title: Ton Voon Resigns as Team Leader
author: Ton Voon
date: 2011-11-04

Due to personal reasons, I am resigning from being the team leader for the
Nagios Plugins.<end-of-teaser>

It's almost 7 years to the day since I started as team leader and I've been
honoured to have had a great team of people that have helped with coding and
translations and responding to the mailing lists.  I'm particularly proud of
the Nagios::Plugin perl module, originally created by Gavin Carr, and some of
the fantastic tests added into the plugins code, started by Nathan Vonnahme.
Also Benoit Mortier did a great job on setting up the translations framework.
I also recall, when I first joined the team 9 years ago, racing with Matthew
Kent to get the most CVS commits!

Other team members that have contributed over my tenure include Peter Bray,
Sean Finney, Ethan Galstad, Subhendu Ghosh, Stanley Hopcroft, Harper Mann and
Michael Wirtgen - thanks to all of them for their valuable time to make the
Nagios Plugins better.

I especially want to thank Thomas Guyot-Sionnest, Matthias Eble and Holger
Weiss.  Not only have they spent the most hours improving all aspects of this
project (the gnulib integration is just awesome!), but they've been the best
guys to work with: thanks for keeping me sane, encouraging me when you think I
am right and for being honest enough to tell me when I am wrong.  I owe you
all a big drink next time we meet.

Thanks to all the great community contributions and all the email messages
that have provoked, inspired and enlightened.

Holger will be taking over the responsibility of team leader in the next
chapter of the Nagios Plugins.


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