Russia" [mirror-se]: ftp://ftp.lysator.liu.se/pub/nagios-plugins/ "FTP Mirror in Sweden" [mirror-uk]: ftp://mirror.bytemark.co.uk/nagios-plugins/ "FTP Mirror in the United Kingdom" [repository]: https://github.com/nagios-plugins/nagios-plugins "Nagios Plugins Git Repository" [news]: doc/news.txt "NEWS" [download]: download/ "Download Area" [snapshot]: download/snapshot/ "Snapshot Directory" [mib]: download/mib/ "NagiosMIB Directory" [cpan]: http://www.cpan.org/ "CPAN" [tar1]: download/nagios-plugins-{{plugins_release}}.tar.gz "Current Release Tarball" [sum1]: download/nagios-plugins-{{plugins_release}}.tar.gz.sha1 "SHA-1 Sum" [tar2]: download/snapshot/nagios-plugins-master.tar.gz "Current Snapshot Tarball" [sum2]: download/snapshot/nagios-plugins-master.tar.gz.sha1 "SHA-1 Sum" [tar3]: download/mib/nagiosmib-{{mib_release}}.tar.gz "Current NagiosMIB Tarball" [sum3]: download/mib/nagiosmib-{{mib_release}}.tar.gz.sha1 "SHA-1 Sum"