title: Version 2.3.4 Released
author: Jan Wagner
date: 2023-10-18

The Monitoring Plugins Development Team is proud to announce version 2.3.4 of
the Monitoring Plugins! This release comes with various fixes provided by more
than 30 contributors. Many thanks to all of you!

For the list of notable changes in this release, see below.

You can get the tarball from our [download page][download].

### Enhancements
#### General
* Sync with the Gnulib code 668c0b8ffa
* Set autoconf prerequisite version to 2.64
* Remove sha1 and use sha256 in some parts of the plugin structure
#### Single Plugins
* check_curl: added --cookie-jar and doing proper cleanup of libcurl
* check_curl: Include all IPs from getaddrinfo() in curl DNS cache
* check_dhcp: Add dhcp rogue detection
* check_disk: add ignore-missing option to return OK for missing fs
* check_disk_smb: allow checking 0-sized resource (ex. IPC$)
* check_disk: The options to include or exclude specific file systems now allow the usage of regex(7)
* check_icmp: Add support to Jitter, MOS and Score
* check_mysql: Detect running mysqldump and handle it more gracefully
* check_procs: Implement --exclude-process to exclude specific processes
* check_smtp: add new longoption --tls
* check_smtp: Add option to prefix PROXY header
* check_smtp: Add support for SMTP over TLS
* check_smtp: Add support for SNI
* check_snmp: Implement option to ignore mib file parsing errors
* check_users: prefer systemd-logind over utmp

### Fixes
#### General
* A lot of compiler warnings were fixed
* Some code was refactored a little bit
#### Single Plugins
* check_disk: Display SI units correctly
* check_ircd: use pack_sockaddr_in rather than hand-rolled
* check_log/check_oracle/check_sensors: fixed the outputs of the help functionality
* check_mysql: Add mysql_close to avoid spamming the server logs
* check_smtp: add missing -r option in usage
* check_snmp: disable multiplier when unused
* check_wave: Use compile time determined path to snmpget

[download]: /download.html

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